ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 9 with Answers

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 9 with Answers

Section -1
(Attempt all questions from this section)

Question 1.
(a) Name the following :
(i) A machine that separates suspended wastes using electric current.
(ii) The period between the entry of germs and appearance of first symptoms of a disease.
(iii) Cells that remove dust particles in the trachea.
(iv) Hereditary skin disease.
(v) Bone present in upper arm.
(i) Electrostatic precipitator
(ii) Incubation period
(iii) Ciliated epithelial cells
(iv) Albinism
(v) Humerus

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 9 with Answers

(b) Fill in the blanks :
(i) In hypogeal germination elongates faster.
(ii) In …………… pollination, there is a lot of wastage of pollen grains.
(iii) ……………solution can absorb oxygen present in air.
(iv) The only living component of xylem is ……………
(v) The matrix of bone contain salts of ……………
(i) Epicotyl
(ii) Cross
(iii) Pyrogallol
(iv) Xylem parenchyma
(v) Calcium and phosphorus

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 9 with Answers

(c) Choose the correct answer from each of the four options given below :
(i) World Health Day is celebrated on :
(a) April 7
(b) July 7
(c) December 22
(d) June 5
(a) April 7

(ii) In which disease legs swell and resemble like that of an elephant ?
(a) Taeniasis
(b) Ascariasis
(c) Amoebiasis
(d) Filariasis
(d) Filariasis

(iii) The sum of tidal volume, inspiratory reserve volume, expiratory reserve volume is :
(a) Total lung capacity
(b) Residual volume
(c) Vital capacity
(d) Inspiratory capacity
(c) Vital capacity

(iv) Which of the enzymes converts proteins to amino acids ?
(a) Amylase
(b) Lipase
(c) Rennin
(d) Trypsin
(d) Trypsin

(v) Which vitamin is synthesized by skin ?
(a) Vitamin D
(b) Vitamin B
(c) Vitamin A
(d) Vitamin C
(c) Vitamin A

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 9 with Answers

(d) Give the exact function of the following :
(i) Steapsin
(ii) Bacterial spores
(iii) Testa
(iv) Areolar tissue
(v) Pneumatophores
(i) Steapsin is an enzyme found in pancreatic juice which converts emulsified fat into fatty acids and glycerol.
(ii) Bacterial spores can withstand unfavourable conditions like drought, heat etc. and can survive in these conditions. They can be carried by wind, water etc. and on getting favourable conditions, they germinate.
(iii) Testa protects the delicate inner parts of seed from injury and also from the attack of bacteria, fungi and insects.
(iv) Areolar tissue makes the skin elastic and helps the skin to withstand strain, holds organs in position, attaches epithelial tissue to other underlying tissues.
(v) Pneumatophores are aerial roots present mainly in mangrove plants which have pores for breathing.

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 9 with Answers

(e) Choose the odd one out and categorise the rest under one group.
(i) Areolar tissue, Adipose tissue, Fibrous connective tissue, Lymph.
(ii) Parenchyma, Collenc’hyma, Sclerenchyma, Phloem.
(iii) Testa, Tegmen, Cotyledon, Aleurone layer.
(iv) Cycas, Fir, Pine, Ferns.
(v) Liver, Wind pipe, Voice box, Alveoli.
(i) Odd : Lymph
Category : Connective tissue proper

(ii) Odd: Phloem
Category : Supporting tissue

(iii) Odd : Aleurone layer
Category : Found in bean seed

(iv) Odd : Ferns
Category: Gymnosperms

(v) Odd: Liver
Category : Parts of respiratory tract

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 9 with Answers

(f) The statements given below are incorrect. Write the correct form of the statement by changing the underlined words only.
(i) Volvox is a fungi.
(ii) Lenticels are found on surface of leaves which help in gaseous exchange.
(iii) TAB vaccine contains living weakened bacteria.
(iv) Rickets is a condition in which cornea of our eyes gets dried.
(v) Amylopsin is present in intestinal juice which digests starch to maltose.
(i) Volvox is a thallophyta.
(ii) Stomata are found on surface of leaves which help in gaseous exchange.
(iii) BCG vaccine contains living weakened bacteria.
(iv) Xerophthalmia is a condition in which cornea of our eyes gets tired.
(v) Amylopsin is present in pancreatic juice

(g) Complete the following paragraph by filling in the appropriate term :
The method of naming organisms is called …………. (i) and was introduced first by …………. (ii). The five kingdom classification was proposed by (iii). Kingdom Plantae is divided into …………. (iv), …………. (v), …………. (vi),…………. (vii), and …………. (viii). Kingdom animalia is divided into …………. (ix) and …………. (x).
(i) Binomial nomenclature
(ii) Linnaeus
(iii) R.H. Whittaker
(iv) Thallophyta
(y) Bryophyta
(vi) Pterìdophyta
(vii) Gyrmnosperms
(viii) Angiosperms
(ix) Vertebrates
(x) Invertebrates

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 9 with Answers

(h) Study the figure given below and answer the following questions :
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(i) Identify the seed. Is it a monocotyledonous or dicotyledonous seed ?
(ii) Label the parts.
(iii) Give some examples of this category of seed.
(iv) What is the function of the part labelled 3, 4, 5.
(v) Discuss the two types of germination process.
(i) It is a bean seed which is a dicotyledonous seed.
(ii) 1- Testa, 2- Tegmen, 3- Cotyledons, 4- Plumule, 5- Radicle, 6- Hypocotyl, 7- Epicotyl.
(iii) Examples of this type of seed are gram, pea etc.
(iv) Cotyledons store food for the embryo and also protects it.
Plumule is the future shoot and radicle is the future root.
The two types of germination are :
1. Hypogeal germination : Here, epicotyl elongates and cotyledons remain underground like in pea and gram.
2. Epigeal germination : Here, hypocotyl elongates and cotyledons are pushed above the ground like in castor, bean.

Section – II
(Attempt any four questions from this section)

Question 2.
(a) The apparatus given below is set up to demonstrate a particular process occurring in plants. Study the same and answer the following :
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(i) Name the process. Give the overall balanced equation to represent the process.
(ii) What is the objective of the experiment ?
(iii) Why is soda lime placed in the tube ?
(iv) What change would you observe in lime water present in flask A and B ?
(v) Give one precaution to be taken in this experiment.
(i) Respiration process is demonstrated in this experiment.
C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O + 38 ATP
(ii) The main objective of the experiment is to show that carbon dioxide is given out during respiration.
(iii) Soda lime absorbs carbon dioxide from the incoming air so that it does not interfere with the results of the experiment.
(iv) In flask A, lime water turns milky because on respiration by plants, carbon dioxide is produced. But in flask B, lime water does not turn milky as soda lime absorbs carbon dioxide from the incoming air.
(v) To prevent photosynthesis, the experimental set-up should be covered with a black cloth.

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 9 with Answers

(b) Write two characteristic features of the following :
(i) Bacteria
(ii) Animal cell
(iii) Fungi
(iv) Aves
(v) Arthropods
(i) Two characteristic features of bacteria are :
1. They are prokaryotes i.e., nuclear material lies free in cytoplasm without nuclear membrane and nucleolus.
2. Their cell wall is made up of peptidoglycan and sometimes a slimy protective layer is present outside the cell wall.

(ii) Two characteristic features of animal cell are :
1. Centrosome is present which initiates and regulates cell division.
2. Cell wall and plastids are absent.

(iii) Two characteristic features of fungi are :
1. They are made up of thread-like structures called hyphae.
2. They have,no chlorophyll and their body is not differentiated into roots, stem or leaves.

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 9 with Answers

(iv) Two characteristic features of aves are :
1. Their forelimbs are modified into wings and they have feathers.
2. Their body is streamlined, lay eggs with calcareous shells.

(v) Two characteristic features of arthropods are :
1. Their exoskeleton is made up of chitin.
2. They have jointed limbs and their exoskeleton casts off and regrows which is known as moulting.

Question 3.
(a) Answer the following questions briefly :
(i) Give some advantages and disadvantages of cross pollination.
(ii) Give one speciality of striated muscles and cardiac muscles.
(iii) What is the name of plastid, pigment present in ripe tomato and petals of sunflower ?
(iv) Name the different structures found in epidermis and dermis of human skin respectively.
(v) What is the role of fats in our body ?
(i) Some advantages of cross pollination are :
1. Offsprings are healthier.
2. Seeds produced are abundant and viable.
3. New varieties are produced.

Disadvantages of cross pollination :
1. Pollination is not always certain.
2. There is lot of wastage of pollen grains.
3. The process is uneconomical for the plant as flower has to be large, coloured, scented and have to produce nectar.

(ii) Striated muscles are voluntary muscles made up of long fibres which are nucleated and striated (light and dark bands run across the fibres). Cardiac muscles are involuntary and do not get tired soon. They are found only in the walls of heart.

(iii) Plastids found in ripe tomato are chromoplasts and pigment is carotene. Plastids found in petals of sunflower are chromoplasts and pigment is xanthophyll.

(iv) Epidermis is the outer thinner part of skin which consists of stratum comeum made up of protein keratin, granular layer and malpighian layer which actively divides to produce new cells. Pigment melanin which is responsible for skin colouration is found in malpighian layer. Dermis is inner thick layer which contains blood vessels, nerve fibres, hair follicles, sweat glands, sensory organs, sebaceous glands etc.

(v) Fats produce more energy than carbohydrates in our body. They are an important storage form of food. They serve as a solvent for fat soluble vitamins like A, D, E and K. Fat under skin acts as an insulating layer and keeps the body warm.

(b) Study the below figure and answer the following questions :
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(i) Name the organism.
(ii) Name the disease caused by it in humans.
(iii) Give symptoms of this disease.
(iv) How is it caused and how the disease can be prevented ?
(v) Label the parts indicated in diagram.
(i) The organism is Entamoeba histolytica.
(ii) It causes amoebic dysentery.
(iii) Symptoms are diarrhea with griping pain and discharge of mucus and sometimes blood in stools.
(iv) It is caused through contaminated food and water. This disease can be prevented by proper sanitation and protecting food from flies and dust.
(v) 1-Pseudopodium, 2-Nucleus, 3-Blood cell.

Question 4.
(a) Give reasons :
(i) Yeast is used in baking industry.
(ii) Seeds should not be planted deep in the soil.
(iii) Rest and exercise are required for healthy body.
(iv) Glottis is guarded by epiglottis.
(v) Vertebral column is curved.
(i) Due to its property of fermentation, yeast is used in baking industry. It ferments glucose/starch of wheat flour to produce ethanol and carbon dioxide which causes rising of dough that gives the bread a light, spongy texture.

(ii) Seeds, if planted deep in the soil, cannot get sufficient amount of oxygen which is very necessary for germination process. Insufficient pushing force in the embryonic parts i.e.r hypocotyl or epicotyl to break through the upper layers of soil may lead to the failure of germination of seeds.

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 9 with Answers

(iii) Rest in the form of sleep for about 6-7 hours daily is required for all our organs including brain. Physical exercise is also required which improves our blood circulation and makes us active. More amount of oxygen enters into our body by doing exercise regularly. It helps us to stay healthy and fit.

(iv) Glottis is guarded by epiglottis which is a muscular flap-like structure that prevents entry of food into our wind pipe during swallowing.

(v) Vertebral column is curved to maintain balance of body in erect position. It protects the column from breaking, absorbs pressure and shocks while walking, running etc.

(b) Answer the following questions related to human skeleton :
(i) Give some functions of skeleton in our body.
(ii) What constitute our skeleton ?
(iii) What is the classification of bones based on their shape ?
(iv) Give region-wise classification of bones and their number in humans.
(v) What is present in the cavity of long bones ? State its function also.
Some functions of human skeleton in our body are :
1. It provides support to our body parts and gives definite shape.
2. It protects our delicate organs like brain [skull], heart and lungs [ribs], spinal cord [vertebral column] etc.
3. Blood cells are formed in marrow of long bones.
4. It is a storehouse of calcium and phosphorus.
5. Bones and muscles bring about movements in-our body.

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 9 with Answers

(ii) Bones, cartilage and ligaments constitute our skeleton.

(iii) Based on their shape, bones are long, short, flat and irregular.

(iv) Axial skeleton-80 bones.
Skull : cranium-8 bones, face-14 bones
Vertebral column-33 : cervical-7, thoracic-12, lumbar-5, sacrum-1 (fused 5), coccyx-1, Ribs – 24, stemum-1.

Appendicular skeleton-126 bones
Pectoral girdle-4 (clavicle-2, scapula-2)
Humerus-2, radius ulna-4, Carpals-16, metacarpals-10, phalanges-28
Pelvic girdle-2, femur-2, tibia fibula-4, tarsals-14, meta tarsals-10, phalanges- 28, patella-2

(v) Bone marrow is present in the hollow cavity of long bones. Yellow marrow gives rise to white blood cells whereas red marrow produces red blood cells.

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 9 with Answers

Question 5.
(a) Give differences between the following pairs based on guidelines given in brackets.
(i) Immovable joint and Partially movable joint (examples)
(ii) Left lung and Right lung (number of lobes present)
(iii) Liver and Pancreas (location)
(iv) Vitamin K and Vitamin D (functions)
(v) TB and Typhoid fever (causative agent)
ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 9 with Answers 1
ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 9 with Answers 2

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 9 with Answers

(b) Study the diagram given below and answer the following :
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(i) What is the function of pleural fluid and trachea ?
(ii) Give the name of covering of lungs.
(iii) What are the positions of diaphragm at the time of inhalation and exhalation ?
(iv) Why should lining of alveoli be moist ?
(v) What is the significance of the structure of alveoli ?
(i) Pleural fluid present between pleural membrane provides lubrication for free movement of expanding and contracting lungs. Trachea is the windpipe through which air moves in and out of the lungs.

(ii) Pleura is the covering of lungs which is double layered-outer parietal and inner visceral layer.

(iii) During inhalation, diaphragm contracts and flattens whereas during exhalation, diaphragm relaxes and moves towards the base of lungs and becomes dome-shaped.

(iv) For easy diffusion of respiratory gases, lining of alveoli should be moist.

(v) Alveoli provide large surface area for diffusion of gases. It is the structural and functional unit of lungs.

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 9 with Answers

Question 6.
(a) The figure shows alimentary canal of man. Study the same and answer the following questions:
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(i) What are the three parts of small intestine and large intestine ?
(ii) How is caecum different in man and rabbit ?
(iii) What is the fate of starch, proteins and fats ?
(iv) How are glucose and amino acids assimilated in our body ?
(v) What is the function of gall bladder ?
(i) Three parts of small intestine are duodenum, jejunum, ileum. Parts of large intestine are caecum, colon, rectum.

(ii) Caecum is longer in rabbit than human beings. It contains bacteria which produce some enzymes that digest cellulose but in humans no cellulose digesting enzyme is present.

(iii) Starch is converted into glucose, proteins into amino acids and fats into fatty acids and glycerol.

(iv) Glucose is oxidized in the presence of oxygen to release energy in the form of ATP which is used to carry out various metabolic activities. Excess glucose is stored in the form of glycogen in liver. Amino acids are used to build proteins. Excess amino acids are broken down in liver by deamination process and are converted into urea which is excreted out. Some part is converted into glucose.

(v) Gall bladder stores bile secreted by liver.

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 9 with Answers

(b) State the importance of following vitamins and minerals in our body :
(i) Iron
(ii) Sodium
(iii) Vitamin A
(iv) Riboflavin
(v) Iodine
(i) It is an important component of haemoglobin.
(ii) It regulates acid-base equilibrium.
(iii) It is an important component of visual purple in retinal cells of eye.
(iv) It regulates oxidation of food.
(v) It is an important component of thyroxine hormone secreted by thyroid gland.

Question 7.
(a) Study the figure below and answer the following questions :
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(i) Which major organ of the flower does fig. A represent ? What is the collective term for this organ ?
(ii) Label the parts indicated in the figure.
(iii) Are the contents inside part 4, male or female ? How does this content come out ?
(iv) There is a flower where we use terms like standard, wings, keel. Name the flower.
(v) What part of the flower do the names given in Q.
(iv) above refer to ?
(i) It represents stamen, a male reproductive organ of the flower. Collectively, they are known as androecium.
(ii) 1- Filament, 2- Anther, 3- Pollen grains, 4- Pollen sacs.
(iii) Pollen grains carry male gametes so they represent male part of the flower. When pollen sacs get fully mature, they rupture to liberate pollen grains.
(iv) Sweat pea .
(v) Standard, wings, keel etc. are the petals of the flower.

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 9 with Answers

(b) Write the advantages of the following in the flower to the plant concerned :
(i) Long and feathery stigma
(ii) Brightly coloured petals
(iii) Smooth and light pollen
(iv) Fragnant nectar
(v) Sticky pollen grains and stigma
(i) Long and feathery stigma are present in anemophilous flowers which are pollinated by wind. They are long and feathery, hanging out of the flower so that they can easily trap the pollen grains carried away by the wind.

(ii) The entomophilous flowers which are pollinated by insects have brightly coloured petals that attract insects for pollination.

(iii) Pollen grains which are light, dry and smooth can be easily carried by wind and it is a special feature of wind pollinated flowers.

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 9 with Answers

(iv) Flower emits sweet smelling nectar to attract insects and is a feature of anemophilous flower.

(v) In case of insect pollinated flowers, both stigma and pollen grains are sticky. Pollen grains are sticky so that they can easily stick to the body of insects and can be carried away. Stigma is sticky so that it can trap pollen grains easily from body of insects.

ICSE Class 9 Biology Question Papers with Answers

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