ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 7 with Answers

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 7 with Answers

Section -1
(Attempt all questions from this section)

Question 1.
(a) Name the following :
(i) The longest animal cell.
(ii) Tissue found in husk of coconut.
(iii) Three germ killing secretions of our body.
(iv) Cavity in the body in which human lungs are located,
(v) Location of the heat regulating centre of the body.
(i) Neuron
(ii) Scierenchyma
(iii) Saliva, sweat, tears
(iv) Thoracic cavity
(v) Hypothalamus

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 7 with Answers

(b) Choose the correct answer from each of the four options given below :
(i) First living cells were observed by :
(a) Leeuwenhoek
(b) Robert Hooke
(c) Virchow
(d) Robert Brown
(a) Leeuwenhock

(ii) Phylum Mollusca can be distinguished from other non-chordates by the presence of :
(a) Bilateral symmetry and exoskeleton
(b) Mantle and gills
(c) Shell and non-segmented body
(d) Mantle and non-segmented body
(c) Shell and non-segmented body

(iii) Pinna is supported by :
(a) Bone
(b) Tendon
(c) Capsule
(d) Cartilage
(d) Cortilage

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 7 with Answers

(iv) Pylorus is an opening from :
(a) Oesophagus into stomach
(b) Mouth cavity into oesophagus
(c) Stomach into intestine
(d) Intestine into rectum
(c) Stomach into intestine

(v) The vector that transmits filarial worm is :
(a) Anopheles mosquito
(b) Culex mosquito
(c) Housefly
(d) Entamoeba
(b) Culex mosquito

(c) Fill in the blanks :
(i) …………. is the liquid waste that runs off into the drains from the house.
(ii) ………….parasite is responsible for plague.
(iii) Incomplete closure of ………… during swallowing causes cough.
(iv) Curdling of milk occurs by …………….
(v) Three inlets of oxygen gas for respiration in plants are ………….. and ………….
(i) Sewage
(ii) Rat-flea
(iii) Epiglottis
(iv) Lactobacillus
(v) Stomata, lenticels, general surface of roots

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 7 with Answers

(d) State whether the following statements are true or false. If false, rewrite the correct form of the statement:
(i) Food is stored in endosperm in the case of maize grain.
(ii) Removing of anthers in young flowers is called pollination.
(iii) Diadelphous stamen condition is seen in Bombax.
(iv) In Volvox, a thallus-like body is present.
(v) Aspergillus is called blue mould.
(i) True
(ii) False, Removing of antheis in young flowers is called emasculation.
(iii) False, Polyadeiphous stamen condition is seen in Bombax.
(iv) True
(v) False, Aspergillus is called green mould.

(e) Choose the odd one and include the rest under one group.
(i) Mycelium, Sporangium, Hyphae, Capsule. ,
(ii) Salivary glands, Liver, Pancreas, Prostate gland.
(iii) Glenoid cavity, Scapula, Clavicle, Acetabulum.
(iv) Frog, Salamander, Alligator, Sea cucumber.
(v) Plasmid, Cell wall, Chloroplast, Dictyosome.
(i) Odd: Capsule
Rest belong to Rhizopus/bread mould

(ii) Odd : Prostate gland
Rest are glands associated with digestive system.

(iii) Odd : Acetabulum
Rest are associated with pectoral girdle.

(iv) Odd : Sea cucumber
Rest are vertebrates.

(v) Odd : Plasmid
Rest are found in a plant cell.

(f) Match the items given in column I with the most appropriate ones in column II and rewrite the correct matching pairs :

Column I Column II
(i)  Coccyx
(ii)  Devil fish
(iii) Scutellum
(iv)  Hay fever
(v)  Chloromycetin
(a) Mollusca
(b) Allergy
(c) Antibiotic
(d) Vertebrae
(e) Maize


Column I Column II
(i) Coccyx
(ii) Devil fish
(iii) Scutellum
(iv) Hay fever
(v) Chloromycetin
(d) Vertebrae
(a) Mollusca
(e) Maize
(b) Allergy
(c) Antibiotic

(g) Differentiate between the following on the basis of guidelines given in brackets :
(i) Toxin and Antitoxin (definition)
(ii) Scrubbers and Electrostatic precipitators (function)
(iii) Sleeping sickness and Filariasis (causal agent)
(iv) Hibernation and Aestivation (definition)
(v) Immovable joint and Partially movable joint (example)
ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 7 with Answers 6

(h) Study the formula given below and answer the following which is related to dental formula :
i 3/4 c 0/0 pm 0/1 m 1/1
(i) State the total number of teeth present in the dentition.
(ii) Is the dentition of a carnivore or herbivore ? Give reason.
(iii) Name an animal possessing such dentition.
(iv) Give dental formula of an adult human being.
(v) Give dental formula of a human child.
(i) Total number of teeth is 20.
(ii) It is of herbivore as no canine teeth are present.
(iii) Rabbit
(iv) i 2/2 c 1/1 pm 2/2 m 3/3
(v) 2/2 c 1/1 pm 0/O m 2/2

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 7 with Answers

Section – II
(Attempt any four questions from this section)

Question 2.
(a) Study the figure given below and answer the following questions:
ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 7 with Answers 1
(i) Identify figure A, B and C.
(ii) Which of them has heavy deposition of lignin ?
(iii) Which of them provides mechanical strength and flexibility ?
(iv) Which of them is modified to store chloroplasts in leaves ?
(v) Which of them is commercially exploited to obtain linen and hemp ?
(i) A-Sclerenchyma, B-Parenchyma, C-Collenchyma
(ii) Sclerenchyma
(iii) Collenchyma
(iv) Parenchyma
(v) Sclerenchyma

(b) Give reasons :
(i) Raw mango is green in colour while ripe one is yellow.
(ii) Plasma membrane is a semi-permeable membrane.
(iii) Anthers in anemophilous flowers are loosely attached.
(iv) Disposable needles must be used for injection.
(v) Anaerobic respiration is an incomplete break down of glucose.
(i) Raw mango contains chlorophyll which is a green pigment but when mango ripens, chlorophyll disintegrates and xanthophyll, carotene takes their places. So green colour changes to yellow or orange-red colour.
(ii) Plasma membrane allows only certain substances to pass through it while it prevents entry of other substances. So, it is called a semi-permeable membrane.

(iii) In anemophilous flowers, pollination occurs through wind. So anthers containing pollen grains are loosely attached to filament so that they can easily be blown away by slight wind movement.

(iv) Injection needles if shared by more than one person may introduce the HIV virus from one individual to another. So to prevent the transmission of HIV, disposable needles are used for injection.

(v) In anaerobic respiration, glucose is not completely oxidized. In plants or yeast cells glucose, in the absence of oxygen or insufficient oxygen, forms ethanol and carbon dioxide. In animal cells it produces lactic acid. Thus, incomplete break down of glucose occurs because when glucose completely breaks down, it gives carbon dioxide and water.

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 7 with Answers

Question 3.
(a) State the exact function of the following :
(i) Municipalities
(ii) Pleural fluid
(iii) Meibomian glands
(iv) Red bone marrow
(v) HCL in gastric juice
(i) Municipalities look after sanitation, supply of safe drinking water, arrange vaccination programmes, keep statistical records of births and deaths.

(ii) Pleural fluid is found between outer and inner membrane of lungs which provides lubrication for free movement of expanding and contracting lungs.

(iii) The secretion of meibomian glands is oily which lubricates the margins of eyelids and prevents the overflow of tears.

(iv) Red bone marrow produces RBCs.

(v) HCL makes the medium of stomach acidic so that pepsin enzyme gets activated to digest proteins. It also kills the germs that may have entered along with our food.

(b) Study the diagram given below and answer the following questions :
ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 7 with Answers 2
(i) Label the parts 1-6.
(ii) Give examples of synovial joints.
(iii) How is this joint protected ?
(iv) What is the function of the part labelled 3 ?
(v) Give an example of pivot joint.
(i) 1-Bone, 2-Cartilage, 3-Synovial fluid, 4—Synovial membrane, 5-Fibrous capsule, 6-Ligament.
(ii) Shoulder joint, knee joint.
(iii) It is well protected by an outer fibrous capsule and held in position by ligaments. Synovial fluid lubricates the point of contact between two bones so that friction is reduced and we can easily bend our knee or shoulder without any pain.
(iv) Joint between skull and upper end of axis vertebrae.

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 7 with Answers

Question 4.
(a) State the exact location of the following :
(i) Duodenum
(ii) Plasmid
(iii) Notochord
(iv) Epicalyx
(v) Columnar epithelial tissue
(i) It is upper part of small intestine next to stomach.
(ii) Plasmids are extra-chromosomal DNA found in cytoplasm of bacteria.
(iii) It is a rod-like structure present in the mid-dorsal axis of the body in few primitive forms of chordates.
(iv) It is second series of sepals, lies outer to calyx in some flower like Hibiscus.
(v) They are tall like brick or cylindrical cells found in inner lining of stomach and intestine.

(b) Study the diagram given below and answer the following questions
ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 7 with Answers 3
(i) Identify figure A and B.
(ii) Label the parts 1-4.
(iii) What is the role of part 3 ?
(iv) Give the importance of cell organelle A and B.
(v) What is the special name of the organelle in figure B in plant cells ?
(i) A is mitochondria, B is golgi complex
(ii) 1-Outer membrane, 2-Inner membrane, 3-Cristae, 4-Matrix.
(iii) Cristae provide a large amount of surface area for chemical reactions to occur as mitochondria is the site of aerobic respiration.
(iv) Mitochondria is the site of cellular aerobic respiration and stores energy in the form of ATP. It also synthesizes respiratory enzymes.
Golgi body synthesizes and secretes enzymes and hormones. It forms the acrosome of sperm.
(v) Dictyosomes

Question 5.
(a) Answer the following questions briefly :
(i) What is the function of ciliated epithelium and where is it found ?
(ii) Give advantages of long and feathery stigma in flowers.
(iii) Potatoes kept in basket during rainy season give out small shoots. Would you call it as germination ?
(iv) What special precaution would one take to conduct experiment on respiration process in green plants ?
(v) What are two forms of dysentery and their causal agent ?
(i) The cells of ciliated epithelium have fine hair-like projections called cilia which constantly moves removing dust, foreign particles etc., from that region where it is present. It is found in the lining of trachea.

(ii) Long and feathery stigma is present in anemophilous flowers i.e., where pollination is done by wind. This type of stigma can easily trap pollen grains carried by wind.

(iii) No, it is called sprouting where small shoots arise from eye buds of potato tuber. But in case of germination, tiny shoots arise from seeds of plants.

(iv) We should not keep the experimental set-up containing the green plant under sunlight as carbon dioxide released will be used by plants for photosynthesis. So we should conduct respiration experiment in a dark room.

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 7 with Answers

(v) Two forms of dysentery are :
1. Bacillary dysentery, caused by bacterium Shigella.
2. Amoebic dysentery, caused by protozoa Entamoeba histolytica.

(b) The figure below shows a section of a flower. Study it carefully and answer the following questions:
ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 7 with Answers 4
(i) Label the parts as indicated in figure.
(ii) Is it a perfect or imperfect flower ? Give reason.
(iii) What are esseritial and non-essential parts of a flower ?
(iv) Which are the male and female parts of a flower ?
(v) Give the collective term of the parts labelled 4,10, 3.
(i) 1-Anther, 2-Filament, 3-Petal, 4-Sepal, 5-Receptacle, 6-Stalk, 7-Stigma, 8-Style, 9-Ovary, 10-Stamen.
(ii) It is a perfect flower as it contains all the four floral structures.
(iii) Essential parts of a flower are those that are directly concerned with reproduction e.g. stamens and carpels. Non-essential parts are those which protect the reproductive parts or helps the flower in pollination e.g. sepals and petals.
(iv) Male part is stamen which contains male gametes in pollen grains and female part is pistil which contains female gametes.
(v) Collective term for sepals is called calyx.
Collective term for stamens is called androecium.
Collective term for petals is called corolla.

Question 6.
(a) Give biological terms for the following :
(i) The process by which the cells are modified to perform specific function resulting in division of labour.
(ii) The condition in which sepals are fused in a flower.
(iii) The condition in which petals and sepals are undifferentiated together.
(iv) The type of germination seen in a bean seed.
(v) A common phase in both aerobic and anaerobic respiration.
(vi) A group of related families.
(vii) The technique of partial sterilization usually applied to milk.
(viii) A structure which prevents back flow of food from stomach into oesophagus.
(ix) The point at which two separate bones meet.
(x) The process of lifting of body hairs during emotions or winter season.
(i) Differentiation
(ii) Gamosepalous
(iii) Perianth
(iv) Epigeat germination
(y) Glycolysis
(vi) Order
(vii) Pasteurization
(viii) Cardiac sphincter
(ix) Joint
(x) Piloerection

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 7 with Answers

(b) Given below are five chemical reactions involving glucose and five different chemical products ( A-E ).
ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 7 with Answers 5
Write the reaction number for the following :
(i) Anaerobic respiration in plants
(ii) End products in aerobic respiration
(iii) Reactions occurring in liver
(iv) Anaerobic respiration in animals
(v) Storage in the liver
(vi) Aerobic respiration
(vii) Anaerobic respiration in yeast
(viii) Change taking place in potato
(ix) Fermentation
(x) During strenuous exercise in muscles
(i) Reaction 5
(ii) Reaction 4
(iii) Reaction 3
(iv) Reaction 1
(v) Reaction 3
(vi) Reaction 4
(vii) Reaction 5
(ix) Reaction 5
(x) Reaction 1

Question 7.
(a) Give the treatment of the following diseases :
(i) Malaria
(ii) Sleeping sickness
(iii) Amoebic dysentery
(iv) Tuberculosis
(v) Typhoid
(i) Drugs like quinine, paludrine, camoquin are used to treat malaria.
(ii) Drugs like melarsophol is used to treat sleeping sickness.
(iii) It can be treated with antibiotics. Proper sanitation, keeping food away from dust and flies.
(iv) Antibiotic streptomycin is used to treat TB and BCG vaccine helps in developing immunity against TB.
(v) Chloromycetin antibiotic is used to treat typhoid.

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper 7 with Answers

(b) Answer the following questions related to human skin :
(i) What are the two layers of human skin ?
(ii) Name some special derivatives of human skin.
(iii) Name the parts of a hair. Which part helps in growth and elongation of hair ?
(iv) Give the parts of a nail.
(v) Name the secretion of sweat gland. State its composition also.
(i) The two layers of human skin are epidermis and dermis.
(ii) Some special derivatives of human skin are hair, nails, mammary glands, sweat glands, sebaceous glands.
(iii) Hair consist of three parts-hair shaft, hair root and hair bulb.
Hair bulb and hair follicle together are responsible for the growth and elongation of hair.
(iv) Plate, bed and matrix are the parts of a nail.
(v) Sweat is a secretion of sweat gland. It consists of about 99% water, 0.2-0.5% salts and traces of urea (0.08%).

ICSE Class 9 Biology Question Papers with Answers

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