ICSE Class 10 History and Civics Sample Question Papers with Answers 2022-2023

ICSE Class 10 History and Civics Sample Question Papers with Answers 2022-2023

ICSE Sample Papers for Class 10 with Answers

ICSE Class 10 Geography Sample Question Papers with Answers 2022-2023

ICSE Class 10 Geography Sample Question Paper with Answers 2022-2023

ICSE Sample Papers for Class 10 with Answers

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CS Foundation Business Environment and Entrepreneurship MCQ Questions with Answers

Business Environment and Entrepreneurship MCQ Questions with Answers CS Foundation

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Business Environment and Entrepreneurship Syllabus


1. Business Environment
2. Forms of Business Organisation
3. Scales of Business
4. Emerging Trends in Business
5. Business Functions


6. Introduction To Law
7. Elements of Company Law
8. Elements of Law Relating to Partnership
9. Elements of Law Relating to Contract
10. Elements of Law Relating to Sale of Goods
11. Elements of Law Relating to Negotiable Instruments


12. Entrepreneurship
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14. Growth & Challenges of Entrepreneurial Venture

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ICSE Class 10 Computer Application Sample Question Papers with Answers 2022-2023

ICSE Class 9 Geography Sample Question Paper 1 with Answers

ICSE Class 9 Geography Sample Question Paper 1 with Answers

(M.M : 80)
(2 Hours )

Genaral Instruction

  • Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately.
  • You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes.
  • This time is to be spent in reading the question paper.
  • The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.
  • Attempt Seven questions in all.
  • Part I is compulsory. All questions from Part I are to be attempted.
  • A total of five questions are to be attempted from Part II.
  • The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ].

Part -1 [30 Marks]
(Attempt all questions from this Part)

Question 1.
Answer the following questions briefly :
(a) Why die lines of longitudes are also called meridians ? [2]
(b) (i) What is meant by the inclination of the Earth’s axis ? [2]
(ii) At what angle is the Earth’s axis inclined ?
(c) State two differences between rocks and minerals. [2]
(d) Explain the following terms : [2]
(i) Exfoliation
(ii) Oxidation
(e)(i) What are Jet streams ? – [2]
(ii) State any one importance of Jet streams.
(f) Draw a well labeled diagram of orographic rainfall. [2]
(g) Name any two sources of soil pollution. [2]
(ii) State the impact of soil pollution on agricultural production.
(h) With the reference to the Natural regions of the. world answer the following : [2]
(i) Why does the Taiga region not exist in the Southern hemisphere?
(ii) Prairies are called the granaries of the world.
(i) How does the rotation of the earth influence the direction of the ocean currents? [2]
(j) (i) What is Coriolis Effect ? [2]
(ii) How does it affect the planetary winds ?
Answer 1.
(a) Longitudes are also known as meridians because in geographical sense, meridians are great circles which are not parallel to each other but intersect each other at the North and the South Poles. Same stands true of the longitudes.

(b) (i) This tilted position of the earth’s axis is known as inclination of the earth’s axis.
(ii) The earth’s axis makes an angle of about 66.5 degrees with the plane of its orbit
around the sun or about 23.5 degrees from the perpendicular to the ecliptic but this changes over long periods of time. The tilt of the axis varies between 22.1 and 24.5 degrees with a cycle averaging about 40,000 years.

(c) Two differences between rocks and minerals are :
1. A mineral is a solid formation that occurs naturally in the earth while a rock is a solid combination of more than one mineral which also occurs naturally.
2. A mineral has a unique chemical composition and is defined by its crystalline structure and shape. On the other hand, a rock can be composed of several minerals and it is classified according to the process of its formation.

(d) (i) Exfoliation is the term used to describe the peeling away of sheets of rock, millimeters to meters in thickness from a rock’s surface due to a range of physical and chemical processes during exhumation and weathering.

(ii) Oxidation .is the reaction of a substance with oxygen. This is the process that causes rust. When iron in rocks reacts with oxygen, it forms iron oxide, which weakens the rock. It is natural process of weathering.

ICSE Class 9 Geography Sample Question Paper 1 with Answers

(e) (i) Jet streams are like rivers of wind high above in the atmosphere. These slim strips of strong winds have a huge influence on climate, as they can push air masses around and affect weather patterns. Jet streams basically forms a border between hot and cold air.

(ii) Importance of jet stream are :
1. The location of the jet stream is extremely important for aviation.
2. They are useful in weather forecasting.

ICSE Class 9 Geography Sample Question Paper 1 with Answers.1
(g) (i) Agricultural chemicals and industrial wastes are the two importance sources of soil pollution.
(ii) The harmful chemicals present in the soil increase toxicity which reduces soil fertility and yield, thus soil becomes unfit for agriculture production.

(h) (i) Taiga region does not exist in the southern hemisphere because :
1. There isn’t enough land mass in the Southern hemisphere.
2. The climate in Southern hemisphere does not support coniferous plants.
(ii) The Prairies are called the ‘Granaries of the world’ because of the huge production of wheat in this region and fertility of soil.
(i) The rotation of the Earth are greatly influence by the direction of ocean currents. In the Northern hemisphere, wind and current are deflected toward the right, in the Southern hemisphere they are deflected to the left, this force of earth is known as coriolis force.

ICSE Class 9 Geography Sample Question Paper 1 with Answers

(j) (i) The rotation of the Earth causes an interesting phenomenon on free moving objects
on the Earth. Objects in the Northern hemisphere are deflected to the right, while objects in the Southern hemisphere are deflected to the left. The Coriolis Effect, thus, tries to force winds to shift towards the right or left.

(ii) The Coriolis Effect helps determine the direction of planetary or global winds by causing them to curve or deflect, as the Earth rotates. In the Northern hemisphere, winds curve to the right in the direction of motion. Air moving toward the equator curves to the west, while air moving away from the equator curves to the east.

Question 2.
On the outline World map mark and label the following :
(a) The Rockies [1]
(b) The Brazilian Highland (1]
(c) River Volga [1]
(d) Gulf of Mexico [1]
(e) Strait of Gibralter [1]
(f) Sea of Japan [1]
(g) South China Sea [1]
(h) The Canadian Shield [1]
(i) River Amazon [1]
(j) Shade and label the Equatorial region in the continent of Africa. [1]
ICSE Class 9 Geography Sample Question Paper 1 with Answers.2

Part – II [50 Marks]
(Attempt any five Questions from this Part)

Question 3.
(a) (i) Why are latitudes also called parallels of latitude? [2]
(ii) Why are all the lines of longitude of the same length?
(b) State two effects of the rotation of the earth. [2]
(c) Give geographical reason for each of the following : [3]
(i) Greater circles are the shortest routes between two places.
(ii) The Earth is a habitable planet.
(iii) Kuala Lumpur rotates faster on the Earth’s axis than London.
(d) Draw a neat labelled diagram showing the position of the Earth during solistiee. [3]
(a) (i) The lines that run from east to west are the lines of latitude. They are also called parallels because they are always at the same distance from each other. Lines of latitude are measured in degrees north and south of the equator.

(ii) Each line of longitude equals to the half of the circumference of the Earth because each extends from the North Pole to the South Pole forming semi-circle of equal. length at equal distance.

ICSE Class 9 Geography Sample Question Paper 1 with Answers

(b) The two effects of rotation of the Earth are:
1. Days and nights are caused.
2. Deflection of ocean currents are caused.

(c) (i) As the Earth is sphere in shape, Greater Circles is the 0° latitude passes through the center of the globe which is the shortest routes between two places.

(ii) Earth is the habitable planet, Earth is the only planet that supports life due to presence of sufficient sunlight, water, and climate which are helpful for existence of life.

(iii) The Earth rotates on its axis with a certain speed, and latitudinal differences make Earth rotate faster in Kuala Lampur than in London.

ICSE Class 9 Geography Sample Question Paper 1 with Answers.3

Question 4.
(a) What is the composition of the Earth’s Crust ? [2]
(b) (i) Differences between intermont plateau and volcanic plateau. [2]
(ii) Give an example of residual mountain and an example of depositional plain.
(c) Draw a neat labelled diagram of the Rock cycle. [3]
(d) Give a reason for each of the following : . [3]
(i) Igneous rocks are also called as Primary rocks.
(ii) Fossils are present in Sedimentary rocks.
(iii) The core of the Earth is in a semi-solid state.
(a) Earth’s crust is made up of two layers sial and sima.
Sial : It consist of solid or continental part of Earth’s crust.
Sima : It is the lower continuous layer.

(b) (i) When a plateau is covered by mountains on all sides it is called an intermon plateau. The Tibetin plateau, the Bolivian .plateau are the examples of the intermon plateau. Whereas, Volcanic plateaus are produced by the volcanic activity. Basically the lava which flows down from the volcano accumulates and forms a plateau. The Deccan plateau is an example of the volcanic plateau.

ICSE Class 9 Geography Sample Question Paper 1 with Answers

(ii) The harder rocks that stand out as highlands or hills, are called as the Residual Mountains. The mountain ranges of Norway, Sweden, the King of Africa, the Sierra of Spain, the Eastern Ghats, Western Ghats are example of residual mountains. Whereas, Depositional plains are formed by the deposition of materials brought by various agents of transportation such as rivers, wind, waves, and glaciers. The plains of Mississippi delta, Lombardi plains (Italy) formed by Po river, Yangtze plain (China,}, Indus plain (Ganga) are examples of depositional plains.

ICSE Class 9 Geography Sample Question Paper 1 with Answers.4

(d) (i) Igneous rocks are created from the cooling of molten magma/lava. All other rocks are derived from them, that is why igneous rocks are referred as parent rock or primary rocks.

(ii) Among the three major types of rock, fossils are commonly found in sedimentary rocks because’ unlike most igneous and metamorphic rocks, sedimentary rocks are formed at a temperature and pressures that do not destroy fossil remnants thus, fossils are present in sedimentary rock.

(iii) Core of the Earth is divided into two parts-outer core and inner core, in between the solid inner core and solid mantle of the Earth, there is a liquid layer which is more than 2,000 kilometers thick. Thus, the Earth core is semi-solid.

ICSE Class 9 Geography Sample Question Paper 1 with Answers

Question 5.
(a) Name any two types of volcanoes giving one example of each type. [2]
(b) Define the following terms : [2]
(i) Epicentre
(ii) Focus
(c) Give a geographical reason for each of the following : [3]
(i) Volcanic activity and earthquakes occur in the same belt.
(ii) All rivers do not form a delta.
(iii) Chemical weathering is more common in the tropical region.
(d) Explain the meaning of the following terms : [3]
(i) Deflation hollow
(ii) River meander
(iii) Block disintegration.
(a) Two types of volcanoes are :
1. Stratovolcanoes (Composite Volcanoes): Mayon, a stratovolcano in the Philippines.
2. Shield Volcanoes : Islands of the state of Hawaii

(b) (i) The point on the Earth’s surface vertically above the focus of an earthquake is called epicenter. It is the point nearest to the surface of Earth and marks the site where the quake is strongest.

(ii) The focus is also called the hypocenter of an earthquake. The vibrating waves travel away from the focus of the earthquake in all directions. The waves can be so powerful they will reach all parts of the Earth and cause it to vibrate like a tuning fork.

(c) (i) Volcanic activity and earthquakes occur in the same belts. It is because, the earthquakes and volcanoes are formed along the faults between tectonic plates, where the crust is weakest.

(ii) All rivers do not form a delta because, deltas are formed by the process of sedimentation in the river mouth, and this sedimentation occurs when water is flowing at a slow speed. Rivers which flow at a high speed do not form any delta. There are four rivers in India which do not form the deltas, because of their fast flow. They are Narmada, Sabarmati, Mahi and Tapti.

(iii) Tropical areas tend to experience rapid chemical weathering because they experience large amounts of consistent rainfall and constantly warm temperatures which increases the rates of chemical weathering. These conditions also encourage the decomposition of plant matter to produce chemicals such as humic acids and carbon dioxide which further accelerate process of chemical weathering.

ICSE Class 9 Geography Sample Question Paper 1 with Answers

(d) (i) Deflation hallow are enclosed depression produced by wind erosion. It may be found both in hot deserts, where wind may scour a hollow in relatively unconsolidated material, and in more temperate regions, where a protective vegetation cover has been removed by a sand dune.

(ii) A river meander is one of a series of regular sinuous curves, bends, loops, turns, or windings in the channel of a river, stream, or other water course. It is produced by a stream or river swinging from side to side as it flows across its floodplain or shifts its channel within a valley.

(iii) Block disintegration is common over well-jointed granit. In day time, intense solar heating causes rooks to expand. At night, the temperature falls down, rocks cool down and contract. This repeated expansion and contraction produce stress along joints.

Question 6.
(a) State four factors that affect the movement of the ocean currents. [2]
(b) Draw a neat and well labeled diagram showing the two types of tides. [2]
(c) Give a reason for each of the following. [3]
(i) Newfoundland has rich fishing grounds.
(ii) The eastern coast of Japan is warm even in January.
(iii) The tidal range differs from one water body to the other.
(d) State three ways in which oceans are important to us. [3]
(a) An ocean current is a continuous, directed movement of seawater. Factors affecting the movement of ocean current are the Rotation of Earth (Coriolis Force), forces acting via winds, temperature and salinity, planetary winds and land.

ICSE Class 9 Geography Sample Question Paper 1 with Answers.5

(c) (i) The Grand Banks of Newfoundland are a group of underwater plateaus south-east of Newfoundland on the North American continental shelf. Here cold Labrador Current mixes with the warm waters of the Gulf Stream. The Continental shelves due to their shallowness enable sunlight to penetrate through the water, which encourages the growth of minute plants and other microscopic organisms. Thus, they are rich in plankton growth on which millions of surface and bottom feeding fishes thrive. This makes it one of the largest fishing grounds of the world.

ICSE Class 9 Geography Sample Question Paper 1 with Answers

(ii) The climate varies greatly between the north and the south but generally winters are significantly milder and sunnier than those of the side that faces the Sea of Japan. Summers are hot due to the southeast seasonal wind. The warmest winter temperatures are found due to the combination of latitude, distance from the Asian mainland, and warming effect of winds from the Kuroshio, as well as the Volcano Islands. So, this is the reason for the eastern coast of Japan as it experiences warm even in January.

(iii) The tidal range is the vertical difference between the high tide and the succeeding low tide. Tides are the rise and fall of sea levels caused by the combined effects of the gravitational forces exerted by the Moon and the Sun and the rotation of the Earth.

(d) The following points prove the importance of oceans to us :
1. Biodiversity: Coral reefs, salt marshes, estuaries and mangrove and seagrass beds are just a few of the ocean environments which support a large number of different species of organisms – that is, have a high biodiversity.

2. Natural resources: The ocean floor habitat is not as well-known as coral reefs or coastal areas, but it is very important to all the organisms that live on the bottom (benthic organisms), as well as commercially important. The continental shelves and ocean floor are home to many important minerals, including oil and natural gas.

3. Transportation: Not only are oceans important to sustain life, but also for moving materials that we use. Without commercial ships and barges, transportation of goods from place to place would be difficult and expensive. Cities which have good natural harbors have always had an advantage, and even today are some of the largest cities in the world are beside the ocean.

4. Climate and weather: The oceans interact with and affect global weather and climate. As the air passes over warm waters, it rises due to warming. As it cools, condensation of the water creates rainfall.

Question 7.
(a) “Higher the latitude, lower is the temperature.[2]
Justify the statement with an example.
(b) (i) What is the cause of ozone depletion? [2]
(ii) State the impact of ozone depletion on human life.
(c) Give a reason for each of the following : [3]
(i) The snow on the slope of Himalayas in Nepal melt faster than that on the slope towards Tibet.
(ii) Tropical deserts have a large annual range of temperatures.
(iii) Equatorial regions have low atmospheric pressure throughout the year.
(d) Draw a neat labeled diagram of the structure of the Earth’s atmosphere. [3]
(a) At higher latitudes, the sun’s rays strike at a lower angle, which means that the solar energy is spread over a wider area. The amount of light hitting the two points are the same, but because it strikes the northern point at a lower angle than the southern point, it covers a greater area and has more spread out. As such, the heat is also more spread out as compared to the equator, resulting in it being relatively cooler.

(b) (i) The primary cause of ozone depletion is the presence of chlorine-containing source
gases (primarily CFCs and related halocarbons). In the presence of UV light, these gases dissociate, releasing chlorine atoms, which then go on to catalyze ozone destruction.

(ii) As ozone depletion is in the form of a ‘hole’ in the layer. This hole enables harmful ultraviolet rays to enter the Earth’s atmosphere. Ultraviolet rays of the Sun are associated with a number of health-related and environmental issues such as skin cancers, eye cataracts and a reduction in the ability to fight off disease. Furthermore, UV radiation can be damaging to microscopic life in the surface oceans which forms the basis of the world’s food chain.

(c) (i) The most important factor that makes snow in the Himalayas in Nepal melt faster than Tibet is due to climatic variations between two places.

(ii) The tropical desert has the highest mean annual temperature of climate on Earth. The high temperatures are a result of the high sun angles throughout the year and thus this area receives highest percentage of sunshine on Earth.

ICSE Class 9 Geography Sample Question Paper 1 with Answers

(iii) The Equatorial region have low atmospheric pressure throughout the year because Sun shines almost vertically on the equator throughout the year. As a result, the air gets warm and rises over the equatorial region and produces equatorial low pressure.

ICSE Class 9 Geography Sample Question Paper 1 with Answers.6

Question 8.
(a) Name the regions in which the following local winds blow : [2]
(i) Chinook
(ii) Mistral
(iii) Foehn
(iv) Loo
(b) (i) What are ‘doldrums”? [2]
(ii) Why is it so called?
(c) Draw a well labelled diagram of sea breeze. [3]
(d) Give a reason for each of the following : [3]
(i) Roaring forties and furious fifties are found in the Southern hemisphere.
(ii) Low atmospheric pressure prevails over the circum polar region.
(iii) Cyclones are always followed by anticyclones.
(a) (i) Chinook : Inland western North America, particularly the Rocky Mountain region.
(ii) Mistral : Rhone Valley to the Mediterranean.
(iii) Foehn : Northern side of the Alps and North Italy.
(iv) Loo : Western Indo-Gangetic Plain region of North India and Pakistan.

(b) (i) Doldrums are the the regions surrounding the Earth, north of the equator. They are areas where there is absolutely no air movement and an intense low pressure exists. It is believed that the ships sailing through this region gets stuck for weeks if they do not have sufficient sail power to move them forward.
(ii) As in this region, sailors noticed the stillness in the blowing air because of which this region has got a depressing name “doldrums.”

ICSE Class 9 Geography Sample Question Paper 1 with Answers.7

(d) (i) Roaring forties and furious fifties are found in Southern hemisphere because the Southern hemisphere is less obstructed by land mass than its Northern counterpart. There is more open water between land masses and the winds get to set their own rules.

ICSE Class 9 Geography Sample Question Paper 1 with Answers

(ii) These belts located between 60° and 70° in each hemisphere are known as Circum Polar Low Pressure Belts. In the Sub-Tropical region the descending air gets divided into two parts. One part blows towards the Equatorial Low Pressure Belt. The other part blows towards the Circum-Polar Low Pressure Belt. This zone is marked by ascent of warm Sub-Tropical air over cold polar air blowing from poles. Due to Earth’s rotation, the winds surrounding the Polar region blow towards the Equator. Centrifugal forces operating in this region create the low pressure belt appropriately called Circum-Polar Low Pressure Belt. This region is marked by violent storms in winter.

(iii) A cyclone and anticyclone are systems of winds that rotate around a center of low atmospheric pressure and high atmospheric pressure respectively. Cyclones (known as lows) generally are indicators of rain, clouds, and other forms of bad weather. Anticyclones (highs) are predictors of fair weather.

Winds in a cyclone blow anticlockwise in the Northern hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern hemisphere. Winds in an anticyclone blow just the opposite. Vertical air movements are associated with both cyclones and anticyclones. In cyclones, air close to the ground is forced inward toward the center of the cyclone, where pressure is lowest. It then begins to rise upward, expanding and cooling in the process.

This cooling increases the humidity of the rising air, which results in cloudiness and high humidity in the cyclone. In anticyclones, the situation is reversed. Air at the center of an anticyclone is forced away from the high pressure that occurs there. That air is replaced in the center by a downward draft of air from higher altitudes. As this air moves downward, it is compressed and warmed. This warming reduces the humidity of the descending air, which results in few clouds and low humidity in the anticyclone.

ICSE Class 9 Geography Sample Question Paper 1 with Answers

Question 9.
(a) Distinguish between absolute and relative humidity. [2]
(b) (i) Name the type of rainfall experienced in Equatorial region. [2]
(ii) State two characteristic features of rainfall mentioned by you.
(c) (i) How is dew formed? [3]
(ii) How is frost different from, dew?
(iii) Why is fog commonly formed in the winter season?
(d) Give the reason for each of the following : [3]
(i) A rain shadow area is generally dry.
(ii) Frontal rain is common in mid latitudes.
(iii) Conventional rainfall is also called 4 o’ clock rainfall.
(a) Absolute humidity is the measure of water vapor (moisture) in the air, regardless of temperature. It is expressed as grams of moisture per cubic meter of air (g/m3) whereas Relative humidity also measures water vapour but relative to the temperature of the air. It is expressed as the amount of water vapour in the air as a percentage of the total amount that could be held at its current temperature. Warm air can hold far more moisture than cold air meaning that the relative humidity of cold air would be far higher than warm air if their absolute humidity levels were equal. Relative humidity is cited in weather forecasts as it affects how we “feel” temperature.

ICSE Class 9 Geography Sample Question Paper 1 with Answers

(b) (i) Conventional rainfall is the type of rainfall experienced in equatorial region.
(ii) Two features of conventional rainfall are :
1. As the warm air rises, it cools, and the moisture present in it condenses to form clouds-altostratus clouds. This rain falls steadily for a few hours to a few days.
2. This type of rainfall is accompained by thunder and lightning but does not last long.

(c) (i) Dew drops are formed due to condensation of water vapours, this process depends on the temperature. The temperature at which droplets are formed is called the dew point.

(ii) Frost forms in the same way as dew except it occurs when the dewpoint is below freezing point. The moisture goes straight from a gas to a solid. But, if the moisture goes from a gas to a liquid and to a solid, the result will be frozen dew.

(iii) Fog is simply when clouds form at zero altitude above ground level. This is more likely to happen at times of high pressure in winter as wind speeds are so low that the fog cannot clear. On a clear winter’s night, the ground cools substantially, cooling the air in immediate contact with it so it reaches the dewpoint the temperature at which water vapour in the air condenses into tiny droplets. The air above the surface- cloud layer (i.e. fog) is slightly warmer. This is called an inversion.

(d) (i) A rain shadow is a dry area on the side of a mountain opposite to the wind. It is called as the dry side of the mountain or the leeward side because mountains block the passage of rain producing wine and cast a shadow of dryness behind them.

ICSE Class 9 Geography Sample Question Paper 1 with Answers

(ii) Frontal rain causes when two air masses meet, one a warm air mass and one a cold air mass. This happens in mid-latitude region where the cold air masses coming from the polar regions meet the warm air masses from sub-tropical regions.

(iii) Conventional rainfall is termed as 4′ Q clock rainfall because such kind of rainfall caused by upliftment of air due to high temperature in equatorial region. Due to intense heating in this region air starts rising as a result of this by noon the sky becomes overcast with clouds and torrential rain occurs in afternoon.

Question 10.
(a) Explain how industrial waste and vehicular emissipn act as the source of air pollution. [2]
(b) Which health hazards are associated with radioactive waste? [2]
(c) (i) What is organic farming? [3]
(ii) Why is this form farming gaining popularity in recent times?
(d) Discuss how individuals may reduce energy consumption to create a cleaner and eco-friendly world. [3]
(a) The factories produce a lot of waste every day and they are dumping their chemical and other waste wherever they want and polluting the air, water, and land. It causes the soil pollution and climate change which are dangerous for earth’s biodiversity. Outdoor air pollution is caused mainly by the combustion of petroleum products or coal by motor vehicles, industry, and power stations.

(b) Exposure to large amounts of radioactivity can cause nausea, vomiting, hair loss, and diarrhea and hemorrhage, destruction of the intestinal lining, central nervous system damage, and death. It also causes DNA damage and raises the risk of cancer, particularly in young children and fetuses.

(c) (i) Organic farming is a method of farming that involves production and maintenance of crops without the use of pesticides, fertilizers, genetically modified organisms, antibiotics and growth hormones.

(ii) Organic farming is gaining popularity because of the following reasons:

  • Organic Farming discourages environmental exposure to pesticides and chemicals.
  • Organic Fanning builds healthy soil.
  • Organic Farming helps combat erosion.
  • Organic Farming fights the effects of global warming.
  • Organic Farming supports water conservation and water health.

(d) Individuals can reduce energy consumption to create a cleaner and eco-friendly world in the following ways :
1. Unplug the appliances when they’re not in use.
2. Buy appliances with a good energy rating.
3. Pick the right washing machine.
4. Choose an energy-efficient fridge.
5. Insulate the roof or ceiling.
6. Seal the chimney with a damper.
7. Avoid installing down lights.

ICSE Class 9 Geography Sample Question Paper 1 with Answers

Question 11.
(a) Why are the tropical deserts found along the western margins of the continents? [2]
(b) Name the economic activities practiced in the tropical grasslands. [2]
(c) Give a reason for each of the following : [3]
(i) “The Equatorial region is also called the lungs of the world.”
(ii) The trees found in the Mediterranean region have long roots and thick barks.
(iii) Tundra region has a low annual range of temperature.
(d) (i) What type of climate is experienced in the north-western part of Europe? [3]
(ii) What is the human response to the typical climate of this region?
(a) Most of the world’s deserts are found on the western margins of continents in the subtropics because the prevailing winds in this region are tropical easterly winds. The tropical easterly winds become dry by the time they reach the western margins of the continents and so they bring no rainfall.

(b) Tropical Grassland (Savanna Biome) since the prehistoric time is a forests dominated the surface of the earth. The main occupations are agriculture including subsistence farming, livestock and nomadic herding.

(c) (i) Equatorial regions are often called the “lungs of the planet” because this region is
characterised tropican rainforests which have heavey growth of natural vegetation, here trees are tall and broad leaved and evergreen, they generally draw in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen. The amount of carbon dioxide they absorb, is very high thus they are called lungs of planet.

(ii) Mediterranean trees adapt themselves to dry summers with the help of their thick barks and wax coated leaves which help them reduce transpiration. Also, here the plants have long tap roots to reach underground water, called “Xerophytes’ Plants”. Mediterranean regions are known as ‘Orchards of the world’.

ICSE Class 9 Geography Sample Question Paper 1 with Answers

(iii) Tundra region has a very low range of temperature because of very little difference in day and night temperatures but the annual range is quite large. This region experiences very low mean annual temperature for most part of the year temperature is below freezing point. The severe climate does not favor much vegetation growth and hence most of the areas under Tundra climate remain barren land.

(d) (i) The climate of Europe varies from subtropical to polar. The Mediterranean climate of the south is dry and warm. The western and northwestern parts have a mild,generally humid climate, influenced by the North Atlantic Drift. In central and eastern Europe the climate is of’ the humid continental-type with cool summers.

ICSE Class 9 Geography Sample Question Paper 1 with Answers

(ii) Water plays a crucial role in the lives and economic activity of the people in this region. Most of north-western Europe lies within 300 miles of a sea or coast; many people depend on the rivers for transportation, trade, and recreational activities.

ICSE Class 9 Geography Question Papers with Answers

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ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Papers with Answers 2021-2022

ICSE Class 9 Biology Sample Question Paper with Answers 2021-2022

ICSE Sample Papers for Class 9 with Answers