ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 10 with Answers

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 10 with Answers

Section -1
(Attempt all questions from this section)

Question 1.
(a) Name the following :
(i) Membrane surrounding the vacuole.
(ii) The kind of animal tissue in which cells are flat, cuboidal or columnar forming protective layer.
(iii) A seed with folded plumule leaves.
(iv) The constituent of food which changes the colour of ammonium hydroxide first from white to yellow and then yellow to orange.
(v) The muscles which raise the weight of the body on the toes.
(i) Tonoplast
(ii) Epithelial tissue
(iii) Bean seed
(iv) Protein
(v) Gastrocnemius muscle

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 10 with Answers

(b) State whether the following statements are true or false. If false, rewrite the statements in the correct form :
(i) When a flower arises in the axil of a leaf-like structure, the structure is known as bract.
(ii) The presence of a hood covering the stigma is a condition of heterostyly in flowers.
(iii) Tegmen is the outermost layer of the seed.
(iv) The scientific name of house crow is Corvus macrorhynchos.
(v) Cataract is an example of degenerative disease.
(i) True
(ii) False, The presence of a hood covering the stigma is a condition of herkogamy in flowers.
(iii) False, Testa is the outermost layer of the seed.
(iv) False, The scientific name of house crow is Corvus splendens.
(v) True

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 10 with Answers

(c) Match the items of column I with those in column II and rewrite the correct matching pairs.

Column I Column II
(i)  Blood clotting factor VIII
(ii)  Viviparous germination
(iii) Air spaces
(iv) Bronchi
(v) Steapsin
(a)   Emulsified fats
(b)  Gray hair
(c)   Haemophilia A
(d)   Rhizophora
(e)   Maize grain
(f)  An inverted Y-shaped tube
(g) Haemophilia B


Column I Column II
(i)  Blood clotting factor VUI
(ii)  Viviparous germination
(iii) Air spaces
(iv) Bronchi
(v) Steapsin
(c)  Haemophilia A
(d) Rhizophora
(b) Gray hair
(f) An inverted Y-shaped tube
(a) Emulsified fats

(d) Identify the odd term in each set and classify the rest under one category.
(i) Town area committees, Municipal Corporations, Municipalities, Red Cross.
(ii) BCG, DT, DPT, ATP.
(iii) Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Leprosy, Herpes.
(iv) Trachea, Bronchioles, Alveoli, Oesophagus.
(v) Scapula, Sternum, Vertebrae, Mandible.
(i) Odd : Red cross
Category: Local bodies

(ii) Odd: ATP
Category : Names of vaccines

(iii) Odd: Leprosy
Category : Sexually transmitted diseases

(iv) Odd : Oesophagus
Category : Parts of respiratory tract

(v) Odd : Scapula
Category : Bones of axial skeleton

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 10 with Answers

(e) Fill in the blanks :
(i) Joint between bones of wrist is an example of joint.
(ii) Liver produces only in embryo.
(iii) is popularly called fruit sugar.
(iv) is the lowest level in biological classification.
(v) is an example of bird pollinated flower.
(i) Gliding
(ii) Red Blood Cells
(iii) Fructose
(iv) Species
(v) Canna

(f) Choose the correct answer from each of the four options given below :
(i) Features that help the bird to maintain constant body temperature is :
(a) Digits
(b) Wings
(c) Pneumatic bones
(d) Feathers
(d) Feathers

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 10 with Answers

(ii) Which of the following components of phloem is absent in monocot stem ?
(a) Sieve tubes
(b) Companion cells
(c) Phloem parenchyma
(d) Phloem fibres
(c) Phloem parenchyma

(iii) Tissue found in area of regular wear and tear is :
(a) Simple squamous epithelium
(b) Stratified squamous epithelium
(c) Cuboidal epithelium
(d) Columnar epithelium
(b) Stratified squamous epithelium

(iv) Which one of the following characteristics is found in all fungi but not in all bacteria ?
(a) Aerobic respiration
(b) Cell wall
(c) Spore formation
(d) A long circular DNA lying loose in the cytoplasm
(c) Spore formation

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 10 with Answers

(v) Which one of the following pairs of types of teeth performs one common function as stated against it ?
(a) Incisors, canines — Holding
(b) Canines, premolars — Tearing
(c) Premolars, molars — Grinding
(d) Molars, incisors — Tearing
(c) Premolars, molars – Grinding

(g) Given below are five sets of terms. Rewrite the terms in correct order so as to be in a logical sequence beginning with the term that is underlined :
(i) Embryo, 1st male gamete, zygote, egg cell, micropvle.
(ii) Preservation, casing, composting, spawning, cropping and harvesting.
(iii) Pulp cavity, dentine, periodontal membrane, enamel.
(iv) Mandible, pelvis, cervical vertebrae, patella, acetabulum.
(v) Stamens, petals, epicalyx, sepals, pistils, receptacle, stalk.
(i) 1st male gamete, micropyle, egg cell, zygote, embryo.
(ii) Composting, spawning, casing, cropping and harvesting, preservation.
(iii) Enamel, dentine, pulp cavity, periodontal membrane.
(iv) Mandible, cervical vertebrae, pelvis, acetabulum, patella.
(v) Stalk, receptacle, epicalyx, sepals, petals, stamens, pistils.

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 10 with Answers

(h) Study the diagram given below and answer the following questions :
ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 10 with Answers 1
(i) It is a bony fish which belongs to class pisces, phylum chordata and kingdom Animalia.

(ii) They breathe by means of gills, have streamlined body covered with scales and have fins. They are cold blooded i.e., temperature of body directly fluctuates with temperature of environment.

(iii) They are mainly of two types :

  • Cartilaginous fishes whose skeleton is made up of cartilage. Gill slits are exposed without gill cover. Examples-sharks, dogfish etc.
  • Bony fishes whose skeleton is made up of bones. Gill slits are covered with operculum.

(iv) No, it is cold blooded animal.

Section – II
(Attempt any four questions from this section)

Question 2.
(a) Write two points of differences between the following pairs:
(î) Thallophyta and Bryophyta
(ii) Aerobic respiration and Anaerobic respiration
(iii) Bean seed and Maize grain
(iv) Entomophilous flowers and Anemophilous flowers
(v) Axial skeleton and Appendicular skeleton
ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 10 with Answers 5

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 10 with Answers

(b) Study the figure given below and answer the following questions:
ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 10 with Answers 2
(i) Identify the figure.
(ii) Label the parts as indicated in figure.
(iii) What are the cells of this structure known as and how are they arranged ?
(iv) What is the chemical composition of this structure ?
(v) What is the membrane of this structure known as ?
(i) The figure shows an enlarged bone cell.
(ii) 1-Haversian canal, 2-Osteocyte, 3-Canaliculi.
(iii) The living cells are known as osteocytes and they are arranged in the form of concentric rings embedded in a ground matrix in which collagen fibres and mineral salts are deposited.
(iv) It consists of salts of calcium and phosphorus, collagen fibres.
(v) Periosteum

Question 3.
(a) Give the exact location of the following :
(i) Pylorus
(ii) Cambium
(iii) Centrosome
(iv) Transverse process
(v) Hair root
(i) Opening of the stomach into intestine is pylorus.
(ii) Cambium is situated below the bark of the stem.
(iii) It is a region surrounding the centrioles located near nucleus.
(iv) They are thick sideward projections from the neural arches of a vertebrae.
(v) Hair root is the part of hair embedded within the dermis.

(b) With regards to respiratory system of human beings, answer the following :
(i) How will you prove that exhaled air contains water?
(ii) How is the respiratory passage kept free of dust particles?
(iii) Why is the percentage of oxygen content less and carbon dioxide content more in exhaled air?
(iv) How does diaphragm help in inhalation and exhalation ?
(i) When we breathe gently upon a cold surface like glass, water droplets appear on the surface which proves that exhaled air contains water.

(ii) The hair present in the nostrils prevent dust and other large particles from entering the respiratory tract. The mucous secretion in nasal chambers entraps the harmful particles. In this way, respiratory passage is kept free of dust particles.

(iii) Oxygen which we breathe in is used up by tissues for oxidation of glucose to release energy in the form of ATP to carry out metabolic activities. So, the percentage of oxygen content in exhaled air [16.4%] is less as compared to inhaled air [20.96%]. Tissues release carbon dioxide due to oxidation of glucose which is released out through exhaled air [4.0%]. Hence, carbon dioxide concentration is more in exhaled air.

(iv) During inhalation diaphragm contracts and flattens, thus increases the chest cavity lengthwise. Pressure decreases inside lungs, drawing air inside. During exhalation, diaphragm is relaxed which moves towards base of lungs and becomes dome-shaped, thus reducing the volume of thoracic cavity and the air is forced out of the lungs.

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 10 with Answers

Question 4.
(a) Define the following :
(i) Expiratory reserve volume
(ii) Prophylaxis
(iii) Deamination
(iv) Peristalsis
(v) Pollination
(i) Air that can be forcibly expelled out after normal expiration is called expiratory reserve volume.

(ii) The practice of artificially introducing the germs or germ substance into the body for developing resistance to a particular disease is called prophylaxis.

(iii) The process of breaking of excess amino acids in the liver where nitrogen containing amino group is removed and converted to urea is called deamination.

(iv) Peristalsis is the wave of constrictions caused by circular muscles of gut by which the food, in the form of bolus, passes through all regions of gut.

(v) Pollination is the transfer of pollen grains from the anther to stigma of same flower or different flower in same plant or different plant of same species.

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 10 with Answers

(b) Study the figure of a bone given below and answer the following :
ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 10 with Answers 3
(i) Identify the figure.
(ii) Label the parts indicated in diagram.
(iii) To which part of skeleton does this structure belongs to ?
(iv) What is the main function of this bone ?
(v) What is the main function of the glenoid cavity ?
(i) Pectoral girdle
(ii) 1-Spine, 2-Humerus, 3-Scapula, 4-Clavicle.
(iii) Appendicular skeleton
(iv) It helps in articulation of humerus i.e., bone of forelimbs to axial skeleton.
(v) The outer apex has a large cup-shaped glenoid cavity into which fits the round head of humerus.

Question 5.
(a) Give the exact function of the following :
(i) Endoplasmic reticulum
(ii) Lymph
(iii) Proteins
(iv) Cement
(v) Muscle
(i) It is a supportive framework for the cell. It synthesizes and transport proteins and fats.
(ii) Lymph mainly consists of WBCs which play an important role in immune response. It absorbs fats and fatty acids from digestive system.
(iii) Proteins provide chemical material for growth and repair of body cells and tissues. During time of emergency, they get oxidised to release energy.
(iv) Cement is a bone-like structure which covers and fixes the root in position.
(v) Muscle provides all movements in body, cover the skeletal framework and give shape to the body. It helps to maintain body posture while sitting, standing or walking.

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 10 with Answers

(b) With reference to digestive system of our body, answer the following questions :
(i) Name the digestive gland present in mouth. State its function also.
(ii) Give two important functions of the secretion secreted by the gland named by you in Q.(i) above.
(iii) Draw a labelled diagram of a tooth with two roots.
(iv) Name the following parts of a tooth :
1. Exposed above the gum.
2. Soft connective tissue contained in the central space of the tooth.
3. Slight constriction between root and crown.
4. Hard substance making the covering of the tooth.
(i) Salivary glands. It secretes saliva which plays an important role in digestion and has many other important functions.

(ii) Saliva contains an enzyme ptyalin which acts upon starch and converts into maltose. It moistens

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 10 with Answers 6
(iv) 1. Crown
2. Pulp
3. Neck
4. Enamel

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 10 with Answers

Question 6.
(a) Answer the following questions briefly :
(i) List two methods of controlling houseflies.
(ii) Give two advantages of incineration process and also state two precautions that should be taken during this process.
(iii) Describe about the parts of a hair.
(iv) How is liver an important organ in our body ?
(v) Why is spore formation in bacteria not considered a form of reproduction ?
(i) 1. Houseflies can be controlled by spraying DDT and insecticides in houses and breeding places.
2. Food should be kept covered and well protected from flies.

(ii) Two advantages of incineration process are :
1. The ash left over occupies much less landfill space.
2. Residual ash in the bottom can be used for recovery of some metals.
Two precautions that should be taken during incineration are :
1. It should be carried out at very high temperature.
2. Incinerators should be installed away from residential areas.

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 10 with Answers

(iii) A hair consists of three parts :
1. Hair shaft, which projects from skin and extends slightly below the surface of epidermis.
2. Hair root, which is embedded within dermis.
3. Hair bulb, which is the lowest expanded part which contains hair papilla with capillary blood supply.

(iv) Liver performs major functions in our body like :
1. It controls blood sugar level by converting excess glucose into glycogen.
2. Deamination of amino acids occurs in liver.
3. It synthesizes foetal RBCs.
4. It detoxifies drugs, alcohol.
5. It destroys dead RBCs and produces heparin, an anti-coagulant.
So, it is considered an important organ in our body.

(v) During unfavourable conditions, the bacterial cell draws its content into a spherical mass surrounded by a thick and hard protective wall called spore. This is called resting stage to withstand unfavourable conditions. When favourable conditions meet, the wall of spore ruptures and protoplasm becomes active. So, it is not a method of reproduction rather a method of escaping unfavourable conditions.

(b) (i) Draw the female reproductive part of a flower and label :
1. The part which is sticky and receptor of pollen grains.
2. The part that transfers male gametes.
3. The part that contains the female gametes.
(ii) How do the pollen grains reach to the female reproductive part in a flower ?
(iii) Describe how male and female gametes unite in a flowering plant.
ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 10 with Answers 7

(ii) Pollen grains reach the stigma of carpel through pollination process by various pollinating agents like wind, insects, water etc.

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 10 with Answers

(iii) The process of mixing of male and female gametes to form a zygote is called fertilization. By pollination process, pollen grains gets deposited on stigma of carpel. Under suitable conditions, they germinate. A long pollen tube containing two male gametes arises and it passes through style to reach the ovary. The ovary contains ovule which has a embryo sac. Female gamete is present inside embryo sac. The pollen tube enters the ovule through micropyle and penetrates the embryo sac. One male gamete fuses with female gamete to produce zygote whereas the second male gamete fuses with polar nuclei to form endosperm. This process is called double fertilization.

Question 7.
(a) Give biological terms for the following :
(i) The kind of plant cells with thin walls and usually a single large vacuole.
(ii) A specialized shoot in which leaves are modified into floral structures.
(iii) A condition in which filaments of stamens are united in two bundles.
(iv) The condition in which pollen from the anthers of same flower cannot germinate on the stigma of the same flower.
(v) The condition of seed in which cotyledons are thin and membranous and endosperm persists.
(vi) The spherical bacteria when occur in clusters.
(vii) The entire mass of thread-like structure of Rhizopus.
(viii) The expulsion of undigested food from alimentary canal.
(ix) The point at which two separate bones meet.
(x) The narrowing of blood vessels when outside temperature is low.
(i) Parenchyma
(ii) Flower
(iii) Diadelphous
(iv) Self sterility
(v) Albuminous seeds
(vi) Staphylococci
(vii) Mycelium
(viii) Defaecation
(ix) Joint
(x) Vasoconstriction

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 10 with Answers

(b) Study the cell organelle given below and answer the questions that follow :
ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 10 with Answers 4
(i) Identify the cell organelle. Label the parts indicated in figure.
(ii) Give two important functions of this cell organelle.
(iii) What is the function of structure labelled 4, 5?
(iv) Which is the largest cell organelle ?
(i) Nucleus.
1-Outer membrane, 2-Inner membrane, 3-Nucleoplasm, 4-Nucleolus, 5-Chromatin reticulum, 6-Nuclear pore.

(ii) 1. Nucleus regulates and coordinates various life processes of the cell.
2. It plays an important part in cell division.

(iii) Nucleolus produces ribosomes, participates in protein synthesis by forming and storing RNA.
Chromatin become thick and ribbon-like during cell division which are the carriers of genes that control hereditary characters.

(iv) Nucleus

ICSE Class 9 Biology Question Papers with Answers

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