ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 6 with Answers

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 6 with Answers

Section -1
(Attempt all questions from this section)

Question 1.
(a) Name the following :
(i) An amoeboid cell in human body.
(ii) The condition in which filaments of stamens are united in several groups.
(iii) The category of plant tissues that have lost their ability to multiply.
(iv) Three cells inside embryo sac found near the micropylar end.
(v) The type of germination seen in maize grain.
(i) WBCs
(ii) Polyadelphous
(iii) Permanent tissues
(iv) 1 egg cell, 2 synergids
(v) Hypogeal germination

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 6 with Answers

(b) Choose the odd one out from the following terms given and name the category to which the others belong :
(i) Formalin, Bordeaux mixture, Lime, Mercurochrome.
(ii) Fly ash, Baggasse, Cow dung, Fertilizers.
(iii) Malaria, Sleeping sickness, Filariasis, Amoebic dysentery.
(iv) Cholera, Typhoid, Hepatitis, Dysentery, Tuberculosis.
(v) Acne, Pimples, Blackheads, Vitiligo.

(i) Odd : Mercurochrome
Category : Disinfectants

(ii) Odd : Fly ash
Category : Agricultural wastes

(iii) Odd: Filariasis
Category : Diseases caused by protozoa

(iv) Odd : Tuberculosis
Category : Waterborne diseases

(v) Odd: Vitiligo
Category : Problems related to sebaceous glands.

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 6 with Answers

(c) Fill in the blanks :
(i) Knee joint is protected by outer ……………..
(ii) The vibrations of …………….. in human beings produce sound.
(iii) …………….. is the largest gland of our body.
(iv) …………….. and …………….. are water soluble vitamins.
(v) …………….. is the most popular variety of mushroom grown in India.
(i) Fibrous capsule
(ii) Vocal cords
(iii) Liver
(iv) Vitamin B, vitamin C
(v) Agaricus bisporous

(d) Choose the correct answer from each of the four options given below :
(i) The hardness of bone is due to:
(a) Calcium
(b) Magnesium
(c) Potassium
(d) Sodium
(a) Calcium

(ii) An organelle which lacks a membrane is:
(a) Mitochondria
(b) Golgi complex
(c) Endoplasmic reticulum
(d) Ribosomes
(d) Ribosomes

(iii) Which one of the following is a characteristic feature of an anemophilous flower?
(a) Pollen grains have specific gravity equal to that of water.
(b) Pollen grains are light, dry and smooth.
(c) Pollen grains are sticky.
(d) Flowers are large, brightly coloured and produce nectar.
(b) Pollen grains are light, dry and smooth

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 6 with Answers

(iv) Alcohol is produced during the process of :
(a) Oxybiotic respiration
(b) Combustion
(c) Fermentation
(d) Kreb’s cycle
(c) Fermentation

(v) During respiration, there is :
(a) Gain in dry weight
(b) No change in weight
(c) Conversion of ADP to ATP
(d) Loss in dry weight
(d) Loss in dry weight

(e) Given below are five sets of terms. In each case, arrange and rewrite each set so as to be in logical sequence :
(i) Axon endings, Dendrites, Axon, Synapse, Cyton, Nissl granules, Nodes of Ranvier.
(ii) Pollen tube, Stigma, Pollen grains, Anther, Embryo sac, Micropyle.
(iii) Sporangiophores, Spores, Mycelium, Sporangium, Substrate.
(iv) Food pipe, Duodenum, Buccal cavity, Ileum, Stomach, Rectum.
(v) Mandible, Sternum, Cranium, Phalanges, Patella, Pelvis, Acetabulum, Femur.
(i) Dendrites, Cyton, Nissl granules, Axon, Nodes of Ranvier, Axon endings, Synapse.
(ii) Anther, Pollen grains, Stigma, Pollen tube, Micropyle, Embryo sac.
(iii) Spores, Substrate, Mycelium, Sporangiophores, Sporangium.
(iv) Buccal cavity, Food pipe, Stomach, Duodenum, Ileum, Rectum.
(v) Cranium, Mandible, Sternum, Pelvis, Acetabulum, Femur, Patella, Phalanges.

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 6 with Answers

(f) Statements given below are incorrect. Write the correct form of statements in each case :
(i) Nitrosomonas convert nitrites into nitrates.
(ii) Bacteria reproduces by budding.
(iii) Reptiles have four chambered heart.
(iv) Annelids have an exoskeleton made up of chitin.
(v) Respiration is an anabolic process.
(i) Nitrobacter convert nitrites into nitrates.
(ii) Bacteria reproduces by fission.
(iii) Reptiles have three chambered heart.
(iv) Arthropods have an exoskeleton made up of chitin.
(v) Respiration is a catabolic process.

(g) Give one important function of the following :
(i) Scrubbers
(ii) Diaphragm
(iii) Cerumen
(iv) Glenoid cavity
(v) Amylopsin
(i) Scrubbers are devices which remove gaseous and particulate air pollutants.
(ii) Diaphragm separates thoracic cavity from abdominal cavity. The contraction and relaxation of diaphragm helps in breathing mechanism.
(iii) Cerumen is a wax-like substance which lubricates and protects the eardrum from germs and dust particles. It is secreted by ceruminous glands.
(iv) Pectoral girdle contains a cup-shaped cavity called glenoid cavity into which head of humerus fits.
(v) Amylopsin, also called pancreatic amylase, acts upon starch and converts it into maltose.

(h) Study the diagram given below and answer the following :
ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 6 with Answers 1
(i) Identify the figure.
(ii) What are true ribs and floating ribs ?
(iii) Label the parts indicated in diagram.
(iv) Name the cartilage and vertebrae present in this structure.
(v) What is the main function of this structure ?
(i) It is rib cage or bony cage.
(ii) True ribs are attached to sternum in front with help of cartilage. They are seven pairs.
(iii) Floating ribs are not attached to the sternum and they are 11th and 12th pair of ribs. 1-Vertebral column, 2-Stemum, 3-Ribs, 4-Cartilage.
(iv) Hyaline cartilage and thoracic vertebrae are present.
(v) It protects our delicate organs like heart and lungs.

Section – II
(Attempt any four questions from this section)

Question 2.
(a) Answer the following briefly :
(i) Give few importance of nutrition.
(ii) Give major steps of mushroom cultivation.
(iii) Give two bacterial diseases in plants and animals each.
(iv) Give two rules in writing scientific names of living organisms.
(v) Give an equation representing :
1. Anaerobic respiration in yeast.
2. Anaerobic respiration in muscles.
(i) Importance of nutrition :
1. It is required for growth as it builds up new cells.
2. It helps in repair of worn out or injured cells.
3. It provides energy to carry out various life processes.
4. It provides raw materials for synthesis of enzymes, hormones, milk, sweat etc.
5. It protects us from disease and infection.

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 6 with Answers

(ii) The major steps of mushroom cultivation are :

  1. Composting : Here, compost is prepared by using paddy or wheat straw, manure, fertilizer etc.
  2. Spawning: Mycelium of selected type of mushroom is introduced into compost.
  3. Casing : Soil is spread over compost.
  4. Cropping and harvesting : Mycelium grows and tiny mushrooms are formed. When they are fully grown, they are taken out.
  5. Preservation : They are preserved using various techniques.

(iii) Bacterial disease in plants are bacterial blight of cowpea, black rot of cauliflower. In animals, they are anthrax and tuberculosis.

(iv) Two rules in writing scientific names of living organisms are :

  1. They are written in italics when in print and should be underlined when written in hand.
  2. The first letter of genus should be capital letter and species should be small letter.

(v) C6H12O6 → 2C2H5OH + 2CO2 + 2 ATP
C6H12O6 → Lactic acid + 2 ATP + Heat/energy

(b) Study the figure below and answer the following questions :
ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 6 with Answers 2
(i) Identify the parts labelled in the figure.
(ii) Where does germination of pollen grains occur and how ?
(iii) What is the function of part 1 and 2 ?
(iv) How does the male nucleus reach the female gamete inside embryo sac ?
(v) Name the covering of pollen grain.
(i) 1-Generative nucleus, 2-Tube nucleus.

(ii) Germination of pollen grains occurs on the stigma only if pollen grains have fallen on stigma of the same plant species. Stigma secretes some sugary substances which stimulates the germination of pollen grains.

(iii) Generative nucleus divides to form two male gamete nuclei/sperm nuclei. Tube nucleus directs the growth of pollen tube through style to reach the embryo sac present in ovary and then it disintegrates.

(iv) Pollen tube carrying two sperm nuclei and tube nucleus passes through the stigma and style by dissolving the tissues with the help of enzymes and finally reaches the ovule containing embryo sac. It pushes through micropyle and reaches the embryo sac containing female gamete.

(v) Pollen grain is covered with double layered wall-outer exine and inner intine.

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 6 with Answers

Question 3.
(a) Differentiate between the following :
(i) Self pollination and Cross pollination
(ii) Androecium and Gynoecium
(iii) Epithelial tissue and Connective tissue
(iv) Monocots and Dicots
(v) Photosynthesis and Respiration
ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 6 with Answers 9
ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 6 with Answers 10

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 6 with Answers

(b) Study the figure below and answer the following questions :
ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 6 with Answers 3
(i) What does the experiment demonstrate ?
(ii) Why level of mercury in test tube B falls after few days ?
(iii) Wltich gas is liberated by this process and how can you prove its presence ?
(iv) What is a control in this experiment and why ?
(i) It demonstrates anaerobic respiration in germinating seeds.
(ii) After few days, the mercury level falls off because due to anaerobic respiration carbon dioxide is produced which will occupy the space in the top of test tube and mercury level falls down.
(iii) Carbon dioxide gas is produced. If we will introduce KOH solution in test tube B, KOH will float on the surface of mercury which will absorb carbon dioxide gas and again mercury level will rise up in the test tube.
(iv) Test tube A is a control as boiled, sterilized seeds are taken which cannot undergo respiration either aerobically or anaerobically.

Question 4.
(a) Give reasons :
(i) Scientific names of living organisms are considered better than their common names.
(ii) Every living room in the house should get direct sunlight at least for a short time.
(iii) Tinned and sealed foods are not always safe to eat.
(iv) Protoplasm can not be analysed chemically.
(v) Maximum food is absorbed in ileum part of small intestine.
(i) People from different countries with different languages use different names for a particular organism. So it creates confusion, hence to avoid any confusion it is better to assign a scientific name to living organisms than their common names.

(ii) Direct sunlight helps in killing the microbes like bacteria or fungi present in the room. Thus, it keeps the air inside room clean and pure, making healthy environment.

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 6 with Answers

(iii) Sometimes in tinned and canned foods a special bacteria is found which causes severe food poisoning called botulism. Thus, they are not always safe to eat.

(iv) The chemical composition of protoplasm is very complex and as soon as it is removed from an organism, it ceases, so it cannot be analysed chemically.

(v) Ileum part of small intestine is very long and it provides more surface area for absorption of food. Villi which are finger-like projections in ileum are present numerously thus increase the surface area for absorption. Thus, maximum food is absorbed in ileum.

(b) Study the diagram given below and answer the following questions :
ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 6 with Answers 4
(i) Name the process shown in the diagram above.
(ii) Laber the parts 1-4.
(iii) What does the arrow 5 and 6 indicate ?
(iv) Name the corresponding structure found in plants.
(v) Give the percentage of oxygen and carbon dioxide present in inhaled and exhaled air.
(i) Gaseous exchange in alveolus.
(ii) 1-Wall of alveolus, 2-RBC, 3-Wall of blood capillary, 4-Plasma
(iii) 5- Oxygen diffuses from alveoli to blood capillary.
6- Carbon dioxide diffuses out from blood capillary to alveoli.
(iv) Stomata through which exchange of gases occurs.

Gases Inhaled air (%) Exhaled air (%)
Oxygen 20.96 16.4
Carbon dioxide 0.04 4.0

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 6 with Answers

Question 5.
(a) Complete the blanks in below figure :
ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 6 with Answers 5
1. R.H. Whittaker
2. Monera
3. Plantae
4. Bryophyta
5. Pteridophyta
6. Monocots
7. Dicots
8. Vertebrates
9. Invertebrates
10. Eubacteria

(b) Study the figure given below and answer the following questions
ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 6 with Answers 6
(i) Name the accessory digestive glands shown in figure.
(ii) Name the secretion produced by part labelled 1 and its function.
(iii) Name the parts of structures labelled 2 and 3.
(iv) Identify the vestigial organ from the above figure and mention its exact location.
(v) Name the enzymes found in secretion secreted from gland labelled 4.
(i) Liver, pancreas, salivary glands.
(ii) Part 1 is liver which produces bile and makes the medium of small intestine alkaline so that enzymes secreted by pancreas and small intestine can function properly. It also emulsifies fats so that fat digesting enzymes can act upon it properly.
(iii) Part 2 is small intestine which consists of duodenum, jejunum, ileum.
Part 3 is large intestine which consists of caecum, colon, rectum.
(iv) Vermiform appendix which is a worm-shaped tube arises from blind end of caecum.
(v) Enzymes present in part 4 i.e., pancreas are amylopsin, trypsin, steapsin.

Question 6.
(a) Give exact location of the following :
(i) Caecum
(ii) Submandibular glands
(iii) Bone marrow
(iv) Intervertebral disc
(v) Sebaceous glands
(i) Caecum is a small blind pouch-like structure situated at the junction of small intestine and large intestine.
(ii) Submandibular glands lie close to the inner side of the lower jaw on each side.
(iii) Bone marrow is found in the cavity of long bones like femur, humerus etc.
(iv) Invertebral disc is a pad of cartilage between two vertebrae.
(v) Sebaceous glands are branched glands found in dermis region of skin and open into hair follicle and sometimes directly to outside.

(b) Study the below figure and answer the following questions :
ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 6 with Answers 7
(i) Name the organism.
(ii) Is it unicellular eukaryotic or multicellular eukaryotic organism ?
(iii) To which kingdom does it belongs ?
(iv) Give examples of some other organisms belonging to this category.
(v) Name the type of nutrition found in the organism shown in figure.
(i) It is a chlamydomonas.
(ii) It is unicellular eukaryotic organism.
(iii) It belongs to kingdom Protista.
(iv) Euglena, paramecium, amoeba.
(v) Autotrophic nutrition.

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 6 with Answers

Question 7.
(a) Complete the following paragraph by filling in the appropriate term.
Plant tissues are basically of two types ………….. (i) and ………….. (ii)…………… (iii) tissue is found in growing points of a plant. Permanent tissues are of three types ………….. (iv), ………….. (v) and ………….. (vi). Xylem and
phloem are examples of ………….. (vii) tissue ………….. (viii) ………….. (ix) and ………….. (x) are examples of supporting tissue.
(i) Meristematic
(ii) Permanent
(iii) Meristematic
(iv) Protective
(y) Supporting
(vi) Conducting
(vii) Conducting
(viii) Parenchyma
(ix) Collenchyma
(x) Scierenchyma

(b) Study the figure given below and answer the following questions :
ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 6 with Answers 8
(i) Identify the cell. Give reason in support of your answer.
(ii) Name the only organelle present in animal cells. What is its role ?
(iii) What is the function of organelle labelled 1, 2 and 3 ?
(iv) How can you differentiate between prokaryotic cell and eukaryotic cell ?
(v) Draw a labelled diagram of a prokaryotic cell. Name the kingdom in which they are placed.
(i) It is plant cell as it contains cell wall. chioroplast and a large, centrally placed vacuole.

(ii) Centrosome. It initiates and regulates cell division and forms spindle fibres with the help of asters.

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 6 with Answers

(iii) Part 1 is ribosomes which help in protein synthesis.
Part 2 is golgi complex which secretes enzyme, hormones and forms acrosome of sperm.
Part 3 is vacuole which provides turgidity to cell and stores water, food, waste substances etc.


Prokaryotic cell Eukaryotic cell
1. In prokaryotic cell, nucleus is not well defined i.e., chromatin lies free in cytoplasm without nuclear membrane and nucleolus.
2. Cell organelles are absent.
In eukaryotic oil, nucleus is well-defined with nucleolus and nuclear membrane.
2. Various types of cell organelles are present.

(v) They are placed in kingdom Monera.
ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 6 with Answers 11

ICSE Class 9 Biology Question Papers with Answers


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