ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 5 with Answers

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 5 with Answers

Section -1
(Attempt all questions from this section)

Question 1.
(a) Name the following :
(i) The book in which Robert Hooke’s discovery about cell was published.
(ii) Smallest known cell.
(iii) The kind of tissue found as gritty masses in the skin of pears.
(iv) The large, colourful leaf-like structure in Bougainvillea.
(v) A distinct white oval scar mark on concave side of seed.
(i) Micrographia
(ii) Mycoplasma
(iii) Scierenchyma
(iv) Bract
(v) Hilum

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 5 with Answers

(b) Choose the correct answer from the options given below :
(i) The hierarchy of classification of various levels of diversity is :
(a) Kingdom, phylum, order, class, genus, family, species
(b) Phylum, order, class, kingdom, genus, species, family
(c) Order, kingdom, phylum, family, genus, species, class
(d) Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species
(d) Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species

(ii) Which bacteria is rod-shaped ?
(a) Coccus
(b) Vibrio
(c) Bacillus
(d) Spirillum
(c) Bacillus

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 5 with Answers

(iii) The phylum in which largest number of animals are present is :
(a) Mollusca
(b) Annelida
(c) Arthropoda
(d) Echinodermata
(c) Arthropoda

(iv) WHO was established in the year and headquarters are located in……………..
(a) 1864, Geneva
(b) 1948, Geneva
(c) 1948, Paris
(d) 1864, Denmark
(b) 1948, Geneva

(v) A disease widely spread worldwide is known as :
(a) Endemic
(b) Epidemic
(c) Sporadic
(d) Pandemic
(d) Pandemic

(c) Name the kingdom/phylum/class of the following organisms :
(i) Sycon
(ii) Mosses
(iii) Sea anemone
(iv) Millipedes
(v) Scorpions
(i) Kingdom – Anirnalia, phylum – Ponfera, class – Calcarea
(ii) Kingdom – Plantae, phylum – Bryophyta, class – Bryopsida
(iii) Kingdom – Animalia, phylum – Cnidaria, class – Anthozoa
(iv) Kingdom – Animalia, phylum – Arthropoda, class – Myriapoda
(v) Kingdom – Animalia, phylum – Arthropoda, class – Arachnida

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 5 with Answers

(d) Fill in the blanks :
(i) ……………. forms spindle fibres with asters.
(ii) …………….and ……………. are called tracheary elements of xylem.
(iii) The condition when pollen of a flower of another plant of the same species fall on stigma is called …………….
(iv) On the basis of endosperm, seeds are classified as ……………. and …………….
(v) ……………. was first genetically engineered product produced from bacteria E. coli.
(i) Centrosomes
(ii) Tracheids and vessels
(iii) Allogamy
(iv) Albuminous and ex-albuminous seeds
(v) Hormone insulin

(e) Differentiate between the following based on instructions given in brackets.
(i) Vibrio cholerae and streptococcus (shape)
(ii) Azotobacter and rhizobium (where they are found)
(iii) Incisors and canines (number present in humans)
(iv) Assimilation and defaecation (definition)
(v) Cranium and vertebral column (number of bones present)

(ii) Azotobacter Rhizobium
Azotobacter is a free living bacteria present in the soil. Rhizobium is a symbiotic bacteria present in the root nodules of leguminous plants.
(iii) Incisors Canines
There are 8 incisors teeth in adult human being. There are 4 canines teeth in adult human being.
(iv) Assimilation Defaecation
Assimilation is the conversion of absorbed digested food into body material. Defaecation is the expulsion of undigested remains of food from the alimentary canal.
(v) Cranium Vertebral column
There are 8 bones in cranium or brain box. There are 33 bones in the vertebral column.

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 5 with Answers

(f) Statements given below are incorrect. Write the correct form of the statements by changing first or last word only.
(i) Complete loss of pigmentation of skin is known as vitiligo.
(ii) The winter sleep in case of frogs is known as aestivation.
(iii) Air that can be forcibly expelled out after normal expiration is called vital capacity.
(iv) Anaerobic respiration is also called oxybiotic respiration.
(v) Respiration is a physico-chemical process.
(i) Complete loss of pigmentation of skin is known as albinism.
(ii) The winter sleep in case of frogs is known as hibernation.
(iii) Air that can be forcibly expelled out after normal expiration is called expiratory reserve volume.
(iv) Aerobic respiration is also called oxybiotic respiration.
(v) Burning is a physico-chemical process.

(g) Match the items given in column I with the most appropriate ones in column II and rewrite the correct matching pairs.

Column I Column II
(i) Scutellum
(ii) Exine
(iii) Monadelphous stamens
(iv) Lymph
(v) Areolar tissue
(a)    China rose
(b)   Maize grain
(c)   Fluid connective tissue
(d)   Connective tissue proper
(e)   Glandular epithelium
(f)  Pollen grain
(g)   Protista


Column I Column II
(i) Scutellum
(ii) Exine
(iii) Monadelphous stamens
(iv) Lymph
(v) Areolar tissue
(b)  Maize grain
(f) Pollen grain
(a) China rose(c)  Fluid connective tissue
(d) Connective tissue proper

(h) Study the diagram given below and answer the following questions :
ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 5 with Answers 1
(i) Identify the organism. Give its scientific name.
(ii) Name the phylum to which it belongs. Give some characteristic features of organisms belonging to the phylum named by you.
(iii) Label parts 1-4.
(iv) What is the function of part 2 ?
(v) Give the economic importance of this organism.
(i) It is an Indian earthworm. Scientific name is Pheretimaposthuma.
(ii) It belongs to phylum Annelida. Some characteristic features of the organisms belonging to this phylum are :

  • Their body is cylindrical and divided into ring-like segments.
  • They have well- developed digestive system with alimentary canal open at mouth and anus.
  • They have a true body cavity.

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 5 with Answers

(iii) 1-Mouth, 2-Clitellum, 3-Body segment, 4-Anus.
(iv) Clitellum plays an important role in reproduction process.
(v) Some economic importance of this organism are :
1. They help in loosening and aeration of soil.
2. It increases the fertility of the soil by interchanging top layer of soil with inner layers.
3. It is used in vermiculture.
4. Its excreta is rich in nitrogenous matter which is an essential component for plant’s growth.

(Attempt any four questions from this section)

Question 2.
(a) Give the exact location of the following :
(i) Adipose tissue
(ii) Cardiac muscles
(iii) Hypocotyl
(iv) Parotid glands
(v) Foramen magnum
(i) Adipose tissue is a specialized fat storing tissues found under skin, around kidneys, eyeball etc.
(ii) Cardiac muscles are found in the walls of the heart.
(iii) Hypocotyl is the region of the axis below the cotyledons of seeds.
(iv) Parotid glands are located in front of and beneath each ear.
(v) Foramen magnum is a large hole on the back part of cranium.

(b) Study the figure given below and answer the following questions :
ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 5 with Answers 2
(i) Identify the structure. Label the parts 1-6.
(ii) What is the main difference between male and female skeleton ?
(iii) Name the bones present in hindlimbs with their number.
(iv) How many bones are present in pelvic girdle ?
(v) Give the two main divisions of skeleton.
(i) It is the front portion of pelvis.
1—Acetabulum, 2—Ischium, 3—Pubis, 4—ilium, 5—Sacrum, 6-Coccyx.
(ii) Male skeleton is larger and heavier than female. The pelvis in female skeleton is wider and trough-shaped.
(iii) Femur—2, tibia-2, fibula—2, ta rsals—1 4, patella-2, metatarsals—10, phalanges—28. So there are total 60 bones in our hindlimbs.
(iv) Our pelvic girdle is made up of two hip bones. Each hip bone is made up of three bones— ilium, ischium, pubis.
(v) Axial skeleton which includes skull, vertebral Column, ribs, sternum and appendicuiar skeleton includes bones of Limbs and girdles.

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 5 with Answers

Question 3.
(a) Give two points of differences between the following pairs :
(i) Kwashiorkor and Marasmus
(ii) Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes
(iii) Pisces and Amphibians
(iv) Flat worm and Roundworm
(v) Glycolysis and Kreb’s cycle
ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 5 with Answers 8

(b) Study the below figure and answer the following questions :
ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 5 with Answers 3
(i) Identify the muscular tissue A, B and C.
(ii) Give some characteristic features of tissue A.
(iii) State the location of tissue B.
(iv) Give some characteristic features of tissue C.
(v) Give the location of tissue C.
(i) A- cardiac muscles, B- skeletal or striated muscles, C- smooth or unstriated muscles.
(ii) They are involuntary in function. They are striated, uninucleated, short and branched muscles.
(iii) They are found in arms, legs, face, neck etc.
(iv) They are involuntary in function. They are spindle shaped/slender cells tapered at both ends. They are uninucleated.
(v) They are found in walls of intestine, urinary bladder, uterus, lining of blood vessels etc.

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 5 with Answers

Question 4.
(a) Give reasons :
(i) Composting is a useful method contributing in crop farming.
(ii) Abnormally a large number of WBCs in the blood are usually an indication of some infection in our body.
(iii) Eating places should be free from flies.
(iv) We cannot hold our breath forcibly for a longer time.
(v) Food tube is partially collapsed when not in use
(i) Composting is the process of putting biodegradable wastes in a compost pit to decay, so that by the action of microbes, it gets converted into manure which can be used in agricultural lands to grow crops or plants. So, composting is a very useful method contributing in crop farming.

(ii) When any foreign particles like disease-causing microbes enter into our body, WBCs immediately squeeze out of walls of blood capillaries and reach the site of infection and fight against the germs. Thus, abnormally a large number of WBCs in the blood are usually an indication of some infection in our body.

(iii) Flies are main carriers of germs as they sit on excreta which cause various diseases like cholera, typhoid, dysentery etc. If food will remain uncovered, the flies carrying these disease-causing germs will sit on our food, thus contaminating it and when we consume this contaminated food, we may suffer from various diseases. So, eating places should be free from flies.

(iv) The breathing process is involuntary i.e., not under the control of our will. To some extent we can increase or decrease the rate of breathing but after that we can not hold our breathe forcibly. Our respiratory centre is located in medulla oblongata which is stimulated by carbon dioxide concentration in our body. If we hold our breathe, carbon dioxide gas cannot be released to outside, so its concentration increases which will stimulate our respiratory centre.

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 5 with Answers

(v) Food wall or oesophagus is soft so when there is no peristalsis process, it gets collapsed.

(b) Study the diagram given below and answer the following questions :
ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 5 with Answers 4
(i) Define the process shown in the figure above.
(ii) In which part of the alimentary canal does this process occurs ?
(iii) Is any enzyme secreted by the structure shown in above figure ? If yes, name it.
(iv) Sometimes reverse of the process named by you in Q. (i) occurs. Name the process and state why it occurs ?
(v) Name a structure which prevents backflow of food from :
1. Stomach to oesophagus.
2. Duodenum to stomach.
Peristalsis is a wave of constriction caused by circular muscles of gut which pushes the food down into stomach.
It occurs in all regions of gut mainly in oesophagus.
No, oesophagus does not secrete any enzyme.
Antiperistalsis occurs when stomach is disturbed or overloaded where reverse wave of muscular contraction occurs causing throwing of food contents out from the mouth.
1. Cardiac sphincter
2. Pyloric sphincter.

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 5 with Answers

Question 5.
(a) Define the following terms :
(i) Digestion
(ii) Sunstroke
(iii) Cellular respiration
(iv) Spawning of mushroom
(v) Bioweapons
(i) Digestion is a process of conversion of complex food substances into smaller, simpler, diffusible molecules so that they can be absorbed and assimilated by our body.

(ii) Sunstroke is a condition in which sweat production is unable to keep pace with its evaporation in very hot winds, resulting in rise of body temperature which sometimes may prove fatal.

(iii) The complex chemical reactions which occurs inside a cell to release energy from glucose is called cellular respiration.

(iv) Spawning is the process of introduction of mushroom seed consisting of mycelium of selected type of mushroom into compost from which mushrooms will grow.

(v) Bioweapons are harmful biological agent like bacteria, virus, fungi which can cause diseases and may take epidemic shape killing living organisms. Example—Anthrax bacteria is used as bioweapons.

(b) Study the figure below and the answer the following questions :
ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 5 with Answers 5

(i) Identify the organelle.
(ii) Label its parts.
(iii) Name the important pigment present in this structure.
(iv) Name the other types of plastids. Describe them.

Question 6.
(a) Study the figure below and answer the following questions :
ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 5 with Answers 6
(i) Identify the figure.
(ii) Label the parts 1-10.
(iii) Whatdoyoumeanbytriplefusian?
(iv) Define double fertilization.
(v) What is the fate of following after fertilization:
1. Calyx
2. Integuments
3. Eggcell

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 5 with Answers

(b) Give the alternative nana of the following vitamins:
(i) Vitamin A
(ii) Vitamin B12
(ill) Vitamin C
(lv) Vitamin D
(y) VitaminK
(vi) VitaminE
(vil) Vitamin B3
(viii) Vitamin B5
(ix) Vitamin B9
(x) Vitamin B2

Question 7.
(a) Give any two characteristic features of the following:
(I) Mammals
(li) Moliusca
(iii) Gymnosperms
(iv) Thallophyta
(y) Fungi

(b) Study the figure below and answer de following questions:
ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 5 with Answers 7
(i) In how many flasks the different plant parts are kept in observation ?
(ii) What is the purpose of keeping a test tube containing lime water in each flask ?
(iii) In which test tubes will lime water turn milky ?
(iv) What is the purpose of set-up ?
(v) What conclusion do you draw from this experiment ?

ICSE Class 9 Biology Question Papers with Answers

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