Selina Concise Biology Class 7 ICSE Solutions – Nervous System

Selina Concise Biology Class 7 ICSE Solutions – Nervous System

ICSE SolutionsSelina ICSE SolutionsML Aggarwal Solutions provides step by step solutions for Selina Concise ICSE Solutions for Class 7 Biology. You can download the Selina Concise Biology ICSE Solutions for Class 7 with Free PDF download option. Selina Publishers Concise Biology for Class 7 ICSE Solutions all questions are solved and explained by expert teachers as per ICSE board guidelines.

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Selina Concise ICSE Solutions for Class 7 Biology Chapter 6 Nervous System

Synopsis —

  • The interaction of these activities of a living being as per the needs of the body internally or externally is called coordination.
  • Nervous coordination is brought about by the nervous system which is made up of the brain, spinal cord, nerves and the sense organs.
  • Chemical coordination is brought about through chemical messengers called hormones.
  • The nervous system is made up of special cells called nerve cells or neurons.
  • The end of the axon terminates in a number of branches called terminal branches.
  • The terminal branches of the axon of one neuron lie very close to the dendrites of another neuron. This point of contact is called a synapse.
  • A nerve is formed of a bundle of axons (nerve fibres) enclosed in a tubular medullary sheath. There are three kind of nerves as describe
    1. sensory nerve
    2. motor nerve
    3. mixed nerve.
  • The nervous sytem of human beings consists of the following three systems:
    1. The central nervous system
    2. The peripheral nervous system
    3. The autonomic nervous system
  • The brain has three main parts:
    1. The cerebrum
    2. The cerebellum, and
    3. The medulla oblongata
  • The main functions of the spinal cord are:
    1. To control reflexes below the neck.
    2. To conduct messages from the skin and muscles to the brain.
    3. To conduct commands from the brain to muscles of the trunk and limbs.
  • The autonomic nervous system consists of a pair of chain of nerves and ganglia found on either side of the backbone.  This system controls the involuntary activities of the internal organs.
  • Stimulus: Any change in the environment that usually results in change in the activity of the body.
  • Response: The activity of the body in response to a received stimulus.
  • Impulse: A wave of electrical disturbance that runs through the nerves.
  • Receptors : These are sense organs which receives the stimulus.
  • Effector: Any muscle or gland where the response occurs.

Review Questions

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Put a tick mark (✓) against the correct alternative in the following statements:

(a) Medulla oblongata controls
(i) Smelling
(ii) Beating of heart and respiratory movement
(iii) Intelligence and will power
(iv) Balancing the body

(b) Spinal cord is an extention of:
(i) Cerebellum
(ii) Cerebrum
(iii) Vertebral column
(iv) Medulla oblongata

(c) Body posture is mantained by:
(i) Cerebellum
(ii) Cerebrum
(iii) Medulla oblongata
(iv) Spinal cord

Short Answer Questions:

1. Write one word in the space provided to complete the second pair of the related words pertaining to nervous system.
Memory: cerebrum:: breathing:
Balance: cerebellum:: reasoning:
Memory: cerebrum: beathing: medulla oblongata
Balance: cerebellum:: reasoning: cerebrum

2. (a) Name three major divisions of the human nervous system.

  1. The central nervous system (brain and spinal cord)
  2. The peripheral nervous system
  3. The autonomic nervous system

(b) Name the three main parts of human brain.

  1. Cerebrum
  2. Cerebellum
  3. Medulla oblongata

3. Given here is the diagram of a neuron. Name the parts numbered 1-6.
Selina Concise Biology Class 7 ICSE Solutions - Nervous System 1


  1. dendrite
  2. dendrite (Terminal Arborization)
  3. nucleus
  4. axon (Nerve fibre)
  5. cell Body (cyton)
  6. node of ranvier
  7. sheath

Long answer questions

Question 1.
With the help of a suitable diagram describe the structure of a neuron.
Selina Concise Biology Class 7 ICSE Solutions - Nervous System 2

Nervous system consists of special cells called nerve cells or neurons. It has a main cell body called cyton. It gives out many processes called dendrites. From it a very long process is given out. It is called axon or nerve fibre.

The cell body has a nucleus. The dendrites get the message from the organs and send this message to the axon through the cell body. Then the axon sends the message to muscles to contrast or to the gland for secretion.

The neurons make contact with one another through their processes. The axon at its end branches and meets the dendrites of another neuron. The meeting point is called synapse. The message is passed on from one axon to the dendrites of another neuron. How the message goes ? It is like this:
Organ → Message goes to dendrites →Cell body → Axon → Muscles or  glands

Question 2.
Briefly describe the structure of the cerebrum in human brain, and mention its functions.
Brain consists of main three parts and lies in the cranial cavity of skull.

  1. The cerebrum
  2. The cerebellum
  3. The medulla oblongata

Cerebrum — It is very large and form two third of the whole brain. The two hemispheres are separated from each other by a deep longitudinal groove, the median fissure. The outer surface is folded with ridges and grooves. The hemispheres are hollow from inside and their walls have outer and inner portions. The outer portion has cell bodies of the neurons and it is called grey matter.
The wavery edges of the folded layer has large number of neurons to the extent of nine billion. The inner portion of the cerebrum has axons and it is called white matter.

  1. It controls all the voluntary activities.
  2. It is the seat of intelligence, consciousness and will power.

Question 3.
Mention the three functions of spinal cord.
Spinal cord has the following functions.

  1. It is the centre of reflex actions below the neck.
  2. It carries messages from the skin and muscles to the brain.
  3. All the stimuli and responses are passed from and to the brain through the spinal cord.

Question 4.
Describe three kinds of nerves, giving example of each.
A nerve is formed by a group of nerve fibres (axons) encased
by tubular medullary sheath. The medullary sheath acts as insulation and do not allow mixing up of impulses of the neighbouring axons (nerve fibres) We have three kinds of nerves:

  1. Sensory nerve — It brings impulses from sense organs as these have sensory fibres. These nerve carry the impulses from the sense organs to the brain or to the spinal cord as optic nerve of the eye.
  2. Motor nerves—These carry impulses to muscles or glands from the brain or spinal cord. These nerves have only motor fibres as nerves to the muscles of the eye ball.
  3. Mixed nerve — It has both sensory and motors fibres as nerve going to the tongue.

Question 5.
What are voluntary and involuntary actions ? Which part of the nervous system controls them ?
Voluntary action: When an action is produced with the involvement of thoughts, they are called the voluntary action. For example, writing an article jumping from heights. These actions are produced consciously by our body.
Involuntary action: Actions which take place without consciousness or willingness of an individual are called the involuntary action. Digestion, heart beating, sneezing, etc are few examples of involuntary actions.

  1. The cerebral cortex controls our voluntary actions like running and walking etc.
  2. Medulla helps in involuntary actions like hearbeat, breathing etc.

Additional Questions

I. Multiple choice questions. Tick (✓) the correct choice:

I. Nervous system in humans consists of
(a) brain and nerves
(b) brain and spinal cord
(c) brain, spinal cord and nerves
(d) none of the above.

II. Fill in the blanks:

  1. Basic structural unit of the nervous system is the neuron.
  2. Central nervous system consists of brain and spinal cord.
  3. A neuron consists of cell body, dendrite and axon.
  4. The neurons carrying impulses from the brain to the muscles are called motor or efferent neurons.
  5. Peripheral nervous system consists of nerves.
  6. The three main parts of the brain are cerebrum, cerebellum and medulla oblongata (brain stem).

III. State whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F):

1. Each neuron consists of three parts called cell body, cyton and axon.
 False. Each neuron consists of three parts called cell body, dendrite and axon.

2. The largest part of the brain is the cerebrum.

3. Cerebellum maintains balance of the body.

4. There are 31 pairs of cranial nerves.
 False. There are 12 pairs of cranial nerves.

IV. Find the odd-one out, giving reasons:
Axon, cell body, dendrite, cerebellum
Ans. Cerebellum is the odd one out as it is a part of brain while rest three are parts of a neuron.

V. Define the following:
1. Reflex arc
2. Sensory neuron
3. Motor neuron
4. Neuron

  1. Reflex arc: The path that an impulse takes in a reflex action is called a reflex arc.
  2. Sensory neuron: The neurons which carry impulses
    from the body parts to the spinal cord or the brain are called sensory or afferent neurons. For example, optic nerve of the eye.
  3. Motor neuron: The neurons which carry impulses from the brain or spinal cord to the body parts are called motor or efferent neurons.
  4. Neuron: A neuron or a nerve cell is the basic structural and functional unit of the nervous system.

VI. Answer the following:

Question 1.
 Describe the two parts of the nervous system.
The nervous system of human has two parts:

  1. Central Nervous System (CNS): It consists of the brain and the spinal cord. The brain lies protected inside the skull while the spinal cord is protected within the vertebral column.
  2. Peripheral Nervous System (PNS): It consists of nerves arising from the spinal cord (spinal nerves) and the brain (cranial nerves). These nerves link the central nervous system with the various body organs.

Question 2.
What are nerves? Mention the types of nerves found in humans.
A bundle of nerve fibres joined together as a tubular sheath that transmits impulses between brain or spinal cord and other body parts is called a nerve. The nerves constitute the peripheral nervous system.
Nerves are of two types in humans:

  1. Cranial nerves: They emerge from the brain. There are 12 pairs of cranial nerves.
  2. Spinal nerves: They emerge from the spinal cord. There are 31 pairs of spinal nerves.

Question 3.
Explain the structure of brain.
The brain is the main control centre of the nervous system.
It is enclosed within the bony shell of cranium.
It consists ofthree main part:

    1. Cerebrum: It is the uppermost and largest part with many ridges and grooves. It is divided into right and left halves called cerebral hemispheres. It controls our thinking, reasoning, intelligence, memory and perception of pain, sound, touch, taste and smell.
    2. Cerebellum: It is located under the cerebrum at the back of the head. It maintains balance of the body and coordinates muscular activity.
    3. Brain stem (medulla oblongata): It joins the brain to the spinal cord. It controls the activity of internal organs like heartbeat and breathing.
      Selina Concise Biology Class 7 ICSE Solutions - Nervous System 3

Question 4.
Compare the nervous system and the endocrine system.
Nervous system

  1. Messages are sent through nerve fibres.
  2. It consists of brain, spinal cord and nerves.
  3. No hormones are secreted. Messages are sent as impulses.
  4. Transmission of impulse is quick.

Endocrine system

  1. Messages are sent through blood in the form of hormones.
  2. It consists of endocrine glands.
  3. Hormones secreted by glands regulate the body activities. .
  4. Transmission takes time.

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions – Motion

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions – Motion

ICSE SolutionsSelina ICSE SolutionsML Aggarwal Solutions provides step by step solutions for Selina Concise ICSE Solutions for Class 7 Physics. You can download the Selina Concise Physics ICSE Solutions for Class 7 with Free PDF download option. Selina Publishers Concise Physics for Class 7 ICSE Solutions all questions are solved and explained by expert teachers as per ICSE board guidelines.

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Selina Concise ICSE Solutions for Class 7 Physics Chapter 2 Motion

  • Points to Remember
  •  Motion— Motion is the change in position with respect to a set of stationary landmarks.
  •  Types of motion are translatory, rotatory and oscillatory.
  •  A body is said to move in a translatory motion if the whole body moves through the same distance in the same interval of time.
  •  A body is said to be in rotatory motion if it moves about a fixed point without changing the radius of its motion.
  •  A body is said to be in oscillatory motion if it moves to and fro about its mean position.
  •  A body is said to be in vibratory motion if the body moves to and fro in a particular style.
  •  Oscillation of pendulum is one complete to and fro motion.
  •  The maximum displacement on either side of a mean position is called amplitude.
  •  A motion which repeats itself at regular intervals of time is called periodic motion.
  •  A physical quantity which has only magnitude and no direction is called a scalar quantity.
  •  A physical quantity which has magnitude as well as direction is called a vector quantity.
  •  Speed is the distance travelled per unit time. It is a scalar quantity.
  •  The displacement per unit time is known as the velocity of the body. It is a vector quantity.
  •  The rate of change of velocity is called acceleration. It is a vector quantity.
  •  Frequency is the number of complete oscillations in one second.
  •  Unit of frequency is Hertz.
  •  Motion is of two types (a) uniform (b) non-uniform motion.

Test yourself

A. Objective Questions

1. Write true or false for each statement

(a) Two trains going in opposite directions with the same speed are at rest relative to each other.
Answer. False.

(b) A ball is thrown vertically upwards. Its motion is uniform throughout.
Answer. False.

(c) The motion of a train starting from one station and reaching at another station is non-uniform.
Answer. True.

(d) A motion which repeats itself after a fixed interval of time is called periodic motion.
Answer. True.

(e) A ball thrown by a boy from a roof-top has oscillatory motion.
Answer. False.

(f) Mass has both magnitude and direction.
Answer. False.

(g) .Weight always acts vertically downwards.
Answer. True

(h) Mass varies from place to place but weight does not.
Answer. False

2. Fill in the blanks

(a) Two boys cycling on the road with the same speed are at rest relative to each other.
(b) The motion in a straight line is rectilinear motion.
(c) One to and fro motion of a clock pendulum takes time = 2 s
(d) 36 km h-1 = 10 m s-1
(e) Total distance travelled = average speed × total time taken.
(f) The weight of a girl is 36 kgf. Her mass will be 36 kg.
(g) The weight of a body is measured using a spring balance.


Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 2 Motion 1

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3. Match the following

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4. Select the correct alternative

(a) A book lying on a table is an example of

  1.  a body at rest
  2.  a body in motion
  3.  a body neither at rest nor in motion
  4.  none of these

(b) The motion of a pendulum is

  1.  rotatory
  2. oscillatory
  3.  curvilinear
  4.  rectilinear

(c) A car moving on a straight road is an example of

  1.  rotatory motion
  2.  rectilinear motion
  3.  oscillatory motion
  4.  periodic motion

(d) A ball falls down vertically. Its motion is

  1.  periodic
  2.  linear
  3.  circular
  4.  vibratory

(e) If a body covers equal distance in equal interval of time, the motion is said to be

  1.  uniform
  2.  non-uniform
  3.  oscillatory
  4.   rotatory

(f) A boy goes from his house to school by bus at a speed of 20 km h-1 and returns back through the same route at a speed of 30 km h_1. The average speed of his journey is

  1.  24 km h-1
  2.  25 km h-1
  3.  30 km h-1
  4.  20 km h-1

(g) The earth attracts a body of mass 1 kg with a force of 10 N. The mass of a boy is 50 kg. His weight will be

  1.  50 kg
  2.  500 N
  3.  50 N
  4.  5 N

B. Short/Long Answer Questions

Question 1.
Explain the meaning of the terms rest and motion.
Rest— A body is said to be at rest if it does not change its position with respect to its immediate surroundings.
Motion— A body is said to be in motion if it changes its position with respect to its immediate surroundings.

Question 2.
Comment on the statement ‘rest and motion are relative terms’. Give an example.
Imagine you are sitting inside a moving bus. When you look outside you will observe that you are moving. Now look to the roof of the bus. With respect to the roof of bus, you are at rest. Hence it is concluded that rest and motion are relative terms.

Question 3.
Fill in the blanks using one of the words : at rest, in motion.
(a) A person walking in a compartment of a stationary train is relative to the compartment and is relative to the platform.
(b) A person sitting in a compartment of a moving train is relative to the other person sitting by his side and is relative to the platform.
(a) A person walking in a compartment of a stationary train is in motion relative to the compartment and is in motion relative to the platform.
(b) A person sitting in a compartment of a moving train is at rest . relative to the other person sitting by his side and is in motion relative to the platform.

Question 4.
Name five different types of motion you know.
The different types of motion are :
1. Translatory motion
2. Rotatory motion
3. Oscillatory motion
4. Vibratory motion
5. Periodic motion
6. Multiple motion
7. Random motion.

Question 5.
What do you mean by translatory motion ? Give one example.
If an object like a vehicle, moves in a line in such a way that every point of the object moves through the same distance in the same time, then the motion of the object is called translatory motion.
Example :
The motion of an apple falling from a tree, the motion of a man walking on a road, the motion of a box when pushed from one comer of a room to the other, are all the translatory motion.

Question 6.
Explain the meanings of (i) rectilinear motion, and (ii) curvilinear motion. Give one example of each.
(i) Rectilinear motion — If the motion of a body is along a straight line, it is said to be the rectilinear or linear motion. The motion of bullet fired from a gun.
(ii) Curvilinear motion — If the motion of a body is along a curved path, it is said to be the curvilinear motion. For example, the motion of a cycle while taking a turn on the road, a car moving along a curved path, a ball thrown by an athlete are in curvilinear motion.

Question 7.
What is rotatory motion ? Give two examples.
Rotatory motion— A body is said to be in a rotatory motion or a circular motion if it moves about a fixed axis without changing the radius of its motion.
Examples : The blades of a fan, a spinning wheel.

Question 8.
What is meant by circular motion ? Give one example.
The motion of a body along a circular path is called circular motion.
Example : A girl is whirling a stone tied at the end of a string in a circular path.

Question 9.
How does a rotatory motion differ from the circular motion?
(i) In rotatory motion, the axis of rotation passes from a point
in the body itself whereas in circular motion, the axis of revolution passes through a point outside the body. Thus the motion of earth around the sun is the circular motion whereas the motion of earth about its own axis is the rotational motion.
(ii) In the circular and rotatory motions, the distance of a point of a the body from a fixed point always remains same, whereas it is not same in curvilinear motion.

Question 10.
Explain oscillatory motion by giving one example.
Oscillatory motion— The to and fro motion of a simple pendulum is an oscillatory motion.
Example : 1. The motion of a swing, 2. Piston of an engine.

Question 11.
What is vibratory motion ? Give one example.
In vibratory motion, a part of the body always remains fixed and the rest part moves to and fro about its mean position. During the vibratory motion, the shape and size of the body changes. Example : When we breath, our chest expands and contracts. This motion is vibratory motion.

Question 12.
Differentiate between periodic and non-periodic motions by giving an example of each.
Periodic motion : A motion which gets repeated after regular intervals of time is called a periodic motion.
Examples : The earth moving around the sun takes 365 days to complete one revolution and this motion gets repeated after every 365 days.
Non-periodic motion : The motion which does not repeat itself after regular interval of time is called non-periodic motion.
Examples : A footballer running on a field, application of brakes in a moving vehicle, a ball rolling down the ground gradually slows down and finally stops, motion of tides in the sea, etc.

Question 13.
What is random motion. Give one example.
Random motion— When an object in a motion has no specific path and which suddenly changes its motion is said to have a random motion.
Example : A flying kite.

Question 14.
Name the type/types of motion being performed by each of the following:
(a) Vehicle on a straight road
(b) Blades of an electric fan in motion
(c) Pendulum of a wall clock
(d) Smoke particles from chimney
(e) Hands of a clock
(f) Earth around the sun
(g) A spinning top.
(a) Rectilinear motion
(b) Rotatory motion
(c) Oscillatory motion, periodic motion
(d) Non-periodic motion
(e) Uniform circular and periodic motion
(f) Rotatory motion, circular motion and periodic motion
(g) Rotatory motion

Question 15.
Give two examples to illustrate that a body can have two or more types of motion simultaneously.
Sometime a body can have more than one type of motion. Such a motion is called the mixed motion.
Example :
(i) The wheels of a moving train have both the translatory as well as the rotatory motions as it moves from position A to position B while rotating.

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 2 Motion 6
(ii) The earth rotates about its axis (rotatory motion) and at the same time it revolves around the sun in a curved path (curvilinear or circular motion) in a fixed time interval (periodic motion).

Question 16.
State the types of motion of the following :
(a) The needle of a sewing machine
(b) The wheel of a bicycle
(c) The drill machine
(d) The carpenter’s saw
(a) Periodic motion
(b) Rotatory motion
(c) Mixed = Translatory and Rotatory motion
(d) Mixed = Translatory and Oscillatory motion

Question 17.
Distinguish between uniform and non-uniform motions, giving an example of each.

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 2 Motion 7

Question 18.
How do you determine the average speed of a body in non-uniform motion ?
In a non-uniform motion, the average speed of a body is calculated by dividing the total distance travelled by the body, with the total time of its journey. Thus,
Average speed = Total distance travelled by the body / Total time of joumey

Question 19.
Define the term weight and state its S.I. unit.
The weight of a body is the force with which earth attracts the body i.e. the weight of a body is the force of gravity on it. The weight of a body is not constant, but it changes from place to place. It is represented by the symbol W. The S.I. unit of weight is newton (N).

Question 20.
How are the units of weight, kgf and newton related ?
1 kg F = 10 N

Question 21.
State three differences between mass and weight.

It is the quantity of matter contained in a body.
Its S.J. unit is kilogram (kg)
It is constant for a body and it does not change by changing the place of the body.
It is measured by a beam balance.


It is the force with which the earth attracts the body.
Its S.I. unit is newton (N) and other unit is kilogram-force (kgf) where 1 kgf= 10N(nearly).
It is not constant for a body, but it changes from place to place.
It is measured by a spring balance.

Question 22.
Which quantity : mass or weight, does not change by change of place ?
The mass of a body is constant and it does not change by changing the position of the body.

Question 23.
State which of the quantities, mass or weight is always directed vertically downwards.
Mass is the quantity of matter contained in a body. Weight is the force with which the earth attracts the body. Weight is always directed vertically downwards.


C. Numericals

Question 1.
A car covers a distance of 160 km between two cities in 4 h. What is the average speed of the car ?
Distance =160 km
Time taken = 4h
Speed = ?
Speed = Distance covered / Time taken
= 160km / 4h = 40 km h-1

Question 2.
A train travels a distance of 300 km with an average speed of 60 km h_1. How much time does it take to cover the distance?
Speed = 60 km h-1
Distance covered = 300 km
Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 2 Motion 8

Question 3.
A boy travels with an average speed of 10 m s-1 for 20 min. How much distance does he travel ?
Average speed of boy = 10 m s-1
Time taken = 20 min
Distance travelled = Speed × Time taken
Convert minutes into seconds
1 minute = 60 sec.
20 minutes = 20 × 60 = 1200 sec.
Distance travelled = 10 m s-1 × 1200 sec.
= 12000 m Or 12 km

Question 4.
A boy walks a distance 30 m in 1 minute and another 30 m in 1.5 minute. Describe the type of motion of the boy and find his average speed in m s-1.
As the speed does not remain constant throughout the journey the motion is non-uniform
Total distance travelled in going and coming back
d = 30 m + 30 m = 60 m
Total time taken in going and coming back

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 2 Motion 9

Question 5.
A cyclist travels a distance of 1 km in the first hour, 0.5 km in the second hour and 0.3 km in the third hour. Find the average speed of the cyclist in
(i) km h-1, (ii) m s-1.
(a) Distance travelled in first hour = 1 km
Distance travelled in second hour = 0.5 km
Distance travelled in third hour = 0.3 km
Total time taken = 3 hr
Total distance travelled = 1 + 0.5 + 0.3 = 1.8 km
(i) Average speed in km h-1

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 2 Motion 10
Average speed in m s-1
1 km = 1000 m
1.8 km = 1.8 × 1000 m
= 1800 m
1 hour = 3600 seconds
3 hour = 3600 × 3 = 10800 sec.

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Question 6.
A car travels with speed 30 km h-1 for 30 minute and then with speed 40 km h-1 for one hour. Find :
(a) the total distance travelled by the car
(b) the total time of travel, and
(c) the average speed of car
Speed of car for first 30 minutes = 30 km h-1
Speed of car for next 1 hour = 40 km h-1
(a) Total distance travelled by the car

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Question 7.
On earth the weight of a body of mass 1.0 kg is 10 N. What will be the weight of a boy of mass 37 kg in (a) kgf (b) N ?
Weight of a body of mass 1.0 kg body = 10 N
(a) Weight of a boy of mass = 37 kg
(b) Weight of a boy of 37 kg in newton will be 1 kgf = 10N
∴ 37 kgf = 37 × 10 N
= 370 N

Question 8.
The weight of a body of mass 6.0 kg on moon is 10 N. If a boy of mass 30 kg goes from earth to the moon surface, what will be his (a) mass, (b) weight ?
(a) Mass remains same it does not change
So mass of boy 30 kg on earth = 30 kg on moon surface
(b) Weight of boy on moon becomes 1 / 6
∴ 30 kg boy will weight 30 x 1/6 = 5kg
1 kg = 10 N ⇒ 5 × 10 N = 50 N
∴ Weight of boy on moon surface = 50 N




Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions – Heat

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions – Heat

ICSE SolutionsSelina ICSE SolutionsML Aggarwal Solutions provides step by step solutions for Selina Concise ICSE Solutions for Class 7 Physics. You can download the Selina Concise Physics ICSE Solutions for Class 7 with Free PDF download option. Selina Publishers Concise Physics for Class 7 ICSE Solutions all questions are solved and explained by expert teachers as per ICSE board guidelines.

Selina Class 7 Physics ICSE SolutionsChemistryBiologyMathsGeographyHistory & Civics

Selina Concise ICSE Solutions for Class 7 Physics Chapter 5 Heat

  • Points to Remember
  •  Heat is a form of energy that leads to the sensations of hotness or coldness.
  •  Temperature is the degree of hotness and coldness of a body.
  •  Thermometer is used to measure temperature.
  •  The S.I. unit of temperature is °C.
  •  The most common liquid for a thermometer is mercury.
  •  The main sources of heat are (i) Fire (ii) Sun (iii) Electricity.
  •  Those substances which can easily catch fire are called inflammable substances.
  •  Those substances which are fire resistant are called non-inflammable substances.
  •  The fixed temperature at which freezing of liquid occurs is known as freezing point.
  •  The temperature at which vapourisation occurs is known as the boiling point.
  •  Substances through which heat is easily conducted are called good conductors e.g. silver, gold, copper etc.
  •  Substances through which heat is not easily conducted are called Insultors.
  •  Radiation is the process of transfer of heat from a hot body to a cold body without affecting the intermediate medium.

Test Yourself

A. Objective Questions 

1. Write true or false for each statement

(a) On touching a lump of ice, we feel cold because some heat passes from our body to the ice.
Answer. True.

(b) Heat flows from a body at a high temperature to a body at a low temperature when they are kept in contact. .
Answer. True.

(c) All solids expand by the same amount when heated to the same rise in temperature.
Answer. False.

(d) Telephone wires are kept tight between the two poles in summer.
Answer. False.

(e) Equal volumes of different liquids expand by different amounts when they are heated to the same rise in temperature.
Answer. True.

(f) Solids expand the least and gases expand the most on being heated.
Answer. True.

(g) A mercury thermometer makes use of the property of expansion of liquids on heating.
Answer. True.

(h) Kerosene contracts on heating.
Answer. False.

(i) Water is a bad conductor of heat.
Answer. True.

(j) Medium is necessary for the transfer of heat by radiation.
Answer. False.

(k) Land and sea breezes are convection currents of cold and warm air.
Answer. True.

(l) Liquids are heated by conduction and radiation.
Answer. False.

(m) Black surfaces are the poor absorbers of heat radiations.
Answer. False.

2. Fill in the blanks

(a) Heat is a form of energy.
(b) Temperature determines the degree of hotness or coldness of a body.
(c) On heating a body, its temperature rises.
(d) We use a thermometer for measuring the temperature of a body.
(e) The S.I. unit of temperature is kelvin.
(f) In a thermometer, the commonly used liquid is mercury.
(g) The temperature of a normal human body is 37 °C.
(h) A person is said to have fever if his body temperature is more than 98.6
(i) A hot metallic piece is placed in tap water contained in a bucket. Heat will flow from metallic piece to water.
(j) The temperature of boiling water is 100°C.
(k) Liquids expand more than the solids.
(l) Gases expand more than the liquids.
(m) Heat transfer in solids is by conduction.
(n) Heat transfer in liquids and gases is by convection.
(o)Metals are conductors of heat.
(p) Still air is an insulator of heat.
(q) Black and dull surfaces are good absorbers of heat.

3. Match the following

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 5 Heat 1

4. Select the correct alternative

(a) If we add a lump of ice to a tumbler containing water,

  1. heat flows from water to ice
  2.  heat flows from ice to water
  3.  heat flows from water to ice if water is more
  4.  heat flows from ice to water if ice is more

(b) The temperature of pure melting ice is

  1.  0°C
  2.  100°C
  3.  95°C
  4.  98.6°F

(c) A thermometer uses

  1.  water
  2. mercury
  3.  air
  4.  none of the above

(d) Which of the statement is correct

  1.  Iron rims are cooled before they are placed on cart wheels
  2.  A glass stopper gets tight on warming the neck of the bottle
  3.  Telephone wires sag in winter, but become tight in summer
  4. A little space is left between two rails on a railway track

(e) Heat in a liquid is transferred by

  1.  conduction
  2. convection
  3.  radiation
  4.  conduction and radiation

(f) In the process of convection, heat travels

  1.  sideways
  2.  downwards
  3. upwards
  4.  in all directions

(g) The vacuum kept in between the walls of a thermos flask reduces the heat transfer by

  1.  conduction only
  2.  convection only
  3.  radiation only
  4. conduction and convection

B. Short/Long Answer Questions

Question 1.
What is heat ? State its S.I. unit.
Heat is a form of energy which flows. It is the energy of motion of molecules constituting the body.
The unit of heat is same as that of energy, The S.I. unit of heat is joule (abbreviated as J) and other common units of heat are calorie and kilo calorie, where 1 k cal = 1000 cal.

Question 2.
What is meant by the term temperature.
Temperature is a quantity which tells the thermal state of a body (i.e. the degree of hotness or coldness). It determines the direction of flow of heat when the two bodies at different temperatures are placed in contact.

Question 3.
State the three units of temperature.
The S.I. unit of temperature is kelvin or K. The other most common unit of temperature is degree Celsius (°C) and degree Fahrenheit (°F).

Question 4.
Name the instrument used to measure the temperature of a body.
To measure the temperature of a body with the help of a thermometer.

Question 5.
Name two scales of temperature. How are they inter-related?
Two scales of temperature are
(i) Celsius (ii) Fahrenheit

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 5 Heat 2

Question 6.
How is the size of a degree defined on a Celsius scale ?
The interval between the ice point and steam point divided by 100 (hundred) equal parts is called a degree on the Celsius scale.

Question 7.
How is the size of a degree defined on a Fahrenheit scale?
The interval between the ice point and steam point divided into 180 equal parts is called a degree on the Fahrenheit scale.

Question 8.
State the temperature of (i) ice point and (ii) steam point, on the Celsius scale.
(i) Ice point. Is the the mark on Celsius scale at which ice melts. Ice point on the Celsius scale is 0°C.
(ii) Steam point. On the Celsius scale is the mark at which water changes into steam at normal atmospheric pressure. On Celsius scale it is 100°C.

Question 9.
Write down the temperature of (i) lower fixed point, and (ii) upper fixed point, on the Fahrenheit scale.
Lower fixed point: On the Falirenheit scale is the mark at which pure ice melts. It is 32°F on Fahrenheit scale.
Upper fixed point: On the Fahrenheit scale is the mark at which water starts changing into steam at normal atmospheric pressure. It is 212°F.

Question 10.
What is the Celsius scale of temperature ?
Celsius scale is that which has ice point as 0°C and steam point marked as 100°C.

Question 11.
What is the Fahrenheit scale of temperature ?
Fahrenheit scale is that which has ice point as 32°F and the steam point marked as 100°C.

Question 12.
What is the Kelvin scale of temperature ?
On Kelvin scale of temperature zero mark is when no molecular motion occurs. Ice point is at 273 and steam point is at 373 K. Thus 0 K = – 273°C and one degree on Kelvin scale is same as one degree on Celsius scale.

Question 13.
The fig. shows a glass tumbler containing hot milk which is placed in a tub of cold water. State the direction in which heat will flow.

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 5 Heat 3
When we bring two objects of different temperature together, energy will always be transferred from hotter to the cooler object.
Here, also heat will flow from hot milk tumbler to tub of cold water.

Question 14.
Draw a neat labelled diagram of a laboratory thermometer.

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 5 Heat 4

Question 15.
Write down the body temperature of a healthy person.
The temperature of a healthy persons is 98.6 degrees fahrenheit or 37.0 degree Celsius or 310 k.

Question 16.
What do you understand by thermal expansion of a substance ?
The expansion of a substance when, heated, is called thermal expansion.
Thermal expansion is the tendency of matter to change .in shape, area and volume in response to a change in temperature.

Question 17.
Name two substances which expand on heating.
Mercury and Aluminium wire.

Question 18.
Why do telephone wires sag in summer ?
The telephone wires will sag in summer due to expansions and will break in winter due to contraction.
Therefore, while putting up the wires between the poles, care is taken that in summer they are kept slightly loose so that they may not break in winter due to contraction.
While in winter they are kept light so that they may not sag too much in summer due to expansion.

Question 19.
Iron rims are heated before they are fixed on the wooden wheels. Explain the reason.
The wooden wheels of a bullock-cart are fitted with iron tyres. To ensure a tight fit, the tyre is made slightly smaller in diameter than the wheel. The tyre is first heated due to which it expands. The heated tyre is then fitted on the wheel. When the tyre cools, it contracts and makes a tight fit on the wheel.

Question 20.
Why are gaps left between successive rails on a railway track ?
The rails of railway track are made of steel. While laying the railway track, a small gap is left between the two successive length of rails. The reason is that the rails expand in summer. The gap is provided to allow for this expansion. If no gap is left, the expansion in summer will cause the rails to bend sideways. This may result in a train accidents.

Question 21.
A glass stopper stuck in the neck of a bottle can be removed by pouring hot water on the neck of the bottle. Explain why ?
When hot water is poured over the neck of the bottle, it expands. As a result the stopper gets loosened and can be removed easily.

Question 22.
Why is a cement floor laid in small pieces with gaps in between?
The floor is laid in small pieces with gaps in between to allow for the expansion during summer. However glass strips can be placed in the gaps.

Question 23.
One end of a steel girder in a bridge is not fixed, but is kept on roliers. Give the reason.
In the construction of a bridge, steel girders are used. One end of the girder is fixed into the concrete or brick pillars and its other end is not fixed, but it is placed on rollers. The reason is that if there is any rise (or fall) in temperature of atmosphere, the girder can freely expand (or contract) without affecting the pillars.

Question 24.
Describe one experiment to show that liquids expand on heating.
(i) Take an empty bottle with a tight fitting cork having a hole drilled in its middle, a drinking straw, two bricks, a wire guaze and a burner.
(ii) Fill the bottle completely with water and add few drops of ink in it to make it coloured.
(iii) Fix the cork in the mouth of the bottle and pass the drinking straw through the cork. Put some molten wax around the hole so as to avoid the leakage of water.
(iv) Pour some more water into the drinking straw so that water level in the straw can be seen. Mark the water level in the straw as shown in Figure.

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 5 Heat 5
(v) Place the bottle on the wire gauze kept over the two bricks as shown in Figure. Then heat the bottle by means of a burner.
(vi) Look at the level of water in the straw.
You will notice that as the water is heated more and more, the level of water in the drinking straw rises. This shows that water expands on heating.

Question 25.
State one application of thermal expansion of liquids.
Mercury is a metal found in liquid state. It expands more and uniformly over a wide range of temperature. So mercury is used as thermometric liquid.

Question 26.
Describe an experiment to show that air expands on heating.
(i) Take an empty bottle. Actually the empty bottle contains air. Attach a rubber balloon to its neck as shown in Figure. Initially, the balloon is deflated.
(ii) Place the bottle in a water bath containing boiling water. After some time you will notice that the balloon gets inflated as shown in Figure. The reason is that the air inside the bottle expands on heating and it fills the balloon.

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 5 Heat 6
(iii) Take the bottle out of the water bath and 7 allow it to cool by itself. We will notice that the balloon gets deflated and it collapses. This is because the air inside the balloon and the bottle, has contracted on cooling. The air from balloon passes to the bottle, so the balloon gets deflated.

Question 27.
An empty glass bottle is fitted with a narrow tube at its mouth. The open end of the tube is kept in a beaker containing water. When the bottle is heated, bubbles of air are seen escaping into the water. Explain the reason.
When the bottle is heated, bubbles of air are seen escaping into the water. This happens because the air present in glass bottle expands on heating and tries to escape out through the tube into the water.

Question 28.
State which expands more, when heated to the same temperature : solid, liquid or gas ?
Gases expand much more than the liquids and the solids. Like liquids, the gases do not have a definite shape, so they also have only the cubical expansion.

Question 29.
Name the three modes of transfer of heat.
There are three modes of transfer of heat (i) Conduction (ii) Convection (iii) Radiation.
(i) Conduction “is that mode of transfer of heat, when heat travels from hot end to cold end from particle to particle of the medium, without actual movement of particles.”
(ii) Convection. “Is a process of transfer of heat by actual move-ment of the medium particles.”
(iii) Radiation. “Is that mode of transfer of heat in which heat directly passes from one body to the other body without heating the medium.”

Question 30.
Name the mode of transfer of heat in the following :
(a) solid,
(b) liquid,
(c) gas
(d) vacuum

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 5 Heat 7

Question 31.
What are the good and bad conductors of heat ? Give two examples of each.
Good conductors. “The substances through which heat is easily conducted are called good conductors of heat.”
Example : Copper, iron.
Bad conductors. “The substances through which heat is not conducted easily are called bad conductors of heat or poor conductors of heat.”
Example : Wood, cloth.

Question 32.
Name a liquid which is a good conductor of heat.
Mercury is good conductor of heat.

Question 33.
Name a solid which is a good conductor of heat.
Aluminium is a good conductor of heat.

Question 34.
Select good and bad conductors of heat from the following :
copper, mercury, wood, iron, air, saw-dust, cardboard, silver, plastic, wool.
Good conductors — Mercury, copper, silver, iron.
Bad conductors — Wood, air, saw dust, plastic, wool, cardboard.

Question 35.
Why is an oven made of double walls with the space in between filled with cork ?
An oven is made of double walls and the space between them is filled with wool, cork etc. because the wool and cork are the insulator of heat. They prevent the heat of the oven to escape.

Question 36.
Why do we use cooking utensils made up of copper.
Cooking utensils are made of metals such as copper, aluminium, brass, steel etc., so that heat is easily conducted through the base to their contents. But they are provided with handles of bad conductors (such as ebonite or wood) to hold them easily as handles will not conduct heat from the utensil to our hand.

Question 37.
Why is a tea kettle provided with an ebonite handle ?
Tea kettles are provided with wooden or ebonite handles. The wood or the ebonite being the insulators of heat, does not pass heat from the utensils to our hand. Thus, we can hold the hot utensils or pans comfortably by their handles.

Question 38.
In summer, ice is kept wrapped in a gunny bag. Explain the reason.
In summer, the ice is kept wrapped in a gunny bag or it is covered with saw dust. The air filled in the fine pores of the gunny bag or saw dust, is the insulator of heat. The air does not allow heat from outside to pass through it to the ice. Thus, the ice is prevented from melting rapidly.

Question 39.
Explain why
(a) we wear woolen clothes in winter.
(b) the water pipes are covered with cotton during very cold weather.
(a) Woolen clothes have fine pores filled with air. Wool and air both are bad conductors of heat. Therefore in winter, we wear woolen clothes as they check the conduction of heat from the body to the surroundings and thus keeps the body warm.
(b) During very cold weather, the water pipes are covered with cotton. The cotton has air trapped in its fine pores. The cotton and air are the insulators of heat. They do not pass heat from water inside the pipes to the outside atmosphere. Thus, cotton prevents the water in the pipes from freezing.

Question 40.
Why are quilts filled with fluffy cotton ?
Quilts are filled with fluffy cotton. Air is trapped in the fine pores of cotton. Cotton and air are the insulators of heat. They check heat from our body to escape and thus keep us warm.
The newly made quilts are warmer than the old ones because in the old quilts, there is no air trapped in the cotton.

Question 41.
State the direction of heat transfer by way of convection.
By the process of convection, heat is always transferred vertically upwards. The reason is that the medium particles near the source of heat absorb heat from the source and they start moving faster. As a result, the medium at this place becomes less dense so it rises up and the medium from above being denser, moves down to take its place. Thus, current is set up in the medium which is called a convection current. The current continues till the entire medium acquires the same temperature.

Question 42.
Why is a ventilator provided in a room ?
Ventilators and windows are provided in rooms for proper ventilation. The reason is that when we breathe out in a room, the air in the room becomes warm and impure. The warm air is less dense i.e. lighter, so it rises up and moves out through the ventilators. Then the cold fresh air comes in the room through the windows to take its place. Thus the continuous circulation of fresh air keeps the air in the room fresh.

Question 43.
Why are chimneys provided over furnace in factories ?
Chimneys are provided over the furnace in factories. This is because the hot gases coming out of the furnace are less dense than the air. They rise up through the chimney. The smoke, fumes etc. around the furnace rush in so as to take their place and they are sucked out. Thus, the chimney helps to remove the undesired fumes, smoke etc. from the premises.

Question 44.
What are the land and sea breezes ? Explain their formation.
LAND BREEZE : Blowing of breeze (air) from land towards sea is called land breeze.
During night land and sea water both lose heat. Specific heat capacity of land being very low as compared to that of sea water, land loses heat energy fast and cools more rapidly as compared to sea. Sea water being at higher temperature, the air above it becomes lighter and rise up. Air from land being at higher pressure. So air from land starts blowing towards sea and gives rise to Land Breeze.

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 5 Heat 8
SEA BREEZE : Blowing of breeze (cold air) from sea towards land during the day is called the SEA BREEZE. During day time land and sea both are heated equally by the sun, but land has very low specific heat capacity as compared to sea, is heated up more quickly. Thus air above land due to heat becomes lighter and rises up. Thus pressure decreases and cold and humid air above the sea starts blowing towards land, thereby giving rise to SEABREEZE.

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 5 Heat 9

Question 45.
Why is the freezing chest in a refrigerator fitted near its top?
Freezing chest in a refrigerator is fitted near the top, because it cools the remaining space of the refrigerator by convection current. Air near the top comes in contact with the freezing chest gets cooled, becomes denser and therefore descends while the hot air from the lower part rises and hence convection currents produced cool the whole space inside.

Question 46.
Explain briefly the process of heat transfer by radiation.
RADIATION. “The transfer of heat energy from a hot body to cold body directly, without heating the medium between two bodies is called RADIATION.”
The radiant heat or thermal radiation is of the form of ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES. These waves can travel even in vacuum in all directions in straight line with the speed of light. They do not heat the medium through which they pass. Heat radiations are also called INFRA-RED RADIATIONS because the wavelength of heat radiations is longer than that of visible light. These radiations can cause heating effect only if they are absorbed by some material.

Question 47.
Give one example of heat transfer by radiation.
When we sit in the sun, we feel warm. We cannot get heat from the sun by the process of conduction or convection because most of the space between the sun and the earth is a vacuum and both of these modes of heat transfer require medium. Hence, one must be getting heat from the sun by the mode of radiation.

Question 48.
Why do we prefer to wear white or light coloured clothes in summer and black or dark coloured clothes in winter ?
We prefer to wear white clothes in summer. The reason is that the white clothes reflects most of the sun’s heat and absorb very little of the sun’s heat, thus they keep our body cool.
We prefer to wear black and dark coloured clothes in winter. The reason is that the black or dark colour clothes absorb most of the sun’s heat and keep our body warm.

Question 49.
The bottom of a cooking utensil is painted black. Give the reason.
The bottom part of the cooking utensil or pan is painted black. The reason is that the black surface absorbs more heat and so the contents of utensil or pan get cooked rapidly if its bottom part is painted black.

Question 50.
Draw a labelled diagram of a thermo flask. Explain how the transfer of heat by conduction, convection and radiation is reduced to a minimum in it.
Heat transfer is minimised because of:
(1) The vacuum between the two walls, rubber, glass, cork and air do not allow the loss of heat by conduction.
(2) Cork in the neck of flask and the cup over it prevent loss of heat by convection.
(3) Heat cannot be lost by conduction or convection because of vacuum between the two walls.
(4) Heat loss is also minimised by radiation, by making outer surface of inner wall and inner surface of outer wall silvered. The inner wall is a BAD RADIATOR and the outer wall is a GOOD REFLECTOR of radiation.

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 5 Heat 10

C. Numericals

Question 1.
The temperature of a body rises by 1°C. What is the corresponding rise on the (a) Fahrenheit scale (b) Kelvin scale?
(a) Since 100 divisions on Celsius scale =180 divisions on the Fahrenheit scale 1 division on Celsius scale
∴ 1 division on Celsius scale
= 1.80 / 1.00 × 1
= 1.8 divisions in the Fahrenheit scale.
For 1°C rise corresponding rise in Fahrenheit = 1.8°F
(b) Since 100 divisions in the Celsius scale = 100 divisions in the Kelvin scale
1 division on Celsius scale = 100 / 100 × 1
= 1 division on Kelvin scale
For 1°C rise corresponding rise in Kelvin is 1 K.

Question 2.
The temperature rises by 18°F. What is the rise on the Celsius scale ?
Since 100 divisions on the Celsius scale =180 divisions on the Fahrenheit scale
∴ 18 divisions on Fahrenheit scale.

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 5 Heat 11

Question 3.
Convert 5°F to the Celsius scale.

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 5 Heat 12

Question 4.
Convert 40°C to the (a) Fahrenheit scale (b) Kelvin Scale.
(a) Fahrenheit scale
C = 40°C
Substitute value of C = 40° in below equation

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 5 Heat 13

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 5 Heat 14

Question 5.
Convert – 40°F to the Celsius scale.

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 5 Heat 15

Selina Concise Chemistry Class 7 ICSE Solutions – Physical and Chemical Changes

Selina Concise Chemistry Class 7 ICSE Solutions – Physical and Chemical Changes

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Selina Concise ICSE Solutions for Class 7 Chemistry Chapter 2 Physical and Chemical Changes

Points to Remember :

  1. All changes are classified into two types
    (i) Physical change
    (ii) Chemical change.
  2. Physical Change— A physical change is a temporary change in which no new substance is formed and chemical composition remains same. e.g. Melting of ice.
  3. Chemical Change— A chemical change is a permanent change, in which a new substances are formed whose chemical composition and physical properties are different, e.g. Burning of a candle.
  4. Chemical Reaction— Any chemical change in matter involving its transformation into one or more new substances is called a chemical reaction.
  5. Chemical Equations— A chemical equation is the symbolic representation of a chemical reaction using the symbols and the formulae of the substances involved in the reaction.
  6. The substances that react with one another are called reactants, and the new substances thus formed are called products.
  7. A balanced chemical reaction is one in which the number of the atoms of each element on the
  8. reactant side is equal to the number of atoms of that element on the product side.
  9. The law of conservation of mass states that mass can neither be created nor be destroyed.
  10. A chemical equation gives both qualitative and quantitative information about reactants aftd products.
  11. The type of chemical reaction in which two substances combine to form a new substance is known as combination reaction.
  12. The type of chemical reaction in which a substance breaks up on heating to form two or more simpler substances,
    which can be either elements or compounds, known as decomposition reaction.


Question 1.
(a) Define:
(i) a physical change
(ii) a chemical change
(b) Give two examples for each of the above two changes.
(a) (i) Physical chagne : A temporary change in which no new substance is formed, the composition of substance remains the same, though its state, shape and size may change.
(ii) Chemical change : A permanent change in which new substances are formed whose composition and properties are completely different from those of the original substances.
(b) Physical change:
(i) Change of water into its vapours.
(ii) Heating of iron rod.
Chemical change:
(i) Burning of wood.
(ii) Breathing.

Question 2.
What are reversible and irreversible changes ? Give one example for each.

  1. Reversible change : When a change in a substance can be reversed by changing the conditions, it is said to be a reversible change.
    Example : Melting of ghee or wax.
  2. Irreversible change : When a substance can not be brought back to its original state after a change, it is said to be an irreversible change.
    Example : Souring of milk.

Question 3.
Mention a change which is always

  1. Desirable : Changes that are useful to man are desirable changes, e.g. change of milk into curd.
  2. Undesirable : Change that brings about destruction is an undesirable change, e.g. floods and epidemics are undesirable changes.
  3. Periodic : Changes that are repeated at regular intervals of time are called periodic changes, e.g. change of day and night.

Question 4.
Is burning a physical change or a chemical change? Why?
Burning is a chemical change as new substance is formed with new properties and it cannot be reversed.

Question 5.
A burning candle shows both physical and chemical changes. Explain ?
A burning candle produces wax vapours which solidify and form wax again is physical change. At the same time wax on burning produces water vapours and carbondioxide which escape into the atmosphere which are new substances with new properties. It is a chemical change.
Hence burning of candle shows both physical and chemcial changes.

Question 6.
State three differences between evaporation and boiling

Evaporation Boiling
  1. Evaporation is a slow process.
  2. Evaporation takes place from the surface of the liquid.
  3. Evaporation takes place at all temperature.
  1. Boiling is a fast process.
  2. Bgiling takes place from all parts of the liquid.
  3. Boiling takes place at a fixed temperature on heating.

Question 7.
State four differences between physical and chemical changes.
Four differences are :

Physical change Chemical change
  1. No new substances with new properties are formed.
  2. It can be reversed by simple physical methods.
  3. It is temporary change.
  4. Energy is neither needed nor produced.
  1. New substances with new properties are formed.
  2. Change cannot be reversed by simple physical methods.
  3. It is permanent change.
  4. Energy is either needed or evolved.

Question 8.
What do you observe when :

  1. water is boiled
    On boiling water changes into steam (gas) physical change.
  2. a piece of paper is burnt
    On burning piece of paper produces carbon dioxide and ash is left behind. Is a chemical change.
  3. some ice cubes are kept in a glass tumbler
    Ice cubes (solid) turn into water (liquid) only state changes (physical change).
  4. solid ammonium chloride is heated
    Solid ammonium chloride on heating changes into vapours (change of state) is physical change.
  5. an iron nail is kept in tap water for few days
    We observe reddish brown coating on the nail called rust (entirely new substance) is chemical change.
  6. a spoon of sugar is heated in a pan
    When a spoon of sugar is heated in a pan, black (charred sugar) (carbon) is seen. Is a chemical change.
  7. lighted match stick is brought near the mouth of the test tube containing hydrogen gas.
    We observe that hydrogen bums at the mouth of test tube with blue flame and pop sound is heard. It is chemical change.
  8. quick lime is dissolved in water.
    The following two observations will be observed
    (i) A hissing sound is observed.
    (ii) The mixture starts boiling and lime water is obtained.
  9.  liittle ammount of curd is added to a bowl containing warm milk and kept for five hours.
    When a little amount curd is added to a bowl containing warm milk and kept for five hours, a permanent change occured.
    The milk will change to curd. On boiling water changes into steam (gas) physical change.

Question 9.
Name a chemical change which takes place in presence of:

  1. Burning of paper.
  2. Cooking of food need heat.

Light :

  1. Formation of food by plants i.e. photosynthesis need light.
  2. Hydrogen and chlorine react in presence of light


  1. Water breaks into hydrogen and oxygen on passing electricity.
  2. Sodium chloride solution breaks up into its components sodium and Chlorine on passing electric current through sodium chloride solution.

Objective Type Questions

Question 1.
Fill in the blanks.

  1. A new substance is always formed in a chemical change.
  2. Melting of ice is a physical change.
  3. When a candle burns, wax melts. Melting of wax is a physical change.
  4. Chemical change occurs as a result of rearrangement of atoms between two substances.
  5. Burning of a fuel is a chemical change.
  6. Revolution of the earth around the sun is a natural periodic change.
  7. Growing of a seedling into a plant is chemical change.

Question 2.
State whether the following are physical or chemical changes.

  1. glowing of a bulb — physical change,
  2. burning of sugar — chemical change,
  3. heating of water — physical change,
  4. growing of a piglet into a pig — chemical change,
  5. burning of wood — chemical change,
  6. passing electric current through a heater rod — physical change.
  7. water cycle in nature — physical change,
  8. respiration in living beings — chemical change,
  9. shaping a piece of glass — physical change,
  10. lightning — chemical change,
  11. (energy produced) dissolving sugar in water — physical change,
  12. heating a mixture of iron filings and sulphur—chemical change.
  13. mixing oil with water — physical change.
  14. cutting wood into small pieces — physical change,
  15. photosynthesis — chemical change.
  16. Digestion of food — chemical change.
  17. Melting of wax — physical change.
  18. Boiling of an egg — chemical change.
  19. Slaking of lime — chemical change.

Question 3.
Match the following:

Physical and Chemical changes 1
Physical and Chemical changes 3
Physical and Chemical changes 4

Question 4.
Write true or false against the following statements :

  1. Cutting of paper into pieces is a chemical change.
  2. Rusting of iron is a chemical change.
  3. Earthquake is a desirable change.
  4. Melting of ice is a physical change.
  5. Burning of sugar is a temporary change.

Multiple Choice Questions

Tick (√) the correct alternative from the choice given for the following statements :
Question 1.
A substance which can not sublime is

  1. iodine
  2. camphor
  3. sugar
  4. dry ice

Question 2.
When you put some ice cubes in a glass, droplets of water are formed on the outerwall of the glass. This explains the phenomenon of

  1. melting
  2. freezing
  3. condensation
  4. evaporation

Question 3.
Burning is a

  1. slow process
  2. fast process
  3. natural process
  4. none of the above

Question 4.
Which one of the following is volatile in nature ?

  1. common salt
  2. petrol
  3. water
  4. milk

Question 5.
An example of both physical and chemical change is

  1. burning of candle
  2. melting of ice
  3. cooking of food
  4. blowing of bulb

Question 6.
The compound rust is a hydrated oxide of

  1. copper
  2. aluminium
  3. iron
  4. gold

Question 7.
When sugar is heated, its colour changes into

  1. red
  2. brown
  3. black
  4. grey

Question 8.
A pop sound is heard when a lighted match stick is brought
near the mouth of a jar. This indicates the release of gas.

  1. oxygen
  2. hydrogen
  3. nitrogen
  4. water-vapour

Question 9.
When we add water to the following substances, which one will show a chemical change ?

  1. salt
  2. sugar
  3. oild
  4. quick lime

Selina Concise Biology Class 7 ICSE Solutions – Photosynthesis and Respiration

Selina Concise Biology Class 7 ICSE Solutions – Photosynthesis and Respiration

ICSE SolutionsSelina ICSE SolutionsML Aggarwal Solutions provides step by step solutions for Selina Concise ICSE Solutions for Class 7 Biology. You can download the Selina Concise Biology ICSE Solutions for Class 7 with Free PDF download option. Selina Publishers Concise Biology for Class 7 ICSE Solutions all questions are solved and explained by expert teachers as per ICSE board guidelines.

Selina Class 7 Biology ICSE SolutionsChemistryPhysicsMathsGeographyHistory & Civics

Selina Concise ICSE Solutions for Class 7 Biology Chapter 4 Photosynthesis and Respiration

Synopsis —

  • The process of preparing or synthesising food using water from the soil and carbon dioxide from the air, together chlorophyll and sunlight is called photosynthesis.
  • Photosynthesis occurs in the mesophyll cells of the leaf. These cells contain numerous plastids called chloroplasts.
  • With in the plastids is present the green pigment called chlorophyll.
  • On the lower surface of the leaf are numerous pores called stomata, which open into small air cavities inside the leaf.
  • Stomata are tiny openings found mainly on the lower surface of leaves. These openings are surrounded by a pair of bean¬shaped cells called guard cells.
  • All plants have a transport system called vascular system. It is composed of two types of tissues called xylem and phloem.
  • There are two end-products of photosynthesis :
    • Glucose (C6H12O6)
    • Oxygen
  • The energy released during respiration is stored as chemical energy in the form of ATP — adenosine tri-phosphate.
  • Aerobic respiration —
    C6 H12O6+6O2  →  6CO2+6H2O+38ATP
    Anaerobic respiration —
    C6H12O6 →  2C2H5OH+2CO2+2ATP
  • During vigorous exercise, the cells respire anaerobically and form lactic acid which accumulate in the muscle cells causing fatigue and pain.
  • Cellular respiration is called internal respiration which takes place in the cells of living organisms.
    Selina Concise Biology Class 7 ICSE Solutions - Photosynthesis and Respiration 1
  • The frog respires through
    1. skinmouth
    2. lining
    3. lungs.
  • The respiratory organs of the fish are gills.
  • Transpiration is the loss of water in the form of water vapour from the aerial parts of the plant.
  • Transpiration occurs through stomata.
  • The factors which affect the rate of transpiration are 
    1. Sunlight
    2. Temperature
    3. Wind
    4. Humidity
  • The significance of transpiration
    •  Maintain the concentration of the sap inside the plant body.
    • Causes cooling effect

Review Questions

Multiple Choice Questions
1. Put a tick (✓ ) against the most appropriate alternative in the following statements.
(i) Carbohydrates are stored by plants in the form of:
(a) Vitamins
(b) Proteins
(c) Fats
(d) Glucose 

(ii) Stomata are present on the surface of:
(a) Leaves
(b) Roots
(c) Stem
(d) Flower petals

(iii) Which one of the following is an end-product of photosynthesis ?
(a) Fructose
(b) Glucose
(c) Cellulose
(d) Lactose

Short Answer Questions

1. Why do leaves generally look green ?
The green colour of a leaf is due to the presence of chlorophyll.

2. Which four of the following are needed for photosyn-thesis in a leaf:
(i) Carbon dioxide:
(ii) Oxygen:
(iii) Nitrates :
(iv) Water:
(v) Chlorophyll:
(vi) Soil:
(vii) Light:
(i) Carbon dioxide: from air
(iv) Water: from soil
(v) Chlorophyll: contained in leaf
(vii) Light: from sunlight

3. What is the source of energy for photosynthesis ?
Light is the ultimate source of energy in photosynthesis because plants take in the sunlight CO2 and H2O and converts it into glucose.

4. Which gas is taken in and which one is given out by the leaf in bright sunlight ?
(i) Taken in :
(ii) Given out:
(i) Carbon dioxide
(ii) Oxygen

5. Suppose we compare the leaf with a factory, match the items in Column A with those in Column B.
ColumnA Column B
Selina Concise Biology Class 7 ICSE Solutions - Photosynthesis and Respiration 2

Selina Concise Biology Class 7 ICSE Solutions - Photosynthesis and Respiration 3

6. State whether the following statements are True or False:

(i) Green plants prepare their food by using two raw materials, oxygen and water.
False. Green plants prepare their food by using raw materials, CO, chlorophyll and water.
(ii) The chlorophyll enables the plants to use light energy.
(iii) The free oxygen in the atmospheric air is the result of photosynthesis.
(iv) Photosynthesis occurs only in chlorophyll-containing parts of the plant.

7. Differentiate between aerobic and anaerobic respiration. Write the overall chemical equations of the two kinds of respiration in plants.
(i) Aerobic:
(ii) Anaerobic:
Aerobic respiration

  1. It occurs in the presence of oxygen.
  2. Here there is complete breakdown of glucose releasing carbon-di-oxide, energy. water and energy.
  3. More energy is released (38 ATP).

Anaerobic respiration

  1. It occurs in the absence of oxygen.
  2. There is partial breakdown of glucose into ethyl alohol, carbon-di-oxide and
  3. Lesser energy is released (2 ATP).

(i) Aerobic respiration:
Selina Concise Biology Class 7 ICSE Solutions - Photosynthesis and Respiration 4
(ii) Anaerobic respiration:
Selina Concise Biology Class 7 ICSE Solutions - Photosynthesis and Respiration 5
Question 8.
 Explain how photosynthesis is different from respiration.

  1. Anabolic process
  2. Food is produced here.
  3. Oxygen is by-product.
  4. Chlorophyll and sunlight are required.
  5. Occur only during daytime.
  6. Occurs in green plants only.


  1. Catabolic process
  2. Food is broken down form here to release energy
  3. Carbon-di-oxide is the by-product.
  4. Chlorophyll and sunlight are notrequired.
  5. Occurs all the time
  6. Occurs in all living beings including plants.

Photosynthesis :
Selina Concise Biology Class 7 ICSE Solutions - Photosynthesis and Respiration 6



Question 9.
 Do the plants respire all day and night or only during the night ?
The plants respire only during the night. Plants take in oxygen and give out carbon dioxide. Hence, there is some truth in the belief that one should not sleep under the trees at night.

Question 10.
 What happens to the energy liberated during respiration?
The energy liberated during respiration is utilised for carrying out various life processes.
Some of the energy liberated during the breakdown of 03 the glucose molecule, is in the form of heat, but a large part of it is converted into chemical energy called Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP). Any activity inside the cell is carried out by the energy released by these ATP molecules.

Long Answer Questions

Question 1.
In order to carry out photosynthesis, what are the substances that a plant must take in ? Also mention their sources.
For preparing food, the plants require the following :

  1. Water (from soil)
  2. Carbon dioxide (from air)
  3. Chlorophyll (contained in the leaf)
  4. Energy (from sunlight)

The process of preparing or synthesising food using water from the soil and carbon dioxide from the air, together chlorophyll and sunlight is called photosynthesis. This entire process is a series of complex chemical reactions Photosynthesis is represented as follows:
Selina Concise Biology Class 7 ICSE Solutions - Photosynthesis and Respiration 7

Question 2. 
What is the role of chlorophyll in photosynthesis ?
This pigment is of utmost importance as it absorbs the sunlight which provides energy for the process of photosynthesis occurs inside the chloroplast of the leaf.

Question 3.
Do plants need oxygen ? If so, what is its source ?
Yes plants need oxygen, all the free oxygen in the atmospheric air is the result of photosynthesis. No animal can survive without oxygen as it is needed for respiration. Even the plants use the same oxygen in dark for their own respiration.

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions – Physical Quantities and Measurement

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions – Physical Quantities and Measurement

ICSE SolutionsSelina ICSE SolutionsML Aggarwal Solutions provides step by step solutions for Selina Concise ICSE Solutions for Class 7 Physics. You can download the Selina Concise Physics ICSE Solutions for Class 7 with Free PDF download option. Selina Publishers Concise Physics for Class 7 ICSE Solutions all questions are solved and explained by expert teachers as per ICSE board guidelines.

Selina Class 7 Physics ICSE SolutionsChemistryBiologyMathsGeographyHistory & Civics

Selina Concise ICSE Solutions for Class 7 Physics Chapter 1 Physical Quantities and Measurement

  • Points to Remember
  • The mass of a body is the quantity of matter contained in a body regardless of its volume or any force acting on it.
  •  The weight of a body is the force with which every body is attracted towards its centre.
  •  The unit of mass in S.I. system is kilogram (kg). Higher units of mass are quintal and metric tonne.
  •  The weight of body changes with acceleration due to gravity.
  •  Weight is zero at the centre of the earth.
  •  Mass per unit volume of a substance is called density of the body.
  •  The unit of density in S.I. system is kg m-3 and gcm-3 in C.G.S. system.
  •  The density in S.I. system is 1000 × numerical value in C.G.S. system.
  •  The density of liquids and gases decreases or increases with the rise or fall in temperature.
  • The cycle of upward and downward movements of the fluid form currents in the medium which are known as convectional currents.

Test Yourself

A. Objective Questions 

1. Write true or false for each statement

(a) The S.I. unit of volume is litre.
Answer. False.
The S.I. unit of volume is cubic metre.

(b) A measuring beaker of capacity 200 ml can measure only the volume. 200 ml of a liquid.
Answer. True.

(c) cm2 is a smaller unit of area than m2.
Answer. True.

(d) Equal volumes of two different substances have equal masses.
Answer. False.
Equalvolumes of two different substances have different masses.

(e) The S.I. unit of density is g cm-3.
Answer. False.
The S.I. unit of density is Kg m-3.

(f) 1 g cm-3 = 1000 kg m-3.
Answer. True.

(g) The density of water is maximum at 4°C.
Answer. True.

(h) The speed 5 ms-1 is less than 25 km h-1.
Answer. True.

(i) The S.I. unit of speed is ms-1.
Answer. True

2. Fill in the blanks

(a) l m3106 cm3
(b) The volume of an irregular solid is determined by the method of displacement of liquid.
(c) Volume of a cube = (one side)
(d) The area of an irregular lamina is measured by using a grapl paper.
(e) Mass = density × volume.
(f) The S.I. unit of density is kg m-3.
(g) 1 g cm-3 = 1000 kg m-3.
(h) 36 km h-1 = 10 ms-1.
(i) Distance travelled d = speed v × time t.

3. Match the following

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Physical Quantities and Measurement 1

4. Select the correct alternative 

(a) One litre is equal to :

  1.  1 cm-3
  2. 1 m3
  3.  10-3  cm3
  4. 10-3 m3

(b) A metallic piece displaces water of volume 15 ml. The volume of piece is :

  1.  15 cm3
  2.  15 m3
  3.  15 × 103 cm3
  4.  15 × 103 cm3

(c) A piece of paper of dimensions 1.5 m x 20 cm has area :

  1.  30 m2
  2.  300 cm2
  3.  0.3 m2
  4.  3000 m3

(d) The correct relation is :

  1.  d = M × V
  2.  M = d × Y  
  3.  V = d × M
  4.  d = M + V

(e) The density of alcohol is 0.8 g cm-3. In S.I. unit, it will be :

  1.  0.8 kg m-3
  2.  0.0008 kg m-3
  3.  800 kg m-3
  4.  8 x 103 kg m-3

(f) The density of aluminium is 2.7 g cm-3 and of brass is 8.4 g cm-3. For the same mass, the volume of:

  1.  both will be same
  2.  aluminium will be less than that of brass
  3.  aluminium will be more than that of brass
  4.  nothing can be said.

(g) A block of wood of density 0.8 g cm-3 has a volume of 60 cm3. The mass of block will be :

  1.  60.8 g
  2.  75 g
  3.  48 g
  4.  0.013 g

(h) The correct relation for speed is

  1.  Speed = distance x time
  2.  speed = distance / time
  3.  speed = time / distance
  4.  speed = 1 / distance x time

(i) A boy travels a distance 150 m in 1 minute. His speed is

  1.  150 m s-1
  2.  2.5 m s-1
  3.  25 m s-1
  4.  9 m s-1

B. Short/Long Answer Questions

Question 1.
Define the term volume of an object.
The space occupied by an object is called its volume.

Question 2.
State and define the S.I. unit of volume.
S.I. unit of volume – The S.I. unit of volume is cubic metre. In short form, it is written as m3.
One cubic metre is the volume of a cube of each side 1 metre as shown in figure below i.e., 1 m3 = 1 m × 1 m × 1 m.

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Physical Quantities and Measurement 2

Question 3.
State two smaller units of volume. How are they related to the S.I. unit?
A smaller unit of volume is cubic centimetre (symbol cm3) and cubic decimetre (symbol 1 dm3). One cubic centimetre is the volume of a cube of each side 1 centimetre, i.e.,
1 cm3 = 1 cm × 1 cm × 1 cm.
Relationship between m3 and cm3
l m= lm × lm × lm
= 100 cm × 100 cm × 100 cm
= 10,00,000 cm3 = 106 cm3.
Relationship between m3 and dm3
l m3 = lm × 1 m × 1 m .
= 10 dm × 10 dm × 10 dm
= 1000 dm
= 103 dm
Note 1 m = 10 dm

Question 4.
How will you determine the volume of a cuboid ? Write the formula you will use.
Volume of a cuboid = length × breadth × height.

Question 5.
Name two devices which are used to measure the volume of an object. Draw their neat diagrams.
Two devices that are used to measure the volume of an object are :
(i) Measuring cylinder and
(ii) Measuring beaker.

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Physical Quantities and Measurement 3

Question 6.
How can you determine the volume of an irregular solid (say a piece of brass) ? Describe in steps with neat diagrams.
To measure the volume of a piece of stone.
Take a piece of brass, a measuring cylinder, fine thread of sufficient length and some water.
Place a measuring cylinder on a flat horizontal surface and fill it partially with water. Note the reading of the water level very carefully. Now tie the piece of brass with a thread and dip it completely into water. We see that the level of water rises. Note the reading of the new water level.

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Physical Quantities and Measurement 4
The difference in the two levels of water gives the volume of the piece of brass
Initial level of water = 60 ml
Level of water when brass is immersed = 80 ml
∴ Volume of water displaced = 80 ml – 60 ml = 20 ml
∴ Volume of the piece of brass = 20 cm3
Note : 1 ml = 1 cm3

Question 7.
You are required to take out 200 ml of milk from a bucket full of milk. How will you do it ?
By using the measuring beaker A measuring beaker is used to measure a fixed volume of liquid from a large volume. Suppose it is required to measure 200 ml of milk from the milk contained in a bucket. For this, take the measuring beaker of capacity 200 ml. Wash it and dry it. Then, immerse the measuring beaker well inside the milk contained in the bucket so that the beaker gets completely filled with the milk.
Take out the measuring beaker from the bucket gently so that no milk splashes out and then pour the milk from the measuring beaker into the another empty vessel.

Question 8.
Describe the method in steps to find the area of an irregular lamina using a graph paper.
Method to find the area of an irregular lamina using a graph paper : First, place the lamina over a graph paper and draw its boundary line on the graph paper with a pencil. Then remove the lamina and count and note the number of complete squares as well as the number of squares more than half within the boundary line (only the squares less than half, are left while counting). The area of lamina is equal to the sum of the area of complete squares and the area of squares more than half. Let n be the total number of complete and more than half or half squares within the boundary of lamina. Since area of one big square is 1 cm × 1cm = 1 cm2, so the area of lamina will be n x

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Physical Quantities and Measurement 5

Question 9.
Define the term density of a substance.
The density of a substance is defined as the mass of a unit volumx of that substance.

Question 10.
State the S.I. and C.G.S. units of density. How are they inte related ?
The S.I. unit of mass is kilogram (symbol kg) and of volume is
cubic metre (symbol m3). Therefore S.I. unit of density is kg/m3
or kg m-3.
The C.G.S. unit of mass is gram (symbol g) and of volume is cubic centimetre (symbol cm3). Therefore the C.G.S. unit of
density is g/cm3 or g cm-3.

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Physical Quantities and Measurement 6

Question 11.
‘The density of brass is 8.4 g cm’3’. What do you mean by the statement ?
Density of brass is 8.4 g cm-3. This means that unit volume of brass contain 8.4 g mass.

Question 12.
Arrange the following substances in order of their increasing density:
(a) iron
(b) cork
(c) brass
(d) water
(e) mercury

Question 13.
How does the density of water changes when :
(a) it is heated from 0°C to 4°C,
(b) it is heated from 4°C to 10°C ?
(a) Water contracts on heating from 0°C to 4°C and expands on heating above 4°C.
(b) The density of water is maximum at 4°C. It decreases when it is cooled from 4°C to 0°C or it is heated above 4°C.

Question 14.
Write the density of water at 4°C.
The density of water at 4°C is 1.0 g cm-3, or 1,000 kg m-3

Question 15.
Explain the meaning of the term speed.
The distance covered or travelled by a body in one second is called the speed of the body, i.e.

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Physical Quantities and Measurement 7

Question 16.
Write the S.I. unit of speed.
The S.I. unit of speed is metre/second or metre per second. Its symbol is m s-1.

Question 17.
A car travels with a speed 12 m s”1, while a scooter travels with a speed 36 km h-1. Which of the two travels faster ?
Speed of car = 12 m s-1
Speed of scooter = 36 km h-1
here, 1 km = 1000 m
1 hr = 3600 sec

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Physical Quantities and Measurement 8
∴ Speed of car is more. Car travels faster than scooter.

C. Numericals

Question 1.
The length, breadth and height of a water tank are 5 m, 2.5 m and 1.25 m respectively. Calculate the capacity of the water tank in (a) m3 (b) litre.
Length (1) = 5m
Breadth (b) = 2.5 m
and Height (h) = 1.25 m

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Physical Quantities and Measurement 9

Question 2.
A solid silver piece is immersed in water contained in a measuring cylinder. The level of water rises from 50 ml to 62 ml. Find the volume of silver piece.
Given, initial level of water .v1 = 50 ml
Final level of water v2 = 62 ml
Volume of silver piece V = v2 – v1
= 62 ml – 50 ml
= 12 ml or 12 cm3

Question 3.
Find the volume of a liquid present in a dish of dimensions 10 cm x 10 cm x 5 cm.
Volume of water = Length × breadth × height
= 10 cm × 10 cm × 5 cm
= 500 cm3 or 500 ml.

Question 4.
A rectangular field is of length 60 m and breadth 35 m. Find the area of the field.
Length of a rectangular field = 60 m
Breadth of rectangular field = 35 m
∴ Area = 60 m × 35 m
= 2100 m2

Question 5.
Find the approximate area of an irregular lamina of which boundary line is drawn on the graph paper shown in fig. 1.16. below.

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Physical Quantities and Measurement 10
From figure, the number of complete squares = 11
The number of squares more than half = 9
∴ Total number of squares = 11 + 9 = 20
∴ Area of the 1 square = 1 cm × 1cm = 1 cm2
∴ Area of 20 squares = 20 × 1 cm2 = 20 cm2
∴ Approximate area of irregular lamina = 20 cm2

Question 6.
A piece of brass of volume 30 cm3 has a mass of 252 g. Find the density of brass in (i) g cm-3, (ii) kg m-3.

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Physical Quantities and Measurement 11

Question 7.
The mass of an iron ball is 312 g. The density of iron is 7.8 g cm-3. Find the volume of the ball.

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Physical Quantities and Measurement 12

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Physical Quantities and Measurement 13

Question 8.
A cork has a volume 25 cm3. The density of cork is 0.25 g cm-3. Find the mass of cork.

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Physical Quantities and Measurement 14

Question 9.
The mass of 5 litre of water is 5 kg. Find the density of water in g cm-3.

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Physical Quantities and Measurement 15

Question 10.
A cubical tank of side 1 m is filled with 800 kg of a liquid. Find: (i) the volume of tank, (ii) the density of liquid in kg m-3.

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Physical Quantities and Measurement 16

Question 11.
A block of iron has dimensions 2 m × 0.5 m × 0.25 m. The density of iron is 7.8 g cm-3. Find the mass of block.
Given, l = 2m
b = 0.5 m

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Physical Quantities and Measurement 17

Question 12.
The mass of a lead piece is 115 g. When it is immersed into a measuring cylinder, the water level rises from 20 ml mark to 30 ml mark.
(i) the volume of the lead piece,
(ii) the density of the lead in kg m-3.

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Question 13.
The density of copper is 8.9 g cm-3. What will be its density in kg m-3 ?

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Physical Quantities and Measurement 19

Question 14.
A car travels a distance of 15 km in 20 minute. Find the speed of the car in (i) km h-1, (ii) m s-1.
Distance travelled by car =15 km
Time taken = 20 minutes
(i) Speed of car in km h-1
Convert 20 minutes to hour

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Physical Quantities and Measurement 20

Question 15.
How long a train will take to travel a distance of 200 km with a speed of 60 km h-1 ?
Distance covered by train = 200 km
Speed of train = 60 km h-1

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Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Physical Quantities and Measurement 22

Question 16.
A boy travels with a speed of 10 m s-1 for 30 minute. How much distance does he travel ?
Speed of boy = 10 m s-1
Time taken = 30 minutes
speed = distance travelled / time taken
Distance travelled = Speed × Time taken
Convert 30 minutes to seconds
1 minute = 60 sec
30 minute 60 × 30 = 1800 seconds
Putting the value of speed and time we get
Distance travelled = 10 ms-1 × (1800 sec) = 18000 m
= 18000 metre or 18 km Ans.

Question 17.
Express 36 km h-1 in m s-1

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Physical Quantities and Measurement 23

Question 18.
Express 15 m s-1 in km h-1.

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Selina Concise Biology Class 7 ICSE Solutions – Classification of Plants

Selina Concise Biology Class 7 ICSE Solutions – Classification of Plants

ICSE SolutionsSelina ICSE SolutionsML Aggarwal Solutions provides step by step solutions for Selina Concise ICSE Solutions for Class 7 Biology. You can download the Selina Concise Biology ICSE Solutions for Class 7 with Free PDF download option. Selina Publishers Concise Biology for Class 7 ICSE Solutions all questions are solved and explained by expert teachers as per ICSE board guidelines.

Selina Class 7 Biology ICSE SolutionsChemistryPhysicsMathsGeographyHistory & Civics

Selina Concise ICSE Solutions for Class 7 Biology Chapter 2 Classification of Plants


  • Classification means grouping things together on the basis of certain common features.
  • The classification helps us to identify the living organisms and to study them more easily and systematically.
  • The plants can be classified as follows on the basis of their size and shape as:
    1. Herbs
    2. Shrubs
    3. Trees.
  • The plants which have soft, green and perishable stems are called herbs.
    Example: maize, rice, mint etc.
  •  The plants with woody stems, with branches of almost equal size arising from the stem immediately above the soil are called shrubs.
    Example: Lemon, jasmine etc.
  • The plants which are tall and have hard, woody stems and bear woody branches, twigs and leaves at some distance above the ground are called trees.
    Example: Coconut and palm.
    Non – flowering plants are called Cryptogams
  • Flowering plants are called Phanerogams.
  • The non-flowering plants can be further classified as:
    1. Thallophyta (Bacteria, Fungi and Algae)
    2.  Bryophyta (Mosses)
    3. Pteridophyta (Ferns)
  • Thallophyta do not bear-roots, stems or leaves.
  • Mosses have stems and leaves but no roots rather have
    thread-like structures called rhizoids.
  • Mosses are called Amphibians of the plant group as they need water to reproduce.
  • Spores are not seeds.
  • Spores are tiny structures capable of producing new plants.
  • The flowering plants can be further classified into
    1. Gymno sperms.
    2.  Angiosperms.
  • The flowering plants that bear seeds but no fruit are called Gymnosperms. Their seeds are thin and naked.
  • The characteristic feature of gymnosperms is that their roots are well developed, trunk is thick and woody and their leaves are long and pointed.
  •  The female part of the angiosperms plant is called ovary.
  •  The plants can be classified on the basis of life span as:
    1. Annuals
    2. Biennials
    3. Perennials
  •  The plants which live for only one season in a year are called annuals.
    Example: Wheat, rice, pea, sunflower.
  •  The plants which complete their life cycle in two years, i.e. in the first year they bear the vegetative parts while in the second year they bear flowers, fruits and seeds are called
    Example: Carrot, potato, cabbage.
  •  The plants which live for more than two years and bear flowers, fruit and seeds every year.
    [They may even live for hundreds of years] are called
    Example: Banyan, pine.
  • The perennial plants can be further divided as
    1.  Deciduous: Shed their leaves once in a year usually before winter. •
      Example: Oak, mulberry.
    2. Evergreen: These never shed their leaves all at one time. They keep shedding their leaves throughout the year. Example: Mango, guava etc.
  • The self – nourishing living beings are called autotrophs. Those nourishing on others are called heterotrophs.
  •  On the basis of habitat, the plants can be classified as.
    1. mesophytes
    2. xerophytes
    3. hydrophytes.
  •  Mesophytes : The plants which grow on land and need moderate amount of water for their survival.
    Example: Mango,apple.
  • Xerophytes:

    1.  The plants which grow is deserts and need minimum amount of water for their survival.
    2.  These have thin and spiny leaves to minimise water loss.Example: Cactus, Babul etc.
  • Hydrophytes:
    1. The plants need maximum amount of water and hence grow in water.
    2.  They have either very small or no roots at all.
      Example: Lotus, water lily etc.

Activity 1
Visit a garden park with your teacher or parents and take along with you, a notebook and a pencil. In the park, you would see a large variety of plants some very small, some with average height and some very tall. These plants differ in their features like shape, size (small/medium/tall) and life span. Observe these features carefully (you may even take help from the Gardner) and note down in the table given below.
Classify these plants in their respective appearance and categories:
Selina Concise Biology Class 7 ICSE Solutions - Classification of Plants 1

Activity 2
Visit a nearby garden or park. Observe the different types of plants small and large, growing there. If permitted by the care-taker collect samples of as many types of plants as you can by plucking. Be sure that you do not damage the plant and collect only one specimen of each type. Take them to your school and record them according to their categories in your notebook
Selina Concise Biology Class 7 ICSE Solutions - Classification of Plants 2 

Activity 3

You will see two parts in gram seed. Each part of the seed in called cotyledon. In maize seed, you will see only one cotyledon. Can you tell which seed among them is monocotyledon and which is dicotyledon ?
Monocot : Dicot
Monocot: maize seed Dicot: gram seed

Review Questions 

1.Tick (✓) the appropriate answer :

(i) The two main categories of plants recognised on the basis of whether they produce fruits or not:
a) Biennials and annuals
b) Angiosperms and gymnosperms
c) Herbs and shrubs
d) Bryophyta and pteridophyta

(ii) Unicellular organisms with a proper nucleus are known as :
(a) Protista
(b) Monera
(c) Fungi
(d) Algae

(iii) Amoeba belongs to :
(a) Monera
b) Protista
(c) Fungi
(d) Algae

Short Answer Questions

1. Name the categories of the following:

  1.  Plants which do not have roots, stems, and leaves: Thallophyta.
  2.  Plants with no roots, but have stems and leaves: Bryophyta  or Mosses.
  3.  Plants with roots, stems, and leaves, and which bear spore- producing bodies: Pteridophyta or Ferns.
  4.  The amphibians of the plant kingdom mosses (Bryophytes)

2. Give two characterists and one example of each of the following:

(i) Algae:
Ans. Example: Spirogyra
(a) these are found in stagnant water of ponds, growing as green scum
(b) they have chlorophyll

(ii) Fungi:
Ans. Example: Mushroom
(a) They cannot prepare their food
(b) Most fungi live on dead and decaying organic matter

(iii) Monocot:
Ans. Example: Maize
(a) They have seeds with one cotyledon
(b) Cotyledon usually becomes the embryonic first leaves of a seedling

(iv) Dicot
Ans. (a) They contain two cotyledons in their seed.
(b) They have network like (reticulate) venation in their leaves.
Examples : gram, rose, mango.

(v) Bryophyta
Ans. (a) They have stems and leaves but no roots.
(b) They are non-flowering plants.
Examples : mosses, liverworts.

(vi) Pteridophyta
Ans. (a) They are non-flowering plants i.e. do not produce flowers are seeds. They reproduce through spores
(b) They have feather like leaves divided into leaflets. Example : ferns

(vii) Thallophytes
Ans. (a) These plants do not have roots, stems or leaves.
(b) They are non-flowering plants.
Examples : Bacteria, fungi, algae

3. Differentiate between

(i) Algae and fungi


  1.  Usually green having chlorophyll
  2.  Found in stagnant water of ponds.
  3.  Are usually Autotrophs e.g. Spirogyra


  1. Do not have chlorophyll
  2. Found on dead and decaying organic matter.
  3. Are usually saprophytes. e.g. Bread mould

(ii) Monocot and dicot plants.

The plants which contain only one cotyledon in their seeds.
example: Grass, Maize

The plants which contain two cotyledons in their seeds.
example: Brinjal, Mango

(iii) Autotrophs and heterotrophs


  1. They can make their own food using solar energy.
  2.  These include green plants having chlorophyll.
  3.  They are also called producers.


  1. They cannot make their own food and depend on autotrophs or other heterotrophs for food.
  2. These include animals and non-green plants.
  3. They are called consumers.

(iv) bacteria and amoeba


  1. Bacteria are one of the smallest and structurally the simplest organisms.
  2.  Bacteria are unicellular cells
  3.  They are found every-where air, water, soil, the bodies of humans, plants and animals.
  4.  They are visible only under a high powered light microscope


  1.  Amoeba is one of the simplest animals.
  2. It is made up of just one single cell.
  3. Amoeba is found in ponds, ditches and other places with stagnating water.
  4.  They can be seen under the microscope only

(v) mosses and ferns

  1.  Mosses grow as green, velvety layers in moist places such as damp soil, on the bark of trees, and on damp walls.
  2. These plants have stems and leaves, but no roots


  1.  Ferns are grown in most of the gardens for their beautiful leaves.
  2. They bear well-formed leaves, stems and roots.

(vi) Angiosperms and gymnosperms

  1. These plants bear seeds inside a fruit.
  2.  Leaves are usually broad.
  3. They usually shed their leaves every autumn.
  4. Examples: rose, sunflower, sugarcane.


  1. These plants bear naked seeds called cones. Fruit is absent.
  2.  Leaves are usually needle like. They usually remain green throughout the year.
    Examples: Pine, cedar, fir.

Long Answer Questions
(Write the answers in your note book)

Question 1.

What name is given to bacteria found in the root nodules of pea plants ? State their importance.
Rhizobium bacteria are found living in the root nodules (small swollen structures on roots) of leguminous plants like the pea, bean etc. These bacteria trap the nitrogen from the atmosphere and convert it into nitrates (mineral salts) which can be easily absorbed by the plants from the soil along with the water. It is observed here that the bacteria provide food to the host plant and the host plant in turn provides shelter for the bacteria. This kind of relationship wherein two organisms live in harmony each benefiting from such a relationship is called symbiosis. The organisms are called symbionts.

Question 2.
Briefly explain four types of bacteria on basis of their shape.
There are four common forms of bacteria – coccus, bacillus, spirillum and vibrio.

  1. Coccus form: These bacteria are spherical or ovoid in shape.
  2. Bacillus form (bacillus : rod) These are rod-shaped. These may also occur singly or in group of two’s or three’s, joined end to end in long chains.
  3. Spirillum form: These are spiral-shaped.
  4. Vibrio form: These are short, curved, appearing comma- shaped. Chloera bacteria (Vibrio cholerae) are of vibrio type.

 Question 3.
Give reasons for the following:

(i) Bryophytes are called amphibians of plant kingdom.
(ii) Amoeba does not have any regular shape.

  1. Since bryophytes grow on land but need water for reproduction (like frogs in animals), they are called the amphibians of plant kingdom.
  2. The body of Amoeba is irregular in shape. The outer covering of the body is the cell membrane. A prominent nucleus lies in the center surrounded by cytoplasm.

Question 4.
What is a contractile vacoule ? State its function in amoeba.
Excess of water from the body of the amoeba is collected in the contractile vacuole. Ammonia is soluble in water. Hence, sometimes ammonia is expelled out along with the water from the contractile vacuole.
Function: The contractile vacuole expands when there is water in it and shrinks when the water is released into the surrounding.

Question 5.
List out Jive uses each of bacteria and fungi in our lives.
The uses of Bacteria are :

  •  Lactobacilus bacteria is used for curdling of milk (formation of curd from milk). It converts the milk sugar (lactose) into lactic acid, giving the sour taste to the curd.
  •  Certain bacteria like Acetobacter ferment fruit juices into vinegar (acetic acid).
  • Tanning of leather: Certain bacteria are used in curing of animal hides and skin.
  • Retting of fibres: Jute fibres are separated and made softer by the use of bacteria.
  • Formation of compost and manure: Cow dung, horse dung and agricultural wastes are subjected to bacterial action which causes their decay and produce very useful manure.

The uses of Fungi are:

  • Fungi are an important source of food. Some mushrooms such as Morechella and Agaricus are edible.
  • Yeast, a unicellular fungus, is important in bakeries as it is used in the making of bread. It is also important in the breweries for making alcohol.
  • Yeast also produces vitamin B.
  • Fungi, like bacteria, are also good decomposes. They decompose dead organic matter and return the nutrients back into the soil.
  • Penicillin an important antibiotic is obtained from a fungus called Penicillium notatum.


Selina Concise Chemistry Class 7 ICSE Solutions – Matter and Its Composition

Selina Concise Chemistry Class 7 ICSE Solutions – Matter and Its Composition

ICSE SolutionsSelina ICSE SolutionsML Aggarwal Solutions provides step by step solutions for Selina Concise ICSE Solutions for Class 7 Chemistry. You can download the Selina Concise Chemistry ICSE Solutions for Class 7 with Free PDF download option. Selina Publishers Concise Chemistry for Class 7 ICSE Solutions all questions are solved and explained by expert teachers as per ICSE board guidelines.

Selina Class 7 Chemistry ICSE SolutionsPhysicsBiologyMathsGeographyHistory & Civics

Selina Concise ICSE Solutions for Class 7 Chemistry Chapter 1 Matter and Its Composition

Points to Remember :

  1. Matter has mass and occupies space.
  2. Matter is made up of atoms and molecules.
  3. Atoms are the smallest particles of matter which may or may not have independent existence.
  4. Molecules are capable of independent existence. They are made up of atoms of same kind or different kinds.
  5. The atoms and molecules are in random motion.
  6. There are gaps between the molecules of matter called as intermolecular space.
  7. There exists a force of attraction between the molecules known as intermolecular force of attraction.
  8. Matter exists in three states : solids, liquid and gas.
  9. Matter can change from one state to another on changing temperature and pressure.
  10. The change of state of a matter from one form into another is called interconversion of states of matter.


Question 1.
Define matter.
Anything that has mass and occupies space is called matter.

Question 2.
What is the difference between mass and weight.
Mass is the “quantity of matter” and weight is “the force with which the earth pulls a body towards itself’. The mass of a body does not change but its weight changes from place to place.

Question 3.
If an object weighs 6 N on earth what will be its weight on moon. What will be the change in its mass?
Weight of body on moon = \(\frac { 1 }{ 6 }\)th of its weight on earth.
∴ Body will weigh \(\frac { 1 }{ 6 }\) of 6 = \(\frac { 1 }{ 6 }\) x 6 = 1 N on moon
Mass of a body does not change with change in gravity. So mass of a body will remain the same on moon.

Question 4.
Write your observation and conclusion for the following:
(a) When few marbles are put in a glass half filled with water.
(b) Ice is kept at room temperature.
(a) Take some marbles and put them into the water of glass tumbler one by one. After some time you will notice that water level crosses the mark and rises. This is because the marbles occupy space. Again weigh the glass with the marbles. You will find that the second mass is greater than the first one. This proves that, marbles have mass.
Selina Concise Chemistry Class 7 ICSE Solutions - Matter and Its Composition-img 4
This proves that, matter has mass and occupies space.
(b) Ice when kept at room temperature again changes back into liquid water.

Question 5.
State three main characteristics of the particles of matter.
Characteristics of Matter

  1. It can neither be created nor destroyed.
  2. It is composed of a particular material which can either be Homogeneous or Heterogeneous.
  3. Matter has, volume, mass and weight as per their state.

Question 6.
Differentiate between an atom and a molecule.

Atom Molecule
  1. It is the smallest part of an element.
  2. It does not have independent existence.
  1. It is the smallest part of a compound.
  2. It has an independent existence.

 Question 7.
Define :
(a) Solid
(b) Liquid
(c) Gas

Giving two examples of each type.
(a) Solid : A solid is that state of matter which has a fixed shape, mass and volume. It suffers very small changes in volume by changing the temperature. It can not be compressed,
e.g. – Sand, Wood, Copper, Ice, etc.
(b) Liquid : It has a definite mass and volume but lacks a shape of its own. It takes up the shape of the containing vessels. It can be compressed to an extents,
e.g. – Milk, water, ink, etc.
(c) Gas : It is a state of matter which has only definite mass but no definite shape and volume. It takes up the shape of the container
e.g. – Carbon dioxide, oxygen, etc.

Question 8.
Why are liquids and gases called as fluids.
The particles are free to move in any direction i.e. they can
flow because all substances that can flow are called fluids.
Liquids and gases are fluids.

Question 9.
(a) Define interconversion of states of matter.
(b) Why do solids, liquids and gases differ in their physical state?
(c) Under what conditions do solids, liquids and gases change their state.
(a) The process by which matter changes from one state to another and back to original state, without any change in its chemical composition.
(b)Intermolecular force of attraction.
Intermolecular spaces are two important properties of matter that account for the different states of matter.
(c) Matter can change from one state to another on changing temperature and pressure.

Question 10.
Give reasons :
(a) When a stone is dipped in a glass containning some water the level of water rises but when a spoon of sugar is added to it and stired, the water level does not rise?
(b) A drop of ink added to water in a glass turns whole water blue.
(a) Take half a glass of water. Dip a spoon in it. What do you observe? The water level rises, indicating that spoon occupies space.
Selina Concise Chemistry Class 7 ICSE Solutions - Matter and Its Composition-img 10
Now remove the spoon, water comes down to its original level. Now add a spoon of sugar to it and stir well. The sugar disappears but the level of water in the glass does not rise, that means the volume of water has not increased. But where did the sugar particles disappear?
The sugar particles being smaller get adjusted between the water molecules. This shows that there are intermolecular space in water.
(b) This is because tfie water as well as ink particles (molecules) are in continuous random motion. Due to motion, the blue coloured particles of the ink spreads all over and give blue colour to the water.

Question 11.
Fill in the blanks :

(a) Air is a matter because it has weight, mass and space and it can be compressed.
(b) The molecules are made up of atoms.
(c) The quantity of matter in an object is called its mass.
(d) The state of matter with definite volume and definite shape is called solid.
(e) The substances which can flow are called fluids.

Question 12.
Name the terms for the following :
(a) The change of a solid into liquid.
(b) The force of attraction between the molecules of matter.
(c) The particles of matter which may or may not have independent existence.
(d) The process due to which a solid directly changes into its vapours.
(e) The change of vapour into a liquid.
(a) Melting.
(b) Intermolecular force of attraction.
(c) Solid.
(d) Sublimation.
(e) Condensation.

Question 13.
Classify the following into solid, liquid and gas :
Coal, kerosene, wood, oxygen, sugar, blood, water vapour, milk, wax.
Selina Concise Chemistry Class 7 ICSE Solutions - Matter and Its Composition-img 13


Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions – Light Energy

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions – Light Energy

ICSE SolutionsSelina ICSE SolutionsML Aggarwal Solutions provides step by step solutions for Selina Concise ICSE Solutions for Class 7 Physics. You can download the Selina Concise Physics ICSE Solutions for Class 7 with Free PDF download option. Selina Publishers Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions all questions are solved and explained by expert teachers as per ICSE board guidelines.

Selina Class 7 Physics ICSE SolutionsChemistryBiologyMathsGeographyHistory & Civics

Selina Concise ICSE Solutions for Class 7 Physics Chapter 4 Light Energy

  • Points to Remember
  •  Light is a form of energy which helps us to see objects.
  •  Light always travels in a straight line in the form of rays.
  •  Light sources are either natural or artificial.
  •  The sun and stars are natural sources of light.
  •  A bulb, a candle etc. are artificial sources of light.
  •  The bodies which emit light themsleves are called Luminous Bodies, e.g. sun, star.
  •  The bodies which do not emit light are called non-luminous bodies, e.g. wood, brick etc.
  •  Objects are of three types, transparent, translucent or opaque.
  •  The pinhole camera is a simple application of the rectilinear propagation of light.
  •  When an object blocks light, it casts a shadow.
  •  Eclipses are formed due to formation of shadows.
  •  Solar and lunar eclipses are the examples of formation of shadow in nature.
  •  An eclipse is the partial or complete hiding of one heavenly body by shadow of another.
  •  When light strikes a polished surface it comes back in the same medium, is called reflection of light.
  •  A straight highly polished, smooth and reflecting surface is known as a plane mirror.
  •  Mirrors are of two types (a) plane mirrors (b) spherical mirrors.
  •  Smooth and polished surface like a mirror causes reflection and is called a regular reflection.
  •  Rough or diffused surface causes an irregular reflection.
  •  According to first law of reflection. The incident ray, the normal and the reflected ray all lie in the same plane.
  •  According to the second law of reflection, the angle of incidence is always equal to the angle of reflection.
  •  The phenomenon due to which the left side of an object appears to be the right side of the object and right side appears left. This is known as lateral inversion.
  •  Image is of two types (a) Real image (b) Virtual image.

Test Yourself

A. Objective Questions 

1. Write true or false for each statement

(a) The image formed by a plane mirror is real.
Answer. False.
The image formed by a plane mirror is virtual.

(b) When a light ray is reflected from a wall, the angle of incidence is not equal to the angle of reflection.
Answer. False.
When a light ray is reflected from a wall, the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.

(c) The image of the right hand in a plane mirror looks like that of a left hand.
Answer. True.

(d) The image formed by a plane mirror is upright.
Answer. True.

(c) The image formed by a plane mirror can be obtained on a screen.
Answer. False.
The image formed by a plane mirror cannot be obtained on a screen.

(f) The objects are seen around us due to irregular reflection of light.
Answer. True.

(g) The speed of light in vacuum is 3 × 108 ms-1.
Answer. True.

(h) A rose appears red in light of all the colours.
Answer. False. A rose appears red in white light.

(i) A black paper absorbs light of all the colours and reflects none.
Answer. True.

(j) The primary colours are red, blue and green.
Answer. True.

2. Fill in the blanks

(a) Angle of incidence = angle of reflection
(b) The incident ray, the reflected ray and the normal lie in one plane
(c) The image formed by a plane mirror is at a distance behind the mirror as the object is in front of it.
(d) The image formed by a plane mirror is erect and virtual.
(e) We are able to see the objects around us due to irregular reflection.
(f) A virtual image cannot be obtained on a screen.
(g) One surface of mirror is made opaque by silvering it followed by a thin coating of paint of lead oxide. .
(h) A plane mirror does not reflect 100 percent light falling on it.
(i) The colour of an opaque object is the colour of light which it reflects.
(j) Magenta, cyan and yellow are the secondary colours.

3. Match the following
Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 4 Light Energy 1

4. Select the correct alternative

(a) A man standing in front of a plane mirror finds his image to be at a distance of 6 metre from himself. The distance of man from the mirror is

  1. 6 m
  2. 3 m
  3. 2 m
  4. 12 m

(b) The angle between the incident ray and the ray reflected from the plane mirror is 70°. The angle of incidence will be :

  1. 70°
  2. 30°
  3. 35°
  4. 90°

(c) The image formed by a plane mirror is

  1. virtual and inverted
  2. virtual and of same size
  3. real and inverted
  4. real and of same size

(d) The angle of incidence on a plane mirror is 30°.The angle of reflection will be:

  1. 30°
  2. 60°
  3. 15°

(e) The angle of incidence on a plane mirror is 30°. The angle between the incident ray and the reflected ray is

  1. 30°
  2. 15°
  3. 60°
  4. 90°

(f) The property due to which a light ray striking a surface is returned back into the same medium is called

  1. refraction
  2. reflex action
  3. reflection
  4. regression

(g) A ray of light after reflection from a mirror is known as

  1. reflected ray
  2. normal
  3. incident ray
  4. refracted ray

(h) The speed of light is maximum in

  1. glass
  2. water
  3. air
  4. wood

(i) A red rose is seen in green light. It will appear.

  1. red
  2. blue
  3. yellow
  4. black

(j) The primary colours are

  1. Red, Blue and Yellow
  2. Magenta, Yellow and Cyan
  3. Red, Blue and Cyan
  4. Blue, Green and Red

B. Short/Long Answer Questions

Question 1.
What do you mean by the term reflection of light ?
Reflection of light— When light strikes a polished surface it comes back in the same medium, is called reflection of light.

Question 2.
How is a plane mirror made ?
To make a plane mirror, a thin piece of glass is taken. One surface of the mirror is made opaque by silvering it. On the top of that, another thin coating of red lead oxide is given which protects the silvering of the mirror.

Question 3.
Explain the following terms:
Incident ray, Reflected ray, Angle of incidence, Angle of reflection, Normal.
Incident ray— The ray of light falling on the surface AB is called the incident ray. In figure PN is the incident ray.
Reflected ray— The incident ray bouncing back in the same medium after striking the reflecting ourface is called reflected ray. In figure NQ is the reflected ray.

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 4 Light Energy 2
Angle of incidence— The angle formed between the incident ray and the normal is the angle of incidence. (PNM is the angle of incidence.)
Angle of reflection— The angle formed between the normal and the reflected ray is called angle of reflection (MNQ is the angle of reflection)
Normal— It is the line drawn perpendicular to the reflecting surface at the point of incidence. MN is the normal.

Question 4.
Draw a diagram showing the reflection of a light ray from a plane mirror. Label on it the incident ray, the reflected ray, the normal, the angle of incidence i and the angle of reflection r.
AO is the incident ray
OB is the reflected ray

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 4 Light Energy 3
ON is the normal
∠AON is the angle of incidence
∠NOB is the angle of reflection.

Question 5.
State the two laws of reflection of light.
Laws of reflection—
(i) The incident ray, normal and the reflected ray all lie in the same plane.
(ii) The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.

Question 6.
Describe an experiment to verify the laws of reflection of light. Ans. Laws of reflection.
(i) The incident ray, the reflected ray and the normal at the point of incidence, lie in the same plane.
(ii) The angle of incidence and angle of reflection are equal i.e. ∠i = ∠r.
Take a wooden drawing board and fix a white sheet of paper on it. In the middle of paper draw a straight line KK\ Mark a point B on it. Draw a perpendicular BN. Place a mirror XX’ on line KK’ such that polished side of mirror is along the line. Hold-the mirror in the mirror holder.

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 4 Light Energy 4
Fix two steel pins P and Q on the straight line AB atleast 10 cm apart. Look for the images of the pins P and Q and fix two pins P Q’ such that P’, Q’ and images of P and Q are all in the same straight line. Remove the pins and draw small circles around the pin pricks.
Remove the mirror also. Join P’Q’ and produce the straight line to meet at B.
Measure ∠ABN = i and ∠CBN = r.
It is found that ∠i = ∠r. This proves that Angle of Incidence is equal to Angle of Reflection.
As the incident ray, the reflected ray and the normal lie in the plane of paper, therefore, they lie in the same plane.

Question 7.
A ray of light falls normally on a plane mirror. What is the angle of incidence ?
Angle of incidence is 0°. Since angle of incidence is’the angle between incident ray and normal. Direction of reflected ray is along BA opposite to the direction of incident ray.

Question 8.
Draw a diagram to show the reflection of a light ray incident normally on a plane mirror.
AO is the incident ray
OB is the reflected ray

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 4 Light Energy 5
ON is the normal
∠AON is the angle of incidence
∠NOB is the angle of reflection.

Question 9.
The diagram in Fig. shows an incident ray AO and the reflected ray OB from a plane mirror. The angle AOB is 30°. Draw normal on the plane mirror at the point O and find :
(i) the angle of incidence
(ii) the angle of reflection

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 4 Light Energy 6
ON is normal on the plane mirror at point O
ON is perpendicular on a plane mirror
Angle of incidence ∠i = ∠AON
and angle of reflection ∠r = ∠BON
Since, ∠i – ∠r
∠AOB = 30°
⇒ ∠AON + ∠BON = 30°
⇒∠i + ∠i – 30°
⇒ 2 ∠i =30°
⇒ ∠i = 30 / 2 = 15°
∴Angle of incidence = ∠i = 15°
and Angle of reflection ∠i = 15°

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 4 Light Energy 7

Question 10.
In the following diagrams, measure and write the angle of incidence and draw the reflected ray in each case.

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 4 Light Energy 8

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 4 Light Energy 9

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 4 Light Energy 10

Question 11.
The diagram in fig. shows an incident ray AO and the normal ON on a plane mirror. Draw the reflected ray. State the law you use to draw the direction of the reflected ray.

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 4 Light Energy 11

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 4 Light Energy 12
Law of reflection of light is used to draw the direction of the reflected ray.
This law states that angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.
∠i = ∠r

Question 12.
The following diagram shows an incident ray AO and the normal ON on a plane mirror. Find the angle of incidence and angle of reflection.

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 4 Light Energy 13
ON is perpendicular on a plane mirror
Angle of incidence ∠i (∠AON) i.e.
Angle between incident ray and normal ray = 90° – 30° = 60°
Angle of Reflection = 60°
∴ ∠i = ∠r
∴ Angle between incident and reflected ray i.e. ∠AOB
= 60 + 60 = 120°

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 4 Light Energy 14

Question 13.
State in words, how do you find the location of image of an object formed by a plane mirror.
The location of image of a point object is as far behind the mirror as the object is in front of it.

Question 14.
Draw a ray diagram showing the formation of image of a point object by a plane mirror.

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 4 Light Energy 15

Question 15.
The following diagram shows a point object O placed in front of a plane mirror. Take two rays from the point O and show how the image of O is formed and seen by the eye.

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Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 4 Light Energy 17

Question 16.
State four characteristics of the image formed by a plane mirror.
(i) The image formed is erect.
(ii) The image is of the same size as that of the object.
(iii) The image is laterally inverted. Right side appears to be left and left side appeared to be right.

Question 17.
How is the position of image formed by a plane mirror related to the position of the object ?
The image formed by a plane mirror is laterally inverted, upright, of the same size and is formed far behind the mirror as the object is in front of it.

Question 18.
You are standing at a distance 2 metre from a plane mirror.
(a) What is the distance of your image from the mirror ?
(b) What is the distance between you and your image ?
(a) Distance of image from the mirror is also 2 metre.
(b) Distance between me and my image is 4 metre.

Question 19.
What is meant by lateral inversion of an image in a plane mirror ? Explain it with the help of a diagram.
Lateral Inversion : Inter change of sides between the object and its image is called Lateral Inversion.
Example :

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 4 Light Energy 18
It means image formed behind the mirror is as far behind the mirror as object is in front of it.
i.e. distance of M = dist of M in distance of O in front of mirror = distance of O image, and so on.

Question 20.
Wirte down the letter C and I as seen in a plane mirror.

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 4 Light Energy 19

Question 21.
What is irregular reflection ? Give an example.
Irregular reflection – When a beam of light falls on such a surface which is not perfectly smooth and polished such as wall, wood, paper etc. the different portions of the surface reflect light in different directions. Such a reflection of light in different directions. Such a reflection of light from an uneven surface is called the irregular or diffused reflection.

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 4 Light Energy 20

Question 22.
How do we see objects around us ?
Objects are seen when light after striking them, returns in the same medium and reach our eyes.

Question 23.
State two uses of a plane mirror.
It is used as :
(i) Looking glass
(ii) In periscopes.

Question 24.
Can light travel in vacuum ?
Yes, light can travels in vacuum or air, a distance of nearly 299, 792, 458 metre (or nearly 3 x 108 metre) in one second. Thus, the speed of light in vacuum (or air) is 3 x 108 m s’1 nearly.

Question 25.
State the speed of light in (a) air, (b) glass.
(a) Air — 3 × 108
(b) Glass — 2 × 108

Question 26.
State whether light slows down or speeds up in the following cases :
(a) Light going from air to glass.
(b) Light going from glass to water.
(c) Light going from water to air.
(a) Slows down
(b) Speeds up
(c) Speeds up

Question 27.
What are the primary colours ? Name the three primary colours.
Primary colours are the colours of light by mixing which white light is obtained. They are : (i) red (ii) green and (iii) blue.
Red + Green + Blue = White

Question 28.
What are the secondary colours ? Name the three secondary colours.
Secondary colours are the colours of light which are obtained by mixing the two primary colours. They are (i) yellow, (ii) cyan, and (iii) magenta.

Question 29.
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate colour
(a) Blue + ………… = Cyan
(b) Red + Blue + …………. = Vhite
(c) Red + Blue = …………
(d) Green + Red = …………
(a) Blue + Green = Cyan
(b) Red + Blue + Green = White
(e) Red + Blue = Magenta
(d) Green + Red = Yellow

Question 30.
The leaves appear green when seen in white light. Give a reason.
Leaves appear green in white light because they reflect only the green light and absorb the light of all the other colours.

Question 31.
A rose appears red in white light. How will it appear in
(i) green light, (ii) red light ? Give a reason for your answer for each.
(i) If a red rose is seen in green light, it appears black. The reason is that the rose absorbs the green light falling on it and reflect none.
(ii) If a red rose is seen in red light, it appears bright red. This is because the rose reflects the red light falling on it and absorbs none of it.

Question 32.
Why does a piece of paper appear white in sunlight ? How would you expect it to appear when viewed in red light?
A piece of paper appears white in sunlight because it reflects light of all the colours. It would appear red when viewed in red light.

Question 33.
A piece of paper appears black in sunlight. What will be it£ colour when seen in red light ?
A piece of paper appear black in sunlight. It would appear black when seen in red light because it absorbs light of all the colours.

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions – Electricity and Magnetism

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions – Electricity and Magnetism

ICSE SolutionsSelina ICSE SolutionsML Aggarwal Solutions provides step by step solutions for Selina Concise ICSE Solutions for Class 7 Physics. You can download the Selina Concise Physics ICSE Solutions for Class 7 with Free PDF download option. Selina Publishers Concise Physics for Class 7 ICSE Solutions all questions are solved and explained by expert teachers as per ICSE board guidelines.

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Selina Concise ICSE Solutions for Class 7 Physics Chapter 7 Electricity and Magnetism

  • Points to Remember
  •  Some materials behave in a particular manner showing magnetic properties.
  •  A freely suspended bar magnet always point in North-South direction.
  •  Like poles repel each other while unlike poles attract each other.
  •  Magnet is neutral at its centre and has maximum magnetic effects at its ends called the poles.
  •  Poles always exist in pairs with opposite polarities and can never be isolated.
  •  Examples of magnetic substances are:- iron, cobalt, nickel.
  •  Examples of non-magnetic substances are:- wood, plastic, aluminium, copper.
  •  The poles are not exactly the ends of the magnet but thev are slightly inside.
  •  For a given magnet, both the poles are of equal strength.
  •  Earth’s magnet has its south pole situated near the geographic north.
  •  Electromagnets are the temporary magnets which are made up of soft iron core with a winding of insulated copper wire.
  •  Freely suspended current carrying solenoid always rests in north- south direction.
  •  A direct current source has the fixed positive and negative terminals, e.g. a battery.
  •  Hans Christian Oersted discovered that if an electric current is passed through a conductor, a magnetic field is developed around it.
  •  The study of magnetic effects produced due to electric current is known as electromagnetism.
  •  The direction of magnetic field due to a straight current carrying conductor is obtained by any of the following rules:
    (a) Right Hand Thumb Rule.
    (b) Right Hand Cork Screw Rule.
  •  The property due to which a changing magnetic field within a closed conducting coil induces electric current in the coil is called electromagnetic induction.
  •  The current produced in a closed coil when magnetic lines of force rapidly change within it is called the induced current.
  •  The symbol for alternating current is 0.
  •  The strength of induced current can be increased by increasing the
    (a) the number of turns in the coil
    (b) strength of the magnet used
    (c) relative speed between the magnet and closed coil.
  •  We cannot think of modem life without electricity. We light our homes and other places of work with electricity.
  •  It is used to run electric fans, televisions, geyser, electric irons, room heaters, refrigerators, music system etc.
  •  Cell is a primary source of electricity. A combination of two or more cells is a battery.
  •  Some other sources of electricity are generator and solar cells.
  •  The path along which an electric current flows is called a circuit.
  •  Electricity has the following effects
    (a) Heating effect
    (b) Magnetic effect
    (c) Chemical effect
    (d) Mechanical effect
  •  When an electric path is complete is called closed circuit and the path with a break is called open circuit.
  •  The substances which allow the electricity to flow through them are called conductors, e.g. metals, human body etc.
  •  The substances which do not allow electricity to flow through them are called insulators, e.g. wood, paper, glass etc.
  •  The consumption of electricity is calculated from the meter in kWh.
  •  Electric fuse is a device which limits the current in an electric circuit.
  •  All electrical appliances are connected in parallel in household circuits.
  •  We should be cautious in using electricity. Certain precautions should be taken before working on an electrical gadget or circuit.

Activity 6

List five such electrical gadgets in your house in which electromagnet is used.

  1. ……………………
  2. ……………………
  3. ……………………
  4. ……………………
  5. ……………………


  1. Computer
  2. Electric motor
  3. Fan, Toaster
  4. Refrigerator
  5. Television
  6. Electric Bell

Activity 9

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Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 7 Electricity and Magnetism 2

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Test Yourself

A. Objective Questions 

1. Write true or false for each statement

(a) A current carrying coil when suspended freely can rest in any direction.
Answer. False.

(b) A coil carrying current behaves like a magnet.
Answer. True.

(c) In an electromagnet, the core is made up of copper.
Answer. False.

(d) An electric bell uses an electromagnet.
Answer. True.

(e) An electromagnet with soft iron core is a temporary magnet.
Answer. True.

(f) We use cell as the source of electricity to run an electric immersion rod.
Answer. False.

(g) A torch bulb glows if the terminals of the bulb are connected to the terminals of a cell by the metallic wire.
Answer. True.

(h) Wool is a conductor of electricity.
Answer. False.
Wool is a insulator of electricity.

(i) Silver is an insulator of electricity.
Answer. False.
Silver is good conductor of electricity.

(j) Our body is a conductor of electricity.
Answer. True.

(k) For a circuit to be complete, every part of it must be made up of conductors.
Answer. True.

(l) All metals are conductors of electricity.
Answer. True.

(m) The switch should not be touched with wet hands.
Answer. True.

(n) A switch is an on-off device in an electric circuit.
Answer. True.

2. Fill in the blanks

(a) A magnet has two poles.
(b) Like poles repel each other and unlike poles attract.
(c) An electromagnet is used to separate large mass of iron scrap.
(d) The strength of magnetic field of an electromagnet is increased by inserting a core of soft iron.
(e) In a torch we use dry cell as the source of electricity.
(f) To light a table lamp and to run a refrigerator, we use mains as the source of electricity.
(g) A group of two or more cells is called a battery.
(h) Conductors pass electricity through them.
(i) Insulators do not pass electricity through them.

3. Match the following

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 7 Electricity and Magnetism 4

4. Select the correct alternative

(a) A freely suspended magnet rests in

  1.  east-west direction
  2.  north-south direction
  3.  north-east direction
  4.  north-west direction.

(b) Electromagnets are made up of

  1.  steel
  2.  copper
  3.  brass
  4.  soft iron.

(c) An electromagnet is used in

  1.  electric oven
  2.  ammeter
  3.  electric bell
  4.  radio set.

(d) The purpose of armature in an electric bell is

  1.  to make and break the circuit
  2.  to produce sound
  3.  to produce magnetic field
  4.  to provide spring action.

(e) In a torch, the source of electricity is

  1.  the bulb
  2.  the switch
  3.  the cell
  4.  the mains.

(f) Electricity can flow through

  1. wood
  2.  rubber
  3.  plastic
  4.  copper wire.

(g) Electricity does not flow through

  1.  human body
  2.  animals body
  3.  rubber
  4.  silver.

(h) We should not touch the switch with wet hands otherwise

  1.  electricity may pass through our body
  2.  electricity may not pass through the appliance
  3.  circuit may break
  4.  the switch may get off.

B. Short/Long Answer Questions

Question 1.
State two properties of a bar magnet.
Properties of a bar magnet

  1.  Attractive property: A magnet attracts small pieces of iron, cobalt or nickel.
  2.  Directive property: A magnet when suspended freely, always point towards North and South direction.
  3.  Like poles, i.e. North and North or South and South poles repel each other.
  4.  Unlike poles i.e. North and South attract each other.
  5.  Poles always exist in pairs, i.e. poles of a magnet cannot be separated.

Question 2.
How will you test whether a given rod is a magnet or not?
Aim— To test whether a given rod is a magnet or not.

  1.  rod to be tested
  2.  a bar magnet
  3.  a stand
  4.  a thread


  1.  Suspend the rod to be tested with a thread on the stand.
  2.  Bring the bar magnet near the rod with its north pole towards the rod’s end.
  3.  Observe.

Inference — In every case, the magnet comes to rest in a north- south direction which shows its directive property.
Observation and Inference
— If the rod is attracted towards the bar magnet, the rod may be magnet or not.
— But if the rod remains in the same direction of rest as in the start of the experiment, it show it is not a magnet.

Question 3.
How will you test whether a given rod is made of iron or not?
Bring a magnet near the rod if the rod is attracted by the magnet then it will be made of iron else not.

Question 4.
You are given two similar bars. One is a magnet and the other is of soft iron. How will you distinguish and identify them ?
Take first bar and suspend it in a stand with the help of a thread. So that it is free to rotate in horizontal plane. Note the direction in which it sets itself. If the direction is North and South it may be magnet. Again rotate it, if this time again it sets itself in north and south direction, it is a magnet, otherwise, it is iron.
Now repeat above experiment with second bar and in the same way find it if it sets always in north and south direction then it will be a magnet.

Question 5.
You are given a magnet. How will you use it to find north-south direction at a place?
The earth is a huge magnet in itself with its North and South poles. The North and South of the place can easily be detected with the help of a bar magnet. A freely suspended bar magnet always rest in the geographic N-S direction. Since the South pole of the earth’s magnet is closer to the geographic North, the North pole of the suspended magnet will always rest in the geographic North, and the South pole of the freely suspended magnet will point towards geographic South.

Question 6.
Describe a simple experiment to illustrate that like poles of two magnets repel each other while the unlike poles attract.
Like poles repel and unlike poles attract.
Two like poles (both North poles or both South poles) repel each other. Two unlike poles (one North pole and the other South pole) attract each other. This can be demonstrated by the following simple experiment.
Take two bar magnets A and B. Suspend one magnet A with a silk thread from a support so that it is free to swing. The magnet A will come to rest in the North-South direction. The North pole of the magnet A is in the North direction and its South pole is in the South direction. Now holding the other magnet B in your hand if you bring its North pole near the North pole of the suspended magnet A as shown in figure you will observe that the two poles repel each other. Care is taken that the two magnets do not touch each other.

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 7 Electricity and Magnetism 5
Now if you bring the South pole of the magnet B near the north pole of the suspended magnet A as shown in figure without touching it, you will observe that the two poles attract each other.

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 7 Electricity and Magnetism 6
The above experiment shows that the like poles repels each other while the unlike poles attract each other.

Question 7.
“Poles exist in pair”. Comment on this statement.
The magnetic poles always exist in pairs. It is not possible to separate the two poles of a magnet.
If a bar magnet is broken at the middle in two parts each part is found to be a magnet. Each part has the property to attract the small iron pieces. Each part rests in the North-South direction when suspended such as to swing freely. This shows that the new poles are formed at the broken ends.
If these pieces are broken again and again, each part will still found to be a complete magnet. Each part contains both the poles (N-pole and S-pole). Thus, the two poles of a magnet exist simultaneously.

Question 8.
What is a magnetic compass ? State its use.
Magnetic compass is a device which is used to locate the direction of a place. It always rests in a North-South direction. It is used in the navigators in ships, submarines, aeroplanes etc.

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 7 Electricity and Magnetism 7

Question 9.
Explain the meaning of the term magnetic field.
The space around the magnet where its influence can be experienced is known as magnetic field. This field is formed by the magnetic lines of force which run from the North pole to the South pole. These lines can be found to be maximum crowded at the two ends of the magnet which are the poles i.e. the North pole and the South pole.

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 7 Electricity and Magnetism 8

Question 10.
What is an electromagnet ?
An electromagnet — An electromagnet is a temporary magnet which behaves as a magnet when electric current is passed through the insulated copper wire and loses its magnetism when current is stopped. It has a soft iron piece called the core with an insulated copper wire wound on it.

Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 7 Electricity and Magnetism 9

Question 11.
Name the material of an electromagnet.
Iron bar, insulated copper wire, battery.

Question 12.
Draw a labelled diagram to make a soft iron bar as an electromagnet. Describe in steps the procedure.
Usually, the electromagnets are made in two shapes :
(1) bar or I shaped magnet and (2) horse shoe or U shaped magnet.

  1.  To make a fiar or I shaped electromagnet: Take a soft iron bar PQ and wind a thin insulated copper wire around the bar. Connect a cell or a battery B, and a key K in series between the ends of the coil. The circuit diagram is shown in figure.
    Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 7 Electricity and Magnetism 10
    When key K is closed, current passes through the winding of the coil and the bar becomes a magnet. As the key K is opened, the current stops flowing in the coil and the bar loses its magnetism. Thus, the bar behaves like an electromagnet.
  2.  To make a horse shoe or U shaped electromagnet: Take a U shaped soft iron piece. Wind a thin insulated copper wire on its arms such that the winding in the two arms is in opposite direction. In figure winding in the arm A starts from the front and is in clockwise direction (when seen from the bottom).
    On reaching the upper end of the arm A, winding starts from the back at the top of the arm B and is in anticlockwise direction. Connect a battery B and a key K between the two ends of the wire.
    Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 7 Electricity and Magnetism 11

Question 13.
You are given a U shaped soft iron piece, insulated copper wire and a battery. Draw a circuit diagram to make a horse shoe electromagnet.
End A becomes S-pole and B becomes N-pole.
Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 7 Electricity and Magnetism 12

Question 14.
Name two factors on which the strength of magnetic field of an electromagnet depends.
The magnetic field of an electromagnet (I or U-shaped) can be increased by the following two ways :

  1.  By increasing the number of turns of winding in the solenoid.
  2.  By increasing the current through the solenoid.

Question 15.
State two ways by which the strength of magnetic field of an electromagnet can be increased.
The magnetic field of the electromagnet can be increase in the following two ways :

  1.  By inserting a rod of soft iron or steel inside the cylindrical tube. This rod is called the core.
  2.  By increasing the total number of turns of the coil.

Question 16.
State two common uses of electromagnets.
Uses of electromagnet

  1.  In electrical appliances such as electric bell, fan etc.
  2.  In lifting heavy loads of iron scrap.
  3.  To remove tiny particles of iron from the wound.
  4.  In loading furnaces with iron.
  5.  In separation of magnetic substances from the non-magnetic substances.

Question 17.
Name a domestic device in which an electromagnet is used.
Electromagnet is used in ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES like ELECTRIC BELL, RADIO, T.V., FAN and MOTORS etc.

Question 18.
Draw a neat and labelled diagram of an electric bell and describe its working.
Working of the bell— Principle of working of electromagnetism When the switch is pushed on, the circuit gets completed and current stalls flowing through the U-shaped electromagnet which creates magnetic field in the core. This attracts the iron armature. Now when the armature moves towards the electro-magnet, the hammer strikes the gong and the bell rings. But as the armature
moves towards the electromagnet, the contact with the adjustment screw breaks which breaks the closed circuit and stops the current. Now when there is no current there is no electromagnetism and the armature returns to the original position. This making and breaking of the circuit of the electromagnet continues as long as the button remains pressed.
Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 7 Electricity and Magnetism 13

Question 19.
The incomplete diagram of an electric bell is given in fig. Complete the diagram and label its different parts.
Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 7 Electricity and Magnetism 14
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Question 20.
What is declination ? Draw a diagram to show the angle between the declination and true direction of geographic north.
Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 7 Electricity and Magnetism 16
Magnetic declination is the angle of the horizontal plane between the magnetic North and the geographic North (or true North). This angle is shown in figure by symbol θ.
The angle of declination is different at different places on the earth surface and it also changes at a place with time. The declination is taken positive if the magnetic North is towards the east of the true North as in figure and is negative if the magnetic north if towards the west of the true North.

Question 21.
Define the term current.
An electric current is a flow of electric charge. In electric circuits this charge is often carried by moving electrons in a wire.
The S.I. unit of electric current is the ampere.

Question 22.
Name four appliances which work using electricity.

  1.  an electric iron
  2.  an electric heater
  3.  an electric kettle
  4.  an immersion rod

Question 23.
Name two sources of electricity.

  1.  dry cell and battery
  2.  generator and solar cell

Question 24.
What is a battery?
If we use a group of two or more cells, it is called a battery. A battery is used where we require more electricity.

Question 25.
What is an electric circuit?
For a smooth flow of electric current, a complete circuit is needed. This is known as electric circuit.

Question 26.
Describe an experiment to show that electricity flows only if the circuit is complete and it does not flow if the circuit is incomplete.
Take two torch bulbs A and B. Connect them to a cell through a switch as shown in fig. The bulbs are said to be in series. Close the switch (i.e., the circuit it completed), you will see that both the bulbs glow.
Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 7 Electricity and Magnetism 17
Now take out the connection of the bulb B as shown in fig. Now close the switch, you will observe that the bulb A does not glow because the circuit is now incomplete.
Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 7 Electricity and Magnetism 18
Now replace the bulb B by a fused bulb fig. and close the switch. Again you will see that the bulb A does not glow. This is because the circuit being in series, is still incomplete.
Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 7 Electricity and Magnetism 19

Question 27.
You are provided with a torch bulb, a cell and two plastic coated f metal wires. Draw a diagram to show a complete circuit to light the bulb.
Take two bulbs A and B. Connect them through switches S1 and S2 in parallel as shown in fig. Close both the switches. You will see that both the bulbs glow.
Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 7 Electricity and Magnetism 20

Question 28.
In which of the following case the bulb will glow :

  1.  Only one terminal of a cell is joined with a metal wire to one terminal of the bulb.
  2.  Both terminals of the bulb are joined with two metal wires to one terminal of the cell.
  3.  One terminal of the cell is joined to one terminal of the bulb and other terminal of the cell to the other terminal of the bulb.
    The bulb will glow in (3) case i.e.

Question 29.
Distinguish between conductors and insulators of electricity. Give two examples of each.

  1.  Conductors are those substances which allow electricity to flow through them.
  2.  e.g. all metals, human body.
    Insulators are those which do not allow electricity to pass through them.
    e.g. wood, paper, glass.

Question 30.
Select conductors and insulators from the following :
Glass, silver, copper, wood, paper, pure water, impure water, aluminium, iron, leather, plastic, steel, human body and ebonite.
Conductors — Silver, copper, impure water, aluminium, iron, steel, human body.
Insulators — Glass, wood, paper, pure water, leather, plastic and ebonite.

Question 31.
The following diagram shows four circuits A, B, C and D. Each circuit has a cell and a torch bulb. Name the circuits in which the bulb will glow ? Give a reason to your answer
Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 7 Electricity and Magnetism 21
The bulb will glow in circuit (D).
This is because copper is the best conductor of electricity as compared to aluminium. Silk is a non-conductor of electricity.

Question 32.
The diagram given below shows a bulb connected with a cell having terminals A and B. Mark the direction of current in the bulb.
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Current always flows from +ve terminal to the -ve terminal of a cell.

Question 33.
State the function of each of the following in an electric circuit and draw its symbolic representation: (1) Switch and (2) Cell.

  1.  Switch – A switch or key is used to put the circuit on and off. fig. shows the symbol of a switch or key when it is open (to put the circuit off and when it is closed (to put the circuit on)
    Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 7 Electricity and Magnetism 24
  2.  Cell – A cell or a group of cells is generally used as a source of electricity. A positive (+) and a negative (-). It is represented by the two vertical lines of unequal lengths. The long vertical line represents the positive terminal and the short line represents the negative terminal as shown in fig.
    Selina Concise Physics Class 7 ICSE Solutions Chapter 7 Electricity and Magnetism 25

Question 34.
Draw a circuit diagram for a bulb connected to a cell with a switch. Mark arrow in the diagram to indicate the direction of flow of current.
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Question 35.
In which arrangement are the appliances connected in the electric circuit of our homes, Series or Parallel ? Give one reason for your answer.
Parallel circuit: When the circuit is in parallel, the appliances work independently. This is the reason that in our household wiring system, all the circuits are in parallel. Every appliance when put on, works on its own without the interruption of the other appliance.

Question 36.
State two precautions that you must take when switching on an electric circuit.
Precautions to be taken before the circuit is switched on
Before the circuit is switched on, following precautions must be taken :

  1.  See that all the components of the circuit are properly connected.
  2.  See that the connection wire is tightly connected to each appliance or component.
  3.  Do not touch the switch or any component with wet hands.


Selina Concise Biology Class 7 ICSE Solutions – Excretion in Humans

Selina Concise Biology Class 7 ICSE Solutions – Excretion in Humans

ICSE SolutionsSelina ICSE SolutionsML Aggarwal Solutions provides step by step solutions for Selina Concise ICSE Solutions for Class 7 Biology. You can download the Selina Concise Biology ICSE Solutions for Class 7 with Free PDF download option. Selina Publishers Concise Biology for Class 7 ICSE Solutions all questions are solved and explained by expert teachers as per ICSE board guidelines.

Selina Class 7 Biology ICSE SolutionsChemistryPhysicsMathsGeographyHistory & Civics

Selina Concise ICSE Solutions for Class 7 Biology Chapter 5 Excretion in Humans

Synopsis —

  •  The substances which should be excreted are :
    1. urea, uric acid
    2.  Bile pigments
    3. water
    4. extra salts such as sodium
    5. chloride extra vitamins.
  • The vitamins passed out into urine if in excess are vitamin B and C.
  •  The kidneys are situated towards the back of the abdomen at the level of last two ribs.
  •  Right kidney is located at slightly lower level than the left kidney.
  • The ureters run from the kidney to the urinary bladder and urethra runs from urinaiy bladder to the exterior.
  • Accessory excretory organs are
    1.  skin
    2. lung
    3. liver
  •  The main function of the skin is to cool the body.
  •  Liver converts highly toxic ammonia produced in the body to less toxic urea.
  •  Liver eliminates cholesterol, bile pigments, extra vitamins, and many durgs.
  •  The amount of urine produced by the glomerular filtrate after reabsorption per day is 1.2 litre.

(Review Questions)

1. Put a tick mark (✓) against the most appropriate alternative in the
following statements :

(i) The kidneys are made up of tiny tubular units called :
(a) glomerulus
(b) nephrons
(c) capillaries
(d) neurons

(ii) In human beings, urea is produced in :
(a) liver
(b) kidney
(c) spleen
(d) urinary bladder

(iii) Besides water, the urine mainly contains :
(a) urea
(b) nitric acid
(c) glucose
(d) bile pigments

(iv) Filtration of excretory wastes from the blood occurs in:
(a) collecting tubule
(b) ureter
(c) urinary bladder
(d) nephrons

Short Answer Questions
1. Fill in the blanks :

  1. Nitrogenous wastes in the urine are in the form of urea and uric acid.
  2. The unit of human kidney is called nephron.
  3.  Evaporation of sweat from skin surface has cooling effect.

2. Define the following:
(i) Excretion:
(ii) Excretory organs :
(iii) Dialysis :
(iv) Nephron:
(i) Excretion :
During different metabolic activities taking place in our body, the body produces many substances of which some are useful and some are useless.
The process of removal of useless and harmful metabolic waste substances is called excretion.
(ii) Excretory organs : During different metabolic activities taking place in our body, the body produces many substances of which some are useful and some are useless.
If retained in the body the unwanted substances may become poisonous and cause much harm and in severe cases, even death. The organs which remove these unwanted and toxic substances from the body are called excretory organs.
(iii) Dialysis : The artificial process which cleans and filters the blood in a person where one or both the kidney may stop working properly is called dialysis.
(iv) Nephron : Inside the kidney, there are millions of microscopic tubes called renal tubules or nephrons. It is the structural and functional unit of kidney.

3. Write True (T) or False (F) for the following statements in the spaces provided. Rewrite the false statements in correct form.

  1. Removal of solid undigested food is excretion
    Correct: Removal of solid undigested food is egestion.
  2.  Medulla of kidney passes urine into urinary bladder.
    Correct: Medulla of kidney passes urine into funnel-like pelvis.
  3.  Excess sugar in blood is a symption ofdiabetes.
  4.  Urine is devoid of blood cells.

4. Name the blood vessel that brings blood to the kidneys.
Ans. Renal Artery

5. Where in the urinary system do the following processes take place ?

  1. Urine formation: kidneys.
  2.  Transport of urine away from kidney: urethra.
  3.  Temporary storage of urine : urinary bladder.

Long Answer Questions

Question 1.
Define excretion. Write the four organs of human urinary system in their correct sequence.
The process of elimination of unwanted and toxic products from the body is called excretion.
The four organs of the urinary system from above to downward are:

  1. kidneys
  2.  ureter .
  3. urinary bladder
  4.  urethera.

Question 2.
Why is excretion necessary in living beings ?
The excretion is necessary because the toxic products if allowed to be retained in the body act as poison and cause great harm to the body. If they exceed the threshold, they may even cause death.

Question 3.
What is meant by osmoregulation ?
The process of maintaining accurate concentration of water and salts in the body is called osmoregulation.
This is done by the kidneys.

Question 4.
Describe the structure of kidney with the help of a labelled diagram.
Selina Concise Biology Class 7 ICSE Solutions - Excretion in Humans 1

Section through the kidney to show different regions The kidneys is composed of:

  1.  an outer darker area called Cortex
  2.  an inner lighter area called Medulla.

The microscopic structure of kidney is formed of millions of tubules called renal tubules or nephrons.

Question 5.
What are the two ways by which a person can get relief in case of kidney failure ?
The two ways by which a person can get relief in case of kidney failure are:

  1. Dialysis: this is a method in which an artificial machine cleans and filters the blood.
  2.  The patient can undergo kidney transplant.

Question 6.
Draw a diagram of human excretory system and label the following parts : Kidney, ureter, urinary bladder and urethra.
Selina Concise Biology Class 7 ICSE Solutions - Excretion in Humans 2

Question 7.
How are kidney stones formed ?
Kidney stones are formed when crystal forming substances such as calcium oxalate, calcium phosphate and uric acid are
more than the fluid in the urine. When these chemicals start sticking together, they from crystals, commonly called kidney stones. They may be formed and cause severe plain.

Question 8.
What are the symptoms of an urinary tract infection ?
 Common symptoms include a strong and frequent urge to urinate, and a painful and burning sensation while urinating.


Selina Concise Chemistry Class 7 ICSE Solutions – Elements, Compounds and Mixtures

Selina Concise Chemistry Class 7 ICSE Solutions – Elements, Compounds and Mixtures

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Selina Concise ICSE Solutions for Class 7 Chemistry Chapter 3 Elements, Compounds and Mixtures

Points to Remember :

  1. Every substance is made up of very tiny particles, called molecules. Molecules are formed from even smaller particles called atoms.
  2. Element— (a) Element is the simplest pure substance. It cannot be divided further into simpler substances by any chemical method, e.g. oxygen, hydrogen, sulphur, etc.
    (b) At present 116 elements are known, of which 92 are natural elements.
  3. Based on their properties, elements are classified into : metals, non-metals, metalloids, noble gases.
  4. Metals are ductile, malleable, good conductors of heat and electricity, high melting and boiling points. Metals are sonorous, e.g., Iron, Gold, Silver, etc.
  5. Non-metals are solids and brittle in nature, bad conductor of heat and electricity (exception Graphite) low melting and boiling points, e.g. sulphur, carbon, hydrogen, etc.
  6. Metalloids— These elements show properties of both metals and non-metals. They are hard solids, e.g. Boron, Silicon, Arsenic.
  7. Inert or noble gases— These elements do not react chemically with other elements or compounds are called noble (Inert) gases, e.g., helium, neon, argon, etc.
  8. Symbols of Elements— Each element is denoted by a symbol usually to first letter.
    Examples : Oxygen by O Hydrogen by H.
  9. Atom— “An Atom is the smallest particle of an element that can take part in a chemical reaction but may or may not have independent existence.”
    The atom of an element exhibits all the properties of that element.
  10. Molecule— A molecule is the smallest particle of a pure substance of element or compound which has independent existence. It exhibits all the properties of pure substance.
  11. Atomicity— The number of atoms of an element that join together to form a molecule of that element is known as the atomicity.
  12. Molecular Formula— of an element is the symbolic representation of its molecule. It indicates the number of atoms present in it. e.g. Magnesium oxide – MgO.


Question 1.
Write the symbols of helium, silver, krypton, antimony, barium.

Element                   Symbol
Helium                         He
Silver                            Ag
Krypton                       Kr
Antimony                    Sb
Barium                        Ba

Question 2.
Write the names of following elements Na, C, Kr, U, Ra, Fe, Co.

Symbol           Element
Na                        Sodium
C                          Carbon
Kr                        Krypton
U                         Uranium
Ra                        Radium
Fe                           Iron
Co                        Cobalt

Question 3.
Define :

  1. Elements : An element is the basic form of matter that cannot be broken down into simpler substances by chemical reactions.
  2. Compounds : A compound is a pure substance formed by the chemical combination of two or more elements in a fixed ratio by mass.

Question 4.
Name the main metal present in the following :

(a) Haemoglobin                                    Iron
(b) Chalk                                               Calcium
(c) Chlorophyll                                   Magnesium
(d) Chocolate wrappers                    Aluminium

Question 5.
Give four examples of non-metallic elements.
Examples : Hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, chlorine, sulphur, phosphorus, etc.

Question 6.
What do you understand by :

  1. Metalloids : Metalloids are those substances which have some properties of metals and some of non-metals e.g. boron, silicon.
  2. Noble gases : Noble gases are those which do not react chemically with other elements or compounds e.g. helium, neon, etc.

Question 7.
Select elements and compounds from the following list: Iron, plaster of paris, chalk, common salt, copper, aluminium, calcium oxide, cane sugar, carbon, silica, sodium sulphate, uranium, potassium carbonate, silver, carbon dioxide.
Selina Concise ICSE Solutions for Class 7 Chemistry Chapter 3 Elements, Compounds and Mixtures-7


Question 1.
State four difference between compounds and mixtures.

Compound Mixture
1. A compound is a pure substance. 1. A mixture is an impure substance.
2. Compounds are always homogeneous. 2. Mixtures may be homogeneous or heterogeneous.
3. A compound has a fixed composition, i.e., it is formed when two or more pure substances chemically combine in a definite ratio by mass. 3. A mixture has no fixed composition, i.e., it is formed by mixing two or more substances in any ratio without any chemical reaction.
4. Formation of a compound involves change in energy. 4. Formation of a mixture does not involve any change in energy.
5. Compounds have specific set of properties. 5. Mixtures do not have any specific set of properties.
6. Components of compounds can be separated only by complex chemical processes. 6. Components of mixtures can be separated by simple physical methods.

 Question 2.
What are the characteristic properties of a pure substance? Why do we need them?
Pure substance : Pure substances have a definite set of properties such as boiling point, melting point, density, etc. They are all homogeneous i.e., their composition is uniform throughout the bulk. Both elements and compounds are pure substances.
Pure substances are needed to :

  1. Manufacture medicines.
  2. To prepare chemicals in industry.
  3. For scientific purposes.
  4. To maintain the good health of human beings.

Question 3.
Give two examples for each of the following :
(a) Solid + Solid mixture
(b) Solid + Liquid mixture
(c) Liquid + Liquid mixture
(a) Solid + Solid mixture :Sand and sugar,

  • Sand and stone,
  • sand and sugar.

(b) Solid + Liquid mixture :

  • Sand and water,
  • Charcoal and water.

(c) Liquid + Liquid mixture :

  • Oil in water,
  • Alcohol and water.

Question 4.
Define :

  1. Evaporation : Is the process ~of converting a liquid into its vapours state either by exposing it to air or by heating.
  2. Filtration : The process of separating solid particles from liquid by allowing it to pass through a filter paper is called filtration.
  3. Sublimation : The process in which a solid changes directly into its vapours on heating is called sublimation.
  4. Distillation : Distillation is the method of getting a pure liquid from a solution by evaporating and then condensing the vapours.
  5. Miscible liquids : Homogeneous liquid-liquid mixtures are called miscible liquids.
  6. Immiscible liquids : Heterogeneous liquid-liquid mixtures are called immiscible liquids.

Question 5.
Name the process by which the components of following mixtures can be separated.

  1. Iron and sulphur
  2. Ammonium chloride and sand
  3. Common salt from sea water
  4. Chaff and grain
  5. Water and mustard oil
  6. Sugar and water
  7. Cream from milk


  1. Magnetic separation.
  2. Sublimation.
  3. Evaporation.
  4. Winnowing separates chaff (lighter) from heavier grains in two different heaps.
  5. Mustard oil and water is liquid-liquid immiscible mixture and is separated by separating funnel. Water being the heavier forms the lower layer.
  6. By evaporation in this process of converting a liquid into its vapour state by heating. Liquid is heated and water evaporate and sugar is obtained.
  7. Centrifugation.

Question 6.
How will you separate a mixture of common salt, chalk powder and powdered camphor? Explain.
Comphor with sublimation. Chalk powder by Alteration then the residual left is common salt.

Question 7.
How is distillation more advantageous than evaporation?
The advantage of distillation is that both components of the
solid and liquid mixture are obtained. Whereas in evaporation only solid is obtained.

Question 8.

  1. What is chromatography?
  2. Why is it named so?
  3. What are the advantages of chromatography?
  4. Name the simplest type of chromatography?
  5. On what principle is this method based?
  6. What is meant by stationary phase and mobile phase in chromatography?


  1. The process of separating different dissolved constituents of a mixture by their absorption on an appropriate material is called chromatography.
  2. It is named so, because earlier it was used to separate mixtures containing coloured components only but these days this technique is applied to colourless substances too.
  3. Advantages of chromatography :
    (i) A very small quantity of the substance can be separated.
    (ii) Components with very similar physical and chemical properties can be separated.
    (iii) It identifies the different constituents of a mixture.
    (iv) lt also helps in quantitative estimation of components of a mixture.
  4. The simplest type of chromatography is “Paper chromatography”.
  5. Chromotography is based on differential affinities of compounds towards two phases i.e. stationary and mobile phase.
  6. The filter paper acts as “stationary phase” while the solvent act as “mobile phase”.

Question 9.
On what principle are the following methods of separation based? Give one example of a mixture for each of the methods mentioned in which they are used

  1. Sublimation : Change of solid into vapours directly on heating and change of vapours into solid again on
    Example : Salt from ammonium chloride.
  2. Filtration : The process of separating insoluble solid particles from a liquid by allowing it to pass through a filter is called Alteration. These filters allow liquids to pass through them but not solids. The insoluble solid left on the filter is called the residue, while the liquid which passes through the filter is called the filtrate. Mixtures like chalk and water, clay and water, tea and tea leaves, sawdust and water, etc., are separated by this method.
  3. Sedimentation and decantation : The settling down of suspended, insoluble, heavy, solid particles in a solid- liquid mixture when left undistrubed is called sedimentation.
    The solid which settles at the bottom is called sediment while the clear liquid above it is called supernatant liquid.
    The process of pouring out the clear liquid, without disturbing the sediment, is called decantation.
    Example : A mixture of sand and water.
  4. Solvent extraction method : This method is used when one of the solid components is soluble in a liquid.
    Example : A mixture of sand and salt can be separated by this method. Salt gets dissolved in water while sand settles down in the container. The salt solution is then decanted. Salt is separated from the solution by evaporation. In this way, they can be separated.
  5. Magnetic separation : This method is used when one of the components of the mixture is iron. Iron gets attracted towards a magnet and hence can be separated. Mixtures of iron and sulphur, iron and sand, etc., can be separated by moving a magnet over them. Iron gets attached to the magnet and is separated.
  6. By using a separating funnel : It is a simple device used to separate the components of a liquid-liquid heterogeneous mixture.
    Example : Kerosene oil and water. The mixture is placed in a separating funnel and allowed to stand for sometime. The components form two clear layers. Water being heavier forms the lower layer and oil being lighter forms the upper layer. When the stopper of the funnel is opened, the heavier liquid trickles out slowly and is collected in a vessel. The stopper is closed when the bottom layer is entirely removed the funnel. In this way, the two liquids are separated.
  7. Fractional distillation : The process of distillation is used for separating the components of a homogeneous liquid-liquid mixture, like water and alcohol. This is based on the fact that alcohol boils at a lower temperature than water. The vapour of alcohol are collected and cooled while water is left behind in the original vessel. Thus, two liquids having different boiling points can be separated by distillation provided that difference in their boiling points must be 25 °C or more.


Question 1.
Fill in the blanks:

  1. Elements are made up of same kind of atoms.
  2. Elements and compounds are pure substances.
  3. In a mixture the substances are not combined chemically.
  4. Clay is separated from water by the method called loading and decantation.
  5. Crystallisation is a process to obtain a very pure form of a solid dissolved in a liquid.
  6. Camphor and ammonium chloride can sublimate.

Question 2.
Give one word answers for the following :

  1. The solid particles which remain on the filter paper after the filtration residue.
  2. The liquid which evaporates and then condenses during the process of distillation distillate.
  3. The process of transferring the clean liquid after the solid settles at the bottom of the container decantation.
  4. The process by which two miscible liquids are separated fractional distillation.


Select the correct alterative from the choices given for the following statements:
Question 1.
A pure liquid is obtained from a solution by :

  1. evaporation
  2. distillation
  3. Alteration
  4.  crystallisation

Question 2.
Components of crude petroleum can be separated by :

  1. distillation
  2. evaporation
  3. filtration
  4. fractional distillation

Question 3.
Example of a homogeneous mixture is :

  1. tap water 
  2. distilled water
  3.  sand and water
  4. water and oil

Question 4.
In chromatography the filter paper is :

  1.  stationary phase 
  2. mobile phase
  3. mixture
  4. none of the above

Question 5.
A set of mixture is :

  1.  ink, honey, icecream, milk
  2. tapwater, gold, common salt, alloy
  3.  milk, brass, silver, honey
  4. butter, petroleum, tapwater, iron