Merchant of Venice Act 2, Scene 3 Translation Meaning Annotations

Merchant of Venice Act 2, Scene 3 Modern English Translation Meaning Annotations – ICSE Class 10 & 9 English


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Original Text
Act II Scene III

Merchant of Venice Act 2, Scene 3 Translation Meaning Annotations 1

Modern English Reading
Act II Scene III

JESSICA : I am sorry that you will leave my father like this: Our house is hell, and you, a happy devil, Robbed it of some taste of boredom. But goodbye; there is a dollar for you; And, Launcelot, you will soon see Lorenzoat supper, who is your new master’s guest: Give him this letter; do it secretly. And so, goodbye. I wouldn’t have my father see me talking with you.

Word Meaning With Annotation

Our house is hell, and thou, a merry devil : our home has been as miserable as hell, but enlivened somewhat by the presence of such a merry fellow as yourself. Didst rob it of some taste of tediousness : who relieved the monotony a little.

Original Text

Merchant of Venice Act 2, Scene 3 Translation Meaning Annotations 2

Modern English Reading

LAUNCELOT : Goodbye! Tears exhibit my voice. Most beautiful pagan,most sweet Jew! If a Christian doesn’t play the rogue and get you, I am much deceived. But, goodbye! these foolish drops drown my manly spirit some what; goodbye!

JESSICA : Goodbye, good Launcelot.It’s a pity, what hateful sin it is in me to be ashamed to be my father’s child! But, although I am a daughter from his blood, I am not from his manners. Oh, Lorenzo! If you keep your promise, I shall end this strife, Become a Christian and your loving wife.

Word Meaning With Annotation

Tears exhibit my tongue : emotion keeps him from speaking. I shall end this strife : Jessica has been divided between loyalty to her father and love for Lorenzo; now she declares that the latter has won.

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